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Taeyeon's POV


People said 'fall in love in the first sight', for me, what is love? I don't know what exact meaning of 'Love', until I met her.

I never fall in before, not that I don't want to, but we can't choose who we fall for, right? Been no experience in 'love' stuff, I'm so confused on my feeling for her.

She easily caught my sight, without given notice, sercetly stolen my heart, when I realised, everything is too late. 

Just like the first time we met, she already caught my sight, I means there have lots of place to sit for having a lunch at the park, but I don't know why my feets brought me to her, when I realised, I already patted her shoulder and talked to her. That's quite embrassing right? Thanks God that she doesn't classified me as a weirdo or whatever. The lake at that afternoon, I no even realised that it can be such beautiful before.

without realising, Jessica, this name became an important name for me already.

After the first met we had at the park, we met again at my workplace, I don't know why I felt extremely excited about we can met again. I even felt that I'm the lucky one that I been chosen for in charge this project, I can stick with her for three months time. I should realise she is that special one that I waiting for at that time. I should.

As more time we spend together, some thing strange for me growing internally. I don't know why my eyes always can't get off from her. That's weird for me. I even felt my heart beat in unusual fast then normal when I'm with her. That's confused me much.

I can't figured it out, so I simply classified that unsual feeling I had on her as 'sister love'. That convinced myself, so I felt that she is so special for me, because I treated her as sister. But she strong argued on that, I don't know why.

That 'sister love' feeling growing strengthen, I thought that is normal. Until a day, I heard the rumours that she had a girlfriend. I don't know why, my heart felt hurt. It's hurt, why it hurt when I heard that she belong to others? Is it betray or what? I just know I don't like that feeling, much.

I can think straight, I immediately interrogated her, don't ask me why I did that, 'cause I also can't answer myself. I felt my mind was in chaos at that time, but felt relieved when she denied it. I'm dense that time, I should realised that I have fall for her that time. I should.

She started hitting on me. Is it hitting? A flirty-kid she is. I don't know, but I feel my heart flattered everytime she said she gonna kiss me if I keep on pouting in front of me. What? Is that a threaten? If it is, why my heart can't help but felt happy on that? Maybe deeply in my heart I wish that she will do what she said, but she doesn't, and I kissed her, on cheek, she petrified in shock, so am I, I even don't know why am I done that! My heart beating crazily. But I giggling while I saw how cute she dumbfounded there.

Deeply satisfied that I had such effect on her. Can't help but smile.

Next moment, I feel something soft on my cheek, she kissed me back. 

My God! 

That's all what I can said. The feeling is so nice. Can't help but blushed in madly, and been teased by her.

I feel so warm, calm and mature while she hugging me, I don't want this feeling go away, so I hugging her back.

out of the blue, she asked, but I can't answer, I didn't answer, I'm so confused.

is that just 'sister love'? Or more...

She said she will wait for me.

I should realised at that time that I fall in love already. Why

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Chapter 2: OMG. This is sweetest too... You're so great with something sweet ?
mzlyod #2
Chapter 2: Awwwww
Iminthezone #3
Chapter 2: it is a nice chapter
please write more
EMT0304 #6
Chapter 2: Finally...Love it. Thank you author
Chapter 2: great story author-shii...
love it... daebakkk...
hwaiting for your other story... ^^
Chapter 2: it is great story
please write more