What's that face?

Love's Blind #3 Taoris

Tao held the wushu stick to his body protectively as Kris advanced closer to him. He knew that devilish smirk that was plastered upon the older boys lips and he wasn't having any of Kris gege's teasing and mocking he was tired of being verbally abused by the older. It unnerved him that Kris was not at all threatened by him and his martial arts skills but that in most probability was because I've never used any of it on him seeing as he is my gege and I need to respect that. Tao took a step backwards when Kris came towards him surrounded by a dark aura. The older boy chuckled darkly as he continued to back the younger against the wall.

“Gege, why are you doing this?” Tao asked with a straight and unwavering voice looking Kris dead in the eye. The others eyes sized the smaller boy up and he walked quicker and took Tao off guard when he kicked the wall beside him and then trapped him by gripping both of his shoulder tightly.

“Tao, why are you always such a curious little boy?” Kris asked in a breathy whisper as he trailed his fingers down Tao's sharp cheek lines. His eyes flashing from black to silver brown. Tao gulped nervously however he regained his composure as he pushed Kris with all of his strength and they both stared wide eyed as Kris fell three feet away from where he was originally standing.

“You little...” Kris ground his teeth together and walked closer to the boy however Tao had a new found confidence, he realized he was physically stronger than Kris and the only thing the older boy had against him was verbal threats.

“What are you going to do gege, hurt me? Oooh I'm so scared.” Tao sneered sauntering over to the other side of the room after picking up his wushu stick. Tao then proceeded to strip himself of his shirt attempting to change into a clean one however he was unaware of the eyes peeled on his pale white skin. Kris walked soundlessly over to the maknae and wrapped his arms around Tao's waist hugging him closely.

“Tao, gege wants you.” Kris breathed against Tao's bare skin which caused a tingle down the younger boys skin. Tao turned around him Kris's embrace to stare at him with wide eyes, Kris decided to use this advantage against the boy and began to kiss his chest sweetly but Tao pushed him away again and grabbed his bag running out of the practice room gasping and panting when he answered the room sweat sticking to his skin in the thin sheen.

“What the heck just happened?” He asked himself as he grabbed a towel and entered the bathroom and turned the water onto cold to cool down his sickeningly warm body. He thought back to Kris's actions and grimaced in horror. His gege was just trying to trick him to make him go weak so that he could find a soft spot in Tao and then use it against him. He was not going to allow that to happen.

When Tao sauntered out of the shower thoroughly refreshed he was surprised to see Luhan, Minseok and Yixing crowded around Minseok and Kris's room. He could hear hushed voices some were anxious and worried while others were comforting and caring. He walked closer to the scene yet made it so that none of them noticed his presence as he looked in on what was happening and tried to listen to what was being said.

“Chennie... I don't know what I did wrong?” Kris whined as he held Chen close and cuddled up against him. Tao stared in shock never having seen the leader be that touchy with anyone other than himself and it was definitely one sided on his part. He gaped even more when he saw Minseok pick up Kris's hand and hold it in his own and hug the leader closely.

“Kris, you most likely did nothing wrong, you know how he is.” Minseok said and ruffled Kris's hair comfortingly. The boys at the door sighed as they watched the scene.

“Hyung just give him time, I'm sure he'll realize you mean nothing bad when you corner him like a mouse, I mean you can't help it but seem threatening.” Yixing exclaimed half exasperatedly half teasingly.

“Yah I resent that! I am not a cat, I mean just because I want him doesn't mean I view him as prey. What am I a cat?” Kris asked huffing and lifting his eyebrow questioningly.

Tao couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. Kris was being undeniably adorable at the moment no matter how hard Tao hated to admit it. All eyes turned towards him and his eyes went wide in horror, god he's been caught. He looked at Kris who had stilled in the two boys arms and his eyes were flashing and looked quite threatening when they were plastered at him.

“Oh now I see it.” Tao thought to himself mentally laughing, that's supposed to be a look of adoration or something.

Tao walked into the room and grabbed Kris's hand forcefully as he lifted Kris out of the room bridal style while managing to keep his towel on his body. Kris punched Tao's shoulder as his cheeks sported a bright red and his voice sputtered curses at the younger boy. All the other members laughed at the two and watched them in envy wishing they could be that happy.

“Yah DON'T BE TOO LOUD!” Luhan yelled after the two and had two pairs of arms whacking him upside the head.

“Gege shut it.” Yixing growled at Luhan and shook his head and went to go sit with Minseok and Chen.

In Tao's room Tao dropped Kris onto the bed and looked at him expectantly.

“What?” Kris asked unnerved by the younger boys stare. He curled into himself and after a minute or so shoved his body underneath Tao's blanket out of embarrassment and was then attacked by the sent of Tao. His blood boiled and his face heated up and he threw the blanket off of him as though in a panic. Tao watched this all his humour clouding his eyes.

“Hyung I think we both know what I want, and I think you are absolutely adorable right now.” Tao said as he leaned down onto the bed and pulled Kris into his lap and Kris covered his face with his hands unable to stand being treated like a kid.

“Let me down now Tao.” He growled threateningly but Tao knew better his gege's threats were all empty.

“Why gege? I know you want to be here.” Tao whispered into his ear and kissed the older boys cheek as he nuzzled Kris's neck. Kris shivered as he gripped Tao's hands trying to pry them off of himself.

“Yah! I am not a kid.” He exclaimed indignantly, however it did not work out as though he planned seeing as in the next instant Tao burst out laughing.

“Gege, this is why I love you. You pretend to be strong, threatening leader however you are just a big softy aren't I right. I mean you've always been nice to everyone except me, but that's because you love me isn't it?” Tao asked as he grabbed Kris's waist pulling him to him again. Kris nodded his head and ducked his head down hoping that Tao wouldn't notice that his whole upper body had a pink flush to it.

“Good because I kind of find it hot, especially when you had me up against the wall. I just wanted to throw you down and have my way with you.” Tao exclaimed whispering intimately into Kris's ear. The older boy gasped and looked at Tao with wide eyes.

“I'm not going to say I'm joking or lying because it's true gege.” Tao said as he kissed Kris's lips and lied him down upon the bed.

“I'm going to the bathroom to get dressed now.” Tao said and got up leaving the room as Kris looked after him with a menacing stare but in reality it was just his way of showing the younger boy he cared and loved him.

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exogreenhulahoop #1
Chapter 1: kkkkk such a twist...cute kris
Chapter 1: I can't hold it anymore *rolling around*
When Kris acts like this,,I just..*faint*
LOVE_123 #3
Dominant Tao is so hot like *fans*
Great work <3
KidTabi #4
Chapter 1: I love it... There should be more stories with a more dominate Tao it fits him soo well
Kris was just too CUTE for WORDS
Kyu00minnie #5
Finally I finish reading it~

So far it's a really cute story... I like the way pull out Kris and Taos personality! They are really cute together~
I will read all the following stories C;
Chapter 1: XD OMG its legit taoris haha kris is adorable~~
Chapter 1: cute.. cuteee
Chapter 1: Awwww taoris so cute ^^
Also, love how you implied that it truely is TaoRis and not KrisTao :)
Kyu00minnie #9
SPOT first~

I just want to tell you, that I am on to read... I just read your fanfiction after work tomorrow!
But I can't wait to read the first chapter ^^