As A Sister or As A Woman?

As A Sister or A Woman?

A Sister or A Woman? [One-Shot]




“The cartel has found their new target”

Kyuhyun raised his head as he heard the new information. It was the third day since the agency has been giving him off days. Kyuhyun, the talented secret agent, once again had to accept the mission. Missions come without telling, which pissed him off.

“Really? This fast?” Kyuhyun groaned as he got up from the bed as he called his boss. “I just have my day-off for like three days, I haven’t even go anywhere for vacation”

Sorry, Cho. We never thought the target was found so fast” his boss said. “The file, I already sent to your laptop. We’ll have a video-chat, so you better get ready

“Alright, Inspector Choi” he nodded as he turned off the phone. He quickly took shower and had breakfast, before he attend the video-chat with his boss, Choi Siwon.

“So who’s the new target?” he asked as he sipped his milk.

Your noona” he answered. “She was the only witness in that robbery in Berlin, right? And the Interpol only caught the ones who’s going in the robbery. The rest of them are spreaded around China and Korea. She also almost got caught by the cartel, but apparently she has been saved by the Interpol. She’ll be sent home to Seoul today

“How did she get involved?” Kyuhyun looked surprised. “Why you’re not informing me earlier? Since its about my Noona, I think you can made it earlier”

Your Noona didn’t tell you? Seriously?” Siwon asked, his eyebrows furrowed. Then he remembered you, his step sister. You are not the type who likes to be worried by everyone else, especially your brother Kyuhyun.

“She should’ve told me” Kyuhyun sighed. “When should I pick her up?”

This afternoon” Siwon said. “We’ll track the cartel, and you’re going to keep an eye on her. Since she’s the witness, she must be the next target

“I’ll pick her up then” he answered. “Its been a long time, and I missed her”

Good” Siwon smiled. “I’m glad to see you two reunite

“Thanks” Kyuhyun said before he ended the video call.


You smiled as you looked around the airport. You want this to be a surprise for the Cho Family. You smiled as you missed everything. Especially Kyuhyun. Your brother, who you loved in a way that other sister don’t. Ever since you’re in Germany, you missed him so much. You always fail in dating other boys, because you talked about your brother too much. But on the other hand, you tried to suppress your feeling, trying not to cross the limit and being realistic at the same time. You sighed, knowing that you only remained brother and sister.


You turned back and you found Kyuhyun. You almost not recognize him. You gasped, not believing on what you saw.

“Kyuhyun...” you slowly said. “You have gone much...”

“Taller? Cooler? Cuter?” Kyuhyun smirked like he always do.

“Yeah, I hate to admit that” you said. “I was about to make a surprise arrival for you, Kyu! How do you know I’m here?”

“Brother instinct” Kyuhyun answered. “Come on, we better go now”

You sensed something wrong. Your sister instinct is still alive even after a few years. “What’s with the rush anyway?” she asked.

Kyuhyun answered with the typical answer. “Well, Mom and Dad must be waiting” Kyuhyun answered as they hopped onto the car.

They didn’t know that someone was watching them.


“So ____, how was Germany?”

Her Dad asked as they had their family dinner, something the Cho Family rarely done in the house. You smiled upon your father’s answer.

“Well it was great” you answered. “I hope we can go there together for vacation”

“We really do, but maybe later” Mom answered. “By the way, _____-ah, you’re just in the right time”

“What is it?” you asked.

“You’re getting married soon!” her Mom cheered happily. On the other hand, Kyuhyun choked, hearing his Mom’s news. Dad patted his shoulder and you gave him a glass of water.

“Eat slowly, Kyu” Mom said. Kyuhyun nodded. It wasn’t because of eating, its because he was surprised.

He can’t believe you’re getting married that early. He’s not even confessing yet. He, just like you, loves you more than a sister. He’d get jealous whenever you’re with the other guy, but on the other hand, he’s suppressing his feelings, sticking to the truth that you and him are just siblings, and siblings can’t love more than that.

Kyuhyun can’t sleep that night. He’s worrying over you, wondered if the man who’ll marry you can be harmful, can be someone from the cartel. He loves you. He always do. Kyuhyun waited for her, even tried to go to Germany once.

Even if it is for another man, he can’t let you go.

So he planned something on the next day.

“Why you can’t go?” you asked your parents. Your parents just got busy again on their business. So Kyuhyun was your last hope.

“Well then, I guess I’ll go with you” you smiled to him. “Come on, we better get going. Mom said that the family had arrived there” you said again.

“Slow down, Noona” Kyuhyun smirked. “We won’t be late, okay?”

“Neee” you patted his shoulder.

Along the way, Kyuhyun the radio as you both sang to the song. You and him chatted happily as usual. But you felt something wrong.

“Are you sure its this way, Kyu?” you asked him. Kyuhyun looked calm and smile to you.

“Of course” Kyuhyun smiled.

Instead of the restaurant where you had the appointment, he drove you to the lake. The small house that your family rented for vacation.

“Kyuhyun... why are we here?” you asked him. He ignored you as he walked to the edge and played with the water, making ripples.

“I just want to go here” Kyuhyun sighed. “Noona, I missed this place. Don’t you feel the same?”

“We can always go later...” you smiled, but you don’t understand his feelings. He ran his hand to his hair, frustated.

