69 ;)

warm and cold


A week has passed and I was fully recovered. Today is the day that Jongin and I are going a trip. Jongin didn't tell me anything about where we are going and everything has already been arranged for me. Now, we are on our way to the airport and Jongin is still holding my passport, not letting me know any details regarding this trip. "Oppa, where are we going?" "Why, to the airport, of course." Jongin said while giving out that naughty smile. I rolled my eyes and pinched him. "Ow ow ow! What was that for? I'm driving here!" "That's what you get for making me frustrated." I stuck my tongue out and he only laughed. He ruffled my hair and said, "Be patient, my love. This is a suprise present for you." I could only chuckle and decided to be patient. Besides, I like suprises anyway. After we reached the airport, Jongin went to check in our luggage and whatnot while I was busy trying to contact my parents, brothers and even Jihye. "Why aren't they answering any of my calls? This is so weird." I tried calling Baekhyun oppa and Chanyeol oppa but of course, I was directed straight to their mailboxes. "Did everyone decide to be busy today? Seriously." I let out a sigh as I wanted to at least say goodbye to them before I leave for God knows how long. "Don't frown too much, you're gonna get old real quick." Jongin then decided to make me smile but pinching my cheeks. "Now, why is my princess here sad huh?" "Itsh nothing" I said as he was still pulling my cheeks. He looked over to my phone realising that I was trying to call my parents, brothers and Jihye. "They're not answering?" "Huh? Oh, no.." I said sadly and he put an arm around me, somewhat hugging me. "It's okay, try calling them when we arrive later." I let out a sigh and agreed while Jongin decided to take me along and walk around the airport before our flight. We went to the duty free shops there and he kept making reservations for few items that he wants to buy but will have them delivered to the house later. We decided to have a drink before going to the required gates for our departure. I was still trying to reach my family and Jihye but failed as they didn't read it nor replied. "Still trying?" Jongin asked while sipping his drink. "Yup but nobody is replying. seriously, where is everyone?! Do you know anything about this?" Jongin immediately denied and even though I'm skeptical of him, I decided to shake it off. "Don't worry about it. They're probably in a tight schedule today." "When am I allowed to know where we're going? Pleaseeeee I want to know." I made cute faces, puppy eyes but he's still not telling me even though he usually surrenders the moment I did those. "You'll know soon. Be patient, young one." "Don't go all wisdom-ish at me now." I said as I pulled his cheeks. "Alright, let's go. We have 10 minutes before the gates will be opened." He said as he grabbed my hand and interwined our fingers. "Just be assured that I'm not abandoning you or whatsoever, okay?" He said as he kissed my forehead making me blush. "Alright." We then went board on the plane and somehow Jongin managed to make me go in without knowing where we're going. He seemed to have planned this all along but oh well. "Listen to the announcement. That will give you a more than enough hint as to where we're going." Jongin said as he closed his eyes, getting ready to doze off.  "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard to Korean Air. Our destination today is Tokyo, Japan and this journey will take us an approximately an hour and 41 mins to arrive. Enjoy your time in this flight and please follow the security procedures. Thank you." I tugged Jongin's arm and he looked at me. "We're going to Japan?! Ohmygod! It's been a while since I went there! Thank you so much!" I kissed him and laughed while saying, "You know, maybe we should go more on suprise trips. I could get used to your kisses." We laughed and he kissed me again on the lips while letting me lean my head on his arm. "You should sleep. You're gonna need a lot of energy later." "What are we going to do?" "Oh, you'll see." 

I was woken up to eat and didn't sleep after. As we landed, we took our luggages and there was a car waiting for us. Turns out to be Jongin's men in Japan. I tried calling my family but still, nobody answered. "It's okay. Let's go eat first okay?" Jongin comforted me telling me he'll call them soon. We went around and shopped after lunch. As we were walking around, we passed by a bridal shop and Jongin insisted on going in. "We don't even know when's our wedding! It's still far ahead!" I protested but Jongin was really persistent, telling me we can just get the idea of what kind of dress I would want to wear for the wedding. There was this one fitted and flowy dress which had lace all over it that caught my eye but I didn't show it to Jongin as he said, "It's for you to have an idea on what kind of dress you want so, I don't really have to see it." "He is so confusing." I sighed as the helper laughed and said that we are such a cute couple. 

