New Day For Him


A/N: self-done poster.. my first.. yes i know it's bad.

“Min! –Knock knock– Min!! –Knock knock– Wake up!” you woke up groggily to Luhan’s shriek outside your room and his knocking on your door.

“What?!” you yelled back, causing him to realize that you already woke up so he went into your room. You were shocked and quickly threw a pillow at his face directly, because you didn’t want him to see that you were wearing tanks and shorts (but unfortunately he had already seen it). He flinched at the sight of the incoming pillow which only managed to hit his leg. You hated exposing your skin to boys, even if it was your relative.

“Okay, fine, I just wanted to say that Hwarin noona said we’ll be going to a café for breakfast,” he explained, then whispered the next words, “but I think she’s just lazy to cook for us.”

You chuckled lightly at Luhan’s words, knowing your sister well. “Mmkay, you can go out now,” you shooed Luhan out of your room and got your towel and hurried to the toilet to wash-up. When you came out and dried your hair, you chose what to wear for the day.

“Hrm.. It’ll be a special day for Luhan ge.. since it’s his first day with us alone and at the university,” you pondered in your mind and decided, “so I think I’ll wear a dress.”

You look into your closet and searched for a suitable dress, finally settling with a casual aqua-green dress which you think is a bit revealing but you didn’t mind because you were going out with your sister and relative. You also don’t think you would really attract attention at your campus because so many other girls there wear them, including your sister.

“HWAMIN!!!” you heard Hwarin and Luhan shouting from the living room and quickly put on your dress. You applied some light make-up and arranged your hair before going out with your sling bag.

“Yes?” you replied them sweetly when you stepped out of your room. They were a little surprised when they saw you wearing a dress. “What are you looking at?” you frowned.

“That’s new,” Hwarin said.

“Then when the hell am I going to use the clothes that you dumped on me?!” you rolled your eyes and continued, “And Luhan ge, I’m wearing this for you, only for today, so please do not expect me to wear this anymore. Except on other special occasions.”

“That’s sweet,” Luhan did an eyesmile and you can’t help but to adore his cuteness.

“Okay everyone… It’s now 8 a.m., we should get going since our lectures start at nine on Mondays. How about you Luhan? Is yours the same?” Hwarin asked him.

He took out his phone an unlocked it, tapped on the screen a few times, looked at the screen for a few seconds and replied, “My first lecture starts at nine too. Let’s go then!”

You nodded and put on your sandals outside, while Luhan and Hwarin put on their footwear. When the three of you were done, you all walked towards the local café near your campus, and went inside to eat. You ordered a toast with some latte while your sis chose a heavy breakfast and Luhan just ordered cappuccino.

“Wow, Luhan, are you still maintaining your diet?” you asked him, your mouth full.

“Err… yeah… can’t I?” he asked back.

“Hehe, no… you can continue, I’m just amazed by your ability to eat so little,” you grinned. You continued, “By the way, what is your faculty, Luhan?”

“Oh, I’m going for Faculty of Medicine,” he replied.

“Daebak… I’m taking the same faculty too… I bet if there’s a faculty for Rubix cube solvers you would have graduated in a year right?” you joked.

“Should be,” he chuckled.

“So–” you were about to continue when your sister’s squeal cut you off.

“Omo!! Isn’t that Baro and his gang?” she gasped.

Luhan glanced at you for explanation so you just leaned in and whispered “her boyfriend” to him and he nodded knowingly. You looked to where your sister was looking and saw five boys looking slightly older than you entering the café. You thought you saw a familiar person among them. Before you could even think, your sister already rushed towards them and greeted Baro. You hung your head and sighed. My damn sis…

“Min, that guy keeps on looking you… It’s really creepy,” Luhan whispered to you. You looked up immediately at Luhan and raised an eyebrow. He nodded at a certain direction so you followed his gaze and saw the familiar guy whom you thought you had seen before. You saw him smile at you then he turned to his friends, so you turned back to Luhan. “So who’s that?” Luhan whispered again.

“I don’t know…” you muttered, and then something at the back of your mind tugged. You looked back at the guy who was looking at you and took in his features again. Red hair… “That’s it! Isn’t that Jinyoung? The guy yesterday?” you thought out loud.

“What? What’s his name again? Jinyoung? You met him? Where?” Luhan bombarded you with questions.

“I just met him while jogging yesterday,” you blatantly replied. Luhan formed a small ‘O’ on his mouth and finished his last sip of coffee, and you drank your coffee also. “I think I’ll just text Hwarin we’ll be going first? Because our lecture is starting in twenty minutes.”

