26 Idiots of Fame


Plain Crash

After MAMA 2013, B.A.P, Super Junior, and SHINee were on their way back to Seoul, "HIMCHAN HYUNG!!" Junhong whined as Himchan ate his last piece of chips, "Yah, Junhong," Yongguk called, "Keep it down." The SHINee members were watching them in awe, along with Henry and Zhoumi. The other members of Super Junior were on the other side - at the back. Onew was eating chicken as always, Key and Jonghyun were having a small chit chat and occasional glances at B.A.P, "It still haunts me, how those idiots," Key paused, "Became so popular within a year and 10 months." 

Indeed, it sounded quite impossible for idiots to become popular within a short time, and be the most wanted group in Germany. With their last comeback 'One Shot', which won them the award 'Choreography of the Year' on MAMA 2013, their BABYz indeed showered them with love, even the noonas, and sunbaes, capturing women's and noonas' hearts with 'Crash' and 'Stop It', this rookie group was now on the Hall of Fame. 

"Don't know, Key. They have their ways, like other idols do." Jonghyun smiled.

Suddenly, the plane started to wobble, everyone inside gripped hard onto the person next to them, "Oh my holy mother ing sweet Jesus God!" Heechul cursed, Hangeng looked at him with a concerned expression, "I'm fine, I'm fine.." He whispered, earning a forced nod from the man. 

"D-Dae..?" Youngjae called, the called man smiled at him, "Don't worry Jae, it'll get-"

"Attention everybody, the plane in going to crash on the sea, kindly get a parachute from below your seat and jump off." A voice from the control room said, every member of each group started to get worried, and panicked, but that's where Leeteuk and Yongguk comes in, the two stood up and nodded at each other, "Everybody, listen up!" Yongguk called in his deep voice, earning everyone's attention, "Calm down and get the parachute from below your seats, then two by two, you will jump off," Leeteuk commanded, "Those who can swim, partner yourself with those who can't."

They all tried their best to stay calm and took out a parachute with them, "Jae," Daehyun called, "I know you can't swim." A smirk played on his lips, "I hate you, Jung Daehyun." The younger mumbled as he prepared his parachute, since they were the sixth ones jumping, they needed to hurry up a bit. EunHae had already jumped, then HanChul, then 2Min, then JongKey, and next up's HimUp, since Himchan couldn't swim, Jongup had volunteered to help him.

Jongup had a tiny - okay, HUGE crush on Himchan, though only Junhong knows, "I love you too, Yoo Youngjae." Daehyun said, letting his hand pass the younger's , "Y-Yah! You !" Sungmin walked next to them, "It's your turn, guys." He smiled, the two walked up and quickly jumped off, followed by Onew and Zhoumi, BangZelo, SiBum, YeWook, ShinRy, and lastly, KangTeuk. Everyone was floating on sea water, looking at oblivion. 

"So, God knows where we are. How're we going to get back to Seoul?" Daehyun asked, Youngjae still clinging onto him like a lost child, "We don't know, and that's pretty obvious." Heechul said, he rolled his eyes and faced North-West of Hangeng, then he saw an island.

"An island?"

"Yes, hyung. We can go there to at least survive."

"No idiot, over there! Are you blind?"

Everyone turned around and indeed saw an island North-West of DaeJae, "We'll, swim there?" Himchan sarcastically asked, "Well, how else do yu think we'll get there, you doofus?" Key asked, rolling his eyes when Himchan stared at him, the two glared until they were pulled by Jongup and Jonghyun. 

"I seriously don't know when is Jongup going to confess." Yongguk sighed, Zelo laughed and gave Yongguk a quick peck on the lips, "Oi, Zelo-ya," Minho called, "You're too young for kisses, that stuff's Rated X." Taemin giggled and also have Minho a quick peck on the lips. 

"Oh, so if it's Taemin hyung, it's not rated?" He sarcastically asked, "But when-" He was shut by Yongguk, their lips sealed together. 

"Oh come on, could you two stop the rated stuff and let's get to that island as soon as we can!" Kyuhyun called.

This is going to be a long swim.





Okay~ updated after several hundred years! >:D Now now, thank you to all those who didn't abandon this fic. /throws confetti/ We love youuu~! LoL yeah, hehe.. I decided to turn it into ~! >:D Why? I'm guessing it'd be better to make this a secret love. Yes, ALL the SJ OTPs are here, the never left out EunHae, perfect KangTeuk, y KyuMin, and heaps more! ^^ And yes, I decided to make this my very first BangZelo fic! Excited for the moments? Cuz I know I am! ^^ Cheers, K-Poppers!<3No, ZhouRy just can't swim so I paired them to others! ^^b



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HimChanBABYTats #1
Chapter 4: Damn isn't this hilarious! XD Agreed, Guk just can't resist Jelly! XD
Chapter 4: aw Yong Guk just cant resist Zelo!:}
Chapter 4: I love this chapter it's freaking funny Plz update again
wishful_promises #4
Chapter 4: Considering Banglo is my second OTP in B.A.P (the first being Daelo, because it seems I've changed ship xD) the whole Yongguk being biased thing is totally plausible, because no one can resist the cute maknae :D I wonder how Onew will help? And Daehyun with his cheesecake. Nothing is ever complete without the cheesecake.
Chapter 3: I laugh so much my tummy hurts plz try to update this soon
Chapter 3: Yong Guk your so bossy lol!!!
love this story, its hilarious!:}
wishful_promises #7
Chapter 3: Oh dear, I might just get injured myself from laughing too much because I have this tendency to hit things when I laugh and that doesn't usually turn out well.
jiosne #8
Chapter 3: Hahahaaha! This is so funny! Please update!~
Chapter 2: lol they are all so cute, and funny!!:}
wishful_promises #10
Chapter 2: I loved this as much as I loved the first chapter. In fact, maybe even a lot more. Don't blame me, crackfics are just that great XD (Oh, and you okay there? You've gotten pretty injured from you author notes XD)