A New Start


Your POV

  So.. I've just started uni a week ago. Not as bored as I had expected though. Especially when your sister is a queenka. I can't believe she introduced me to all her friends!! But they're really kind, they let me eat with them and toured me around the school. But I noticed some students were staring at us and it's creeping me out. I wonder how queenkas survive.

  Anyway, I've found a friend here, her name is Kimyoo. She's really boyish and pretty and attracts so many guys. It's so sad she doesn't realise it though. She's a sportswoman, aside from dancing.

  And, yes, I've decided my co-curriculum activity (CCA) would be Dancing!! And of course Kimyoo is inside. I love my class, there's separate classes for different genders, and all the girls are like honestly hardcore K-pop addicts!! So every lesson (which is every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday) we'll be like dancing to random K-pop songs.

  Oh, my favourite group? Well to be honest I only like boy groups, and I really have a lot of groups that I favour so please do not ask if you don't want me fangirling.

  Now, about my sister, Hwarin. Her name sounds almost like mine, eh? But our is two years, but... she doesn't look younger than me (ain't that sad).

  My sis had dated over a bunch of guys, she told me. And of course she broke up with all of them. My reaction?

  "I can imagine."

  She doesn't blame me for saying that though. Because she knows that...

  She's a heartbreaker.

  She's so forgetful I'm scared she will one day not remember that I'm her only sister.

  She's just... wacky. Too wacky. And nonsensical.

  But pretty.

  Recently she'd been talking about this guy whom she think she really is into.. for real. She said his name is.. something 'ro'.. uhh.. uhm.. Pororo..? I can't remember. Whatever it is. She did show me his picture before... but he seems like.. a playboy. I don't know, I just judge the books by the cover. But most of the time I'm right. He may be Pororo but his looks are not... like an innocent little penguin. Well, I told my sis but she said, "Why does every girl say that? I mean, he looks so adorable and good-looking that I think he's innocent!"

  And I was like, "You think he's innocent. What if he's not? Then both of you playing each others' hearts? Ooh, I can't wait and see."

  She rolled her eyes at me (how dare she). I mean, I know she hates my sacarsm but... I want her to take it as advice, the positive way. I'm not sacarstic for no reason. The problem is most of the time she doesn't listen. She still hasn't learnt her lesson yet. I don't want to see my sister's heart being broken again..


3 years ago... -Highschool-

  "Are you serious, sis? Because, you know-" I was cut off by one of Hwarin's friends.

  "Yeah I know right. Hwarin, don't. I don't think he likes you."

  Hwarin looked at us in disbelief. I think she thought we were discouraging her instead of giving her support. But I had a feeling it won't turn out good. I just had that feeling.

  "You guys are seriously..." Hwarin trailed off and looked somewhere else. We followed her gaze and saw the kingkas of the school, called the Bangtan Boy Scouts or better known as BTS. They were entering the cafeteria, and practically almost all of the girls were squealing. Oh, what nuisance it made! Yeah I agree they were all good-looking but please, they are not idols!

  My sis liked Jung Kook, the maknae, as my friends told me before. I thought he was the leader at first. No, seriously.

  I glanced nervously at my sis. Her eyes were stuck on him again, and her friends and I exchanged glances. Yes, they had gotten close for the past few weeks but that didn't guarantee that he'd like her.

  By that time, they'd (BTS) already started queuing up at the stall. My sis took a last glance at us and took a deep breath before walking up to them. I buried my face in my hands. *Oh no, no, please, this couldn't be happening,* I thought. I heard some shuffling of feet and looked up, finding that Hwarin's friends had already walked off,rolling their eyes. I heard some words like "does she think she's pretty for him" and "that was stupid", and I felt bad for my sis. But I stood there, in case anything bad happened.

  I decided to watch the scene and set my gaze on Hwarin, constantly looking at the kingkas. When Hwarin stopped in front of them, they looked at Hwarin like she was something disgusting, that is, except for Jung Kook. Other students were already looking in their way and the girls were jeering at her. I suddenly felt like pulling her back, like I knew it wouldn't turn out well.

  I tried to hear the conversation despite the whispers of the students, sounding like the leaves rustling, except louder. I was standing in the corner where no one could see me, but not too far from whom I was eavesdropping on.

  Then I saw Jung Kook rolling his eyes, and he tried to pull Hwarin elsewhere, but she stood rooted to the ground, her face pale.