When we reached the hotel, Jongin booked us different rooms which made me curious. "Why are we sleeping in different bedrooms?" "Well, I don't want to pounce on you because...yeah." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Man stuff." He rubbed his neck sheepishly and I only blushed thinking he's having THAT time of the month. I mean, boys will also have their time of the month which is very different from us girls because our time of the month is our period..but whatever. I shook it off and then as I went in, Mom and Mother-in-law were there. "Mom? Mother-in-law? What are you doing here?" I ran towards them and gave them a hug "Oh, I'm sorry dear! We wanted to suprise you!" "That's right. We thought it would be nice to suprise you and well, we're having dinner together tonight!" "Hey, don't forget about me now!" I heard a voice that sounded like Jihye and as I turned around, it was indeed her and we had our own bear hug going on. "I missed you! Why didn't you tell me that you're here?" "It's a suprise for you!" We had a little chat but it was cut short as I was told to get ready but with blindfolds on. "Jongin wants to suprise you so just go along with it. He prepared so much especially for you." I went along with it and felt awkward but giddy aas to what Jongin has in stored for me. All I remember was going into a car with my mothers and Jihye. As we reached the venue, Mom, Mother-in-law and Jihye kept telling me that I looked so beautiful and they sort of sounded like they were on the verge of crying. I laughed and asked why are they so emotional but they kept saying it's nothing and that it's just an overwhelming moment because we haven't seen each other for a while. I felt a hand holding me and I quickly recognised it was Dad's hand. "Dad?" "Yes? You look so beautiful tonight. My princess is all grown up. Time flies really fast." "Why are you tearing up, Dad?" I laughed and figured, "Yup, Dad is always emotional whenever I wear dresses." As we were walking, I could feel the wind and flowers hitting my face which made Dad laughed and said I looked miserable but he gently took those flowers off from me. "Open your eyes, princess." My dad said and when I opened my eyes, I saw everyone there, from our families, my brothers, EXO,Jihye and Jongin. But I also saw  a priest there. I was speechless and I looked over at my dad who was smiling from ear to ear. "May the guests stand up to welcome our lovely bride?" I heard the priest said that and I saw my mom holding her tears while looking very happy. "Well then. Shall we walked down the aisle, princess?" Dad said as he put his right arm out. "We shall." I happily hold his arm. As we walked down the aisle, Jihye was tearing up, EXO was smiling and winking at me, my brothers smiling and whispered how beautiful I looked, both mothers crying and Jongin giving out the happiest and heartwarming smile while blushing a little. As my dad gave me away, he hugged Jongin and kissed my cheeks, holding his tears back. Jongin looked at me and said, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on." 

We said our vows. Well, mine was spontaneous but I managed to create a few sentences and soon, the long awaited question was asked. "Do you, Kim Jongin, take Lee Suyoung as your lovely wife?" "I do." The priest then looked over at me, "Do you, Lee Suyoung, take Kim Jongin as your husband?" "I do." I said as I held the tears in. "Well, then, you may kiss the bride, young man." "Finally." Jongin said as he cupped my face. With that, we started the new chapter in our lives with a kiss. Everyone was clapping for us and Jongin then, carried me bridal style and said, "Well, should we have a little fun for a moment before the reception, Mrs Kim?" He said as he gave a wink with a smirk. I laughed and Seung Hyun oppa was shouting from the back saying. "WAIT TILL THE RECEPTION IS OVER, YOU PUNK" 

 "I love you forever and always." That was one of our vows that we were sure that nobody can break it. Till death tear us apart but even so, I'm sure our love will continue on hereafter. And that was how I managed to melt this cold hearted person's heart within 10 months.

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Chapter 83: its a beautiful story authornim
Chapter 83: Haha the dialogues are daebak. Awesome story!!!!
Chapter 83: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! was very beautiful story author-nim!!!! Congrats !!! :)
Jjkyungp #4
Chapter 83: It's so goodddddd!!!! I hope you write the sequel about Kai and suyoung family having a childddddd!!!! ><great job authornimmmmmm :) I really enjoyed it
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 81: It's so good!!! I was hoping for some extreme action with Kai doing something scary to woo bin and gaeul, but I guess you were really busy to write about it^^ nevertheless, The story is great!! I really enjoyed it :) great job authornim :D
_xiuhan_28 #6
Chapter 81: aww it was soo good. ^^ I read this in one day :):):) but I wish it was a little longer :D anticipating ur new stories author-nim :)
megamax #7
Chapter 79: Good luck on your studies! I will always waiting for your update. :)
Chapter 79: I'm still waiting for you authornim ^^ good luck with your studies okeey, so take your time
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 78: No problem studies are way more important. .so take your time.
Chapter 78: Goodluck sis. I trully understand u, since that im gonna be spm candidate next year n its freaking me out just by thinking of it