“Later?” Kyuhyun asked. “After today, it’ll feel different if we came here again later”

“Why are you taking me here?” you asked. “Kyu, why? You know we’re supposed to go to the restaurant! I feel bad for that family, they waited for us!”

“Maybe they already went home” Kyuhyun coldly said. You don’t understand him, so you stepped forward and looked to him, but he’s avoiding your eyes.

“What’s wrong with you, Kyu?” you asked. “You don’t like them? What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?” he scoffed. “I don’t even know if this is right. Don’t you feel the same? Don’t you feel weird with this all sudden marriage?”

“Look, I don’t feel weird” you answered. “Unlike you, I don’t feel bad about this. Its fine, and why are you against me, Kyuhyun? Why?”

“Because I feel bad!” he started to get angry. “I’m against you, your family, and your so-called future husband. Honestly, I don’t want my Noona to get married!”

“I’ll go by myself, then” you said, turning back. “You can stay here if you don’t like it”

When you stepped forward to leave him, he pulled you to his embrace. He pulled you really tight, like he never wanted to leave you.

“Kyu...” you breathed out his name. He embraced you tighter. It felt warm and you felt safe inside his arms.

“I love you Noona” he said. “I’m sorry”

He then released you. “I can’t take it anymore. I love you, more than a sister. I’m tired of waiting for you. I’m not letting you get married, because I’m afraid to get hurt when I see you with someone else” Kyuhyun said. “I know this is crazy, I crossed the line. But I just want to tell you, that I love you”

Your tears suddenly fell apart, streaming down to your cheeks. “Kyuhyun...” you called out his name. “Nado saranghae” you smiled. “I’m sorry for all my fake smiles. I can’t lie to you that I love you just like you do”

He cupped your face as he leaned down to kiss you.

A kiss that a brother shouldn’t do to his sister.


“I guess I have to reconsider” you said on the phone. “And its too late to come home, I’m afraid Kyuhyun will get sleepy on the way home. We’ll find a hotel to stay for one night”

Kyuhyun smiled as he held your hand. He was relieved, he can finally confess his feelings. His sister, he never thought that you’ll do the same like him.

And so then you arrived at the hotel. When Kyuhyun’s booking for the hotel room, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom.

But suddenly, someone caught you. A man. He pinned you to the wall as he sticked out his knife.

“Help!” you screamed, but he closed your mouth. You screamed louder and louder, but he still caught you. You tried to struggle. You kicked him on his sensitive spot as you ran away as fast as you can. You ran back to the reception and you found Kyuhyun.

“Kyu!” you ran to his arms, but he pulled your hand. He saw that man chasing you, so Kyuhyun pulled you away and you ran together.

“Shoot, I didn’t bring a gun!” Kyuhyun cursed.

“Why didn’t you?” you asked. “Actually, what kind of job that made you can bring guns anywhere you go?”

“I’m a secret agent” he answered as he ran. “That’s why I have to bring a gun!”

He pulled your hand and ran faster to the lift. You two were safe, for now. He caressed your face as he looked to your eyes.

“I’ll protect you” he said. “Don’t worry”

You felt warmth on his grip. He smiled, reassuring you, trying to calm you down.

The lift suddenly opened, as a guy came up with a gun.

Kyuhyun turned, his hand on your shoulders, facing you. The guy pulled the trigger at the same time, and the bullet striked into his shoulder, landed on his aorta.

“Kyuhyun!” you scream as he collapsed to the floor. You can’t believe that he’s already dead. Your tears fell as he collapsed.

“Close the lift!” he managed to say words after he got shot. You quickly close the lift before the guy came in. You pressed a random number, you can’t think straight at that moment.

As the lift goes up, suddenly, the lift stopped. Everything darkened in all of sudden, then suddenly the emergency bell rang. Then the light become dim as the emergency light the lift. You saw Kyuhyun in his worst condition. His back was hurt, so you pulled him to your lap. He looked to your eyes.

“Noona...” he said. “Its warm”

“Don’t leave, Kyuhyun” you held his hand. “Hold on, please, hold on”

“Noona” he said again. “I’m grateful... because I’m on your lap, and it feels so comfy here”

“Kyu...” you caressed his face.

“Call Choi Siwon” he said. “He’ll get you out of here. And Noona?”

“Yes?” you asked.

“Go see your future husband” Kyuhyun said. “I want you to be happy”

“No, Kyu!” you said. “You, you’re still alive. You still have the chance! Don’t leave me like this!”

“Noona...” he smiled as the tears came out. “I’m happy. I’m on your lap now, just let me go. I’m happy now”

“You do?”

“Look” he carresed my face. “Please be happy for me. I love you, Noona...”

He smiled as his eyes slowly closed. His warm skin suddenly became cold and his body was stiff. You put his hand on your cheeks.

“Kyuhyun...” you cried his name. He can’t make it. “Kyuhyun....”

You called out his name a few times. He can’t be like this. He can’t be.

There was a loud bang on the door. The lift was hit by something a few times before it broke and opened.


It was Siwon and his team. “Oh no. Shisus, he’s gone...” he gasped.

He’s gone.


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Chapter 1: Such a beautiful story ,,, waa oh god why kyuhyun , why? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: :'( And he just had to die after they told their feelings for each other.
Anyway, I'll be checking your other stories, too! :)
Chapter 1: OMG i saw a Super Show VCR where he got shot in the elevator :D
Chapter 1: Pffft. I didn't expect it to be a tragedy.