  "What do you want?" he hissed at Hwarin, half-whispering. His gang were observing from behind.

  "I-I-I j-just wanted to.." Hwarin stammered, she looked like she couldn't finish her sentence. "I just wanted to..."

  "What?" he demanded. I dreaded that moment, hoping she would not say anything but, even I couldn't stop her.

  "I.. love you." Those three words held my breath. Everyone in the cafeteria did actually. At that moment I just wished that Jung Kook would say that he loves her too, I just didn't want my sis to get hurt and be embarrassed by the whole school. I searched for Jung Kook's eyes, hoping that he had that same loving look that my sister did for him. He did, I saw his eyes flicker for a few seconds, but then he turned back to look at his gang, but they shook their heads. For a moment I pitied him, having to follow his gang's instructions instead of follow his heart. He turned back to Hwarin. He narrowed his eys at her as if she was an alien of some sort.

  "What? You, ahem, love me? I'm sorry girl, but I don't," Jung Kook smirked and left her with his gang.

  My sis gaped at them in disbelief. Everyone started laughing and calling her unwanted stuff. Some were even throwing food at her. I had to get her out of there. She was stuck there, without doubt. I started to approach her, trying to avoid the food flying in Hwarin's direction. Once I was by her side, I dragged her out of the cafeteria and into the toilet. There, I started cleaning her, taking out peices of tissue to wipe off the food on her.

  "Hwamin, I'm really sor-" she started but I cut her off.

  "Look, I'm trying to clean you now, please can we talk about this later?" I begged. And instantly, was shut for the whole twenty minutes that I was trying to clean off the stains.


  This was why my sis dated and dumped so many guys. She wanted to keep that incident away from her mind. When she's daydreaming, she looks like she's looking at something far away, and I know she still has feelings for Jung Kook. So I'm kind of surprise when she said she's going serious for.. that guy. The other one. So-called Pororo. But I'm happy for her though. I'll look out for Pororo. That's all.

  For me, I don't really have any love life. I mean, last time some dudes used to give me stuff. Romantic, right? But My main focus was to learn and graduate from university, not find love at that time. I do have crushes (who doesn't) but honestly, those are tiny ones, like specks of dust. Blow it away and it'll be gone.

  So, most people say that in uni is the best time to find love, because you'll marry faster instead of finding when you're working for dunno how many years then you get married. I don't know whether to engage fast. I mean when you're someone's wife all freedom will be gone. Which .

  Maybe because I don't like anyone. But... we'll see about that.

A/N: Gosh... I didn't update for more than two weeks.. I sincerely apologise, I have been to caught up with k-dramas and EXO and bleh. Hehe sorry for BTS, I had no other idea who to put. (I'm not sure if they'll be included in the fic. Up to you.) Jungkook is like fking 16 (so that means we have 3 years gap :'D) and V's birthday is 30 Dec (two days after mine) and so I'm like partehying like hell, I love them so much. And don't mention Jimin's abs. hahaha.

And there's haze in Singapore.. :( Sumatra (Indonesia) forest fire again.. Let's pray that the fire will be out soon... PSI currently above 100. :( Do pray for us too!

And I think I'll just put BTS' No More Dream here hehehe. Scroll down.


Ok.. bye.

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{B-I-L?!} annyeong >< i decided not to post that fic, i shall be writing another one. please wait for the real chapter 4 soon~!! ^^


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I enjoyed reading this!!
Chapter 4: LOL I litery thought it was a update so I read the last chapter to remember stuff LOL again
Chapter 4: Update update soon
Eyqazelo #4
Chapter 3: Imagine .. Meeting jinyoung while jogging
Chapter 3: Wow u last day of holiday still writing ah? I yesterday chiong-Ong homework already XD today going to school early to do homework also... OTL
Chapter 3: If Luhan came to my school I would probably admire him too ;)
Chapter 2: This is really good :) Fighting!
Chapter 2: OMG LULU!!! I LUV YOU HAN!! You didn't tell me lulu will be in ur story! I'm not pro at making posters~ Faster learn! Then join us at RLAB~ WOOO
Eyqazelo #9
Chapter 1: Yesh ! I have commented on ur fanfic ! Be proud of me author-nim ^^ ur story is awesome !! Pororo is baro trololol!! Update soon ! And i have just watched bts no more dream ... - hott - hahahahahaha