Luhan nodded and stood up with you, and went out of the café, while you were typing out your message to Hwarin. After you texted her, you asked Luhan for his schedule and was surprised all his classes were the same as yours! You asked him what he chose for his CCA and his answer surprised you.

“Dance and Vocal,” he replied, grinning.

“What?!” you didn’t expect that because most of you were only given one CCA to choose. “Are you really that smart? And talented?”

“You don’t know your cousin well, do you?” he smirked. You shrugged your shoulders and continued your way to class.

While on your way there, you noticed some girls were looking at you – no, to be exact, Luhan. You smiled to yourself, knowing your cousin had the looks and his smile could melt anyone’s heart.

“Why are they looking at us?” Luhan suddenly whispered to you, making you jump a little.

“They’re just admiring you, idiot,” you whispered back. He looked at you weirdly and shook his head. You laughed at his reaction, knowing he doesn’t like many admirers and he already has a girlfriend. Both of you ignored the stares and continued on.

-Lunch break-

“Am I eating with you?” Luhan asked you.

“Your choice, I thought you made quite a bunch of friends today,” you replied, busy texting Kimyoo, wondering where she was because you wanted to eat with her.

Luhan rolled his eyes, “Eww please those guys are like honestly nerds, okay? Not cool.”

You cracked up abruptly because you can’t believe your cousin was so ‘kingka-like’ and he was pretty smart so that’s why the smartasses in the class wanted to get close to him. Plus maybe they wanted some tips how to become good-looking. Psshh.

“Min! I’m here yo!” Kimyoo’s voice appeared behind you. You turned to her and bro-fist her, since she preferred it that way and you didn’t mind. She looked at Luhan from head to toe and pretended to whisper to you, “Who’s this guy?”

“My cousin, Luhan. Luhan, this is Kimyoo, my best friend, just so you know,” you introduced them.

“Ssup, bro,” Kimyoo smirked.

“Ssup,” Luhan managed to smirk back.

You shook your head, chuckling at the both of them. You let the both of them talk, from outside your class till the cafeteria, while you just listened, although you didn’t understand some stuff they were talking about, like soccer, sports, etc. because you didn’t really like what boys did. You felt a bit left out actually, because you were supposed to be talking with your best friend but Luhan was doing all the talking now.

“So you’re taking Vocals too? That’s cool, I can only rap and dance, I wish I had entered Seoul Arts High… because my dream is to become an artist!” Kimyoo smiled with confidence and brought her fist up.

“You’re so full of spirit, I hope you do become one,” you smiled at her and Luhan nodded.

You bought your food first and got to the table while Luhan and Kimyoo were still buying theirs so you decided to eat first. You were enjoying your ramen when your phone suddenly vibrated. You unlocked it and saw that it was a text from Hwarin.

From: Hwarin

Min, I have to introduce to you B1A4! They’re Baro’s gang, they’re really awesome! Meet me at the rooftop after you eat. :)

You groaned and facepalmed yourself. You hated introducing yourself to people, mainly because you were anti-social when face-to-face. You ate your food quickly in annoyance and just scrunched up your face the whole time and Luhan and Kimyoo were exchanging glances and shrugging their shoulders.

“I need to go first, see you guys later,” you managed a small smile and got up from the table, and made your way to the rooftop.


and it's back to school tomorrow.. T^T ok.. bye.. and scroll down for B.A.P's Coffee Shop. hahahha.


omfg daehyun is so hot i swear

youngjae is so girlish and he's reading a book my sis recently bought O.O

yongguk omg

zelo forever cute

himchan! so beautiful ma gawwd

jongup your hair is daebak now!

gahhahaaha bear with my b.a.p feels. i have to go. g'nite :)

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{B-I-L?!} annyeong >< i decided not to post that fic, i shall be writing another one. please wait for the real chapter 4 soon~!! ^^


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I enjoyed reading this!!
Chapter 4: LOL I litery thought it was a update so I read the last chapter to remember stuff LOL again
Chapter 4: Update update soon
Eyqazelo #4
Chapter 3: Imagine .. Meeting jinyoung while jogging
Chapter 3: Wow u last day of holiday still writing ah? I yesterday chiong-Ong homework already XD today going to school early to do homework also... OTL
Chapter 3: If Luhan came to my school I would probably admire him too ;)
Chapter 2: This is really good :) Fighting!
Chapter 2: OMG LULU!!! I LUV YOU HAN!! You didn't tell me lulu will be in ur story! I'm not pro at making posters~ Faster learn! Then join us at RLAB~ WOOO
Eyqazelo #9
Chapter 1: Yesh ! I have commented on ur fanfic ! Be proud of me author-nim ^^ ur story is awesome !! Pororo is baro trololol!! Update soon ! And i have just watched bts no more dream ... - hott - hahahahahaha