If You Knew What You do

If You Knew What You do
Jonghyun grabbed a stack of papers and straightened them before putting them into his messenger bag. That was just one of the five stacks of papers that needed to be graded. He sighed in defeat and checked the time. It was five in the afternoon and he was stuck at school on a Friday. Wonderful. Jonghyun rubbed his temples and resumed grading papers.

"Working hard?" A playful voice came from the doorway of Jonghyun's classroom. He looked over and saw that it was one of his students, Kibum. The younger boy was leaned against the doorframe, a sly smirk on his lips. "Shouldn't you be out drinking?" Kibum tossed his head back and laughed dramatically. "Oh teacher, I don't do that." Jonghyun gave him a sideways glance. "Hmmph, somehow I don't believe you. But your personal life is none of my business." Jonghyun turned back to grading papers. 

Key entered the room and closed the door. The metallic clicking of the door lock resonated through the room. "Or is it?" 

When Jonghyun looked up again, he saw Kibum's face in front of his. "Grading papers? How boring." Jonghyun laughed softly. "That's what professors do." Kibum rolled his eyes and shrugged. "But it's Friday, don't you have anything fun to do?" Jonghyun shook his head. "Nope. Looks like I'll be stuck here grading papers for the rest of the weekend." Kibum shrugged. "I could be stuck here too." Jonghyun clicked his tongue and sat back in his chair. "No, Kibum, that won't do. I'd much rather have you studying for the finals. They're a week from now, you know." Kibum frowned. "What if I need extra help? Maybe...the professor's help?" 

Jonghyun put his pen down. It didn't seem like Kibum was going anywhere anytime soon. He scooted away from the desk a little and put his hands behind his head. "Kibum, why are you here?" The younger came around the desk and stood in front of Jonghyun. "Well, isn't it obvious?" Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. "What?" Kibum rolled his eyes, that smirk returning to his lips. "You're so dense. How are you supposed to educate people?" Jonghyun's eyes narrowed at the sly insult. "I could be getting things done right now. If you'd leave." Kibum stepped forward and put one knee on one side of Jonghyun's hip and a hand on one of Jonghyun's shoulder. "Hyung, stop being stupid." Kibum fully straddled the elder's hips and stared him dead in the eye. "Are we gonna do this or not?" Jonghyun's eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't ask you to come here." Kibum shrugged. "Well I'm here now." 

Kibum placed his lips over Jonghyun's and dared him to take over. The older complied and slipped his tongue inside Kibum's mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance and their hands roamed for shirt hems. The ticking of time passing seemed amplified. The setting sun was an orange flood over the floor. Kibum's body was hot and Jonghyun wanted to. Jonghyun pressed his hand to the younger's crotch and rubbed slightly. It was going all too fast. 

Jonghyun pulled away. "Key-" "Hyung! Why do you always do this?" Jonghyun shrugged. "It's just...we're still in the classroom-" "So?" Jonghyun stared at Kibum with a sudden suspicion. "Have you...?" Kibum rolled his eyes. "Don't be stupid." Jonghyun grabbed Kibum's wrist and squeezed. "Don't talk to your professor that way." Kibum smirked and kissed Jonghyun again. "What are you gonna do if I do?" Kibum dared, breathless. Jonghyun narrowed his eyes. "Get on the desk." 

Kibum pushed his pants down and slipped them off his feet. Jonghyun struggled with his zipper but took notice of Kibum's agility. "What's with the eagerness?" Kibum clicked his tongue. "I want to face you." He helped Jonghyun with his pants and pushed them to his ankles. Jonghyun hesitated for a moment, making Kibum worry a little. "Aish, I don't have a with me." Kibum shook his head. "It's fine, hyung." Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I mean I don't wanna-" "Are you implying something?" Jonghyun felt the tension rise. He had always wondered about Kibum, given his familiarity with situations like these, but he didn't mean to insinuate that right now. "No, I just-" Kibum waved him off. "Whatever. It's just this once." After a few moments Jonghyun nodded.  "You're right." 

Jonghyun gripped Kibum's thighs and held them as he drove into the younger boy. Kibum arched his back a let a moan fall from his lips. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's neck, pulling him closer. Jonghyun took the initiative to pepper Kibum's neck with kisses and small bites with his teeth. Another moan fell, this time from both. Kibum felt his nearing with every and he slid his hand down his torso to grab himself. He pumped a few times before his hand was replaced by Jonghyun's. The elder timed his with his s and Kibum couldn't help but moan. "Jonghyun...." He breathed as he shut his eyes and spilled his seed all over his stomach and chest. Jonghyun moaned and in a few more times before coming as well, slowing his s to ride out his . Kibum grabbed Jonghyun's face and pulled him so that their lips could meet. "I love you." He whispered in between soft kisses. Jonghyun simply smiled faintly.   

Jonghyun pulled up his jeans and left Kibum spread on his desk. The younger grabbed a tissue to clean himself before quickly putting on his jeans. "Jonghyun." The teacher absently messed with his hair and turned away. Kibum hopped off the desk and moved to stand in front of Jonghyun. His eyes were somewhere distant, not wanting to focus here. "Jonghyun, look at me." Reluctantly, Jonghyun looked at Kibum. The younger put his hands on either side of Jonghyun's face and pulled him close. "I said I love you." Jonghyun nodded weakly and pushed Kibum's hands away. 

Kibum's jaw dropped. "You don't have anything to say? I /said I love you!" Jonghyun shrugged. "What am I supposed to say?" Kibum's eyes widened. "How about you say it back!" Jonghyun didn't say anything. Kibum grabbed Jonghyun's arm but he was shaken off. "So that's it? That's all I am to you? A quick on a Friday night?" Jonghyun threw his hands up. "What am I supposed to think? You come at me for no reason at all and decided you want to do it. We've only known each other like this for a couple of weeks." Key's surprise turned to anger. "You think I do this with everyone." Jonghyun shrugged. "No ? Really? What inexperienced person says okay to that one." Kibum pushed Jonghyun away. "I can't believe you! I was just trying to show you how much I loved you!"Jonghyun's mouth pressed into a fine line. "No one asked you to." 

Kibum felt like punching Jonghyun. He felt the anger pool and collect in his fists and he was shaking slightly. Tears were also welling up in his eyes, making him feel weak. "You're right, Jonghyun. No one asked me to. Certainly not you. I'll be dropping your class Monday morning. I don't care if I don't get credit." Key his heels and silently walked towards the door. Jonghyun watched after him, feeling a strange mixture of triumph and guilt. 

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Thank you for the love! :)
LittleMissKpop #2
Such a cute story ^^
@Kaname: I see what you mean lol. But I just didn't know how to end it. It was kind of rushed. I will definitely contemplate a sequel, since it seems fitting for this story :)
I liked the story but the ending is a little out of place. I too don't likes clichés but sometime it's needed. That ending makes the story unfinished in my opinion . .<br />
Maybe a sequel? :p
Yeah, well, I don't write happy endings because I hate clichés :C