Lesson one

My stupid english teacher

"Ok, let's get started," Peniel said as he took a seat across Sungjae. Sungjae shifted nervously in his seat. "Let's start off with something very simple. "Hi, how are you?" Now repeat," Peniel said. Sungjae opened his mouth, but no words came out. Peniel chuckled and Sungjae closed his mouth. "Yah! What kind of teacher are you to make fun of a student?" he said angrily. "It's ok. You're nervous. I get it, just try it. "Hi, how are you?" now repeat," Peniel said. "Hi, how .... how ... you are.." Sungjae mumbled. Peniel chuckled again.

"Good. This time say "are" before you say "you" ok?" Peniel said. Sungjae nodded. 

"Hi, how...are you," Sungjae said nervously. "Good job! You got it! Now here's how you spell it," Peniel said about to write something down. Sungjae raised an eyebrow. "Spell?" he repeated. "Well, to learn a languange, shouldn't you learn how to spell and say it?" Peniel said, passing a piece of paper towards the student. "Ah," Sungjae said, picking it up. The letters looks like scribbles to him. He didn't know a single letter. "You.. don't know the alphabet in english do you?" Peniel said, chuckling. Sungjae shook his head no. "That's ok. That's my job. Ok let's begin," he said and scribbled letters A - Z on another piece of paper. 

"This is the letter P," Sungjae said with confidence after thirty minutes of learning the alphabet. "No.. that's a D," Peniel said, shaking his head. Sungjae looked down at his "P" again and frowned. "Hyung! This is hard!" Sungjae whined. "No it's not, try again," Peniel assured. He drew the letter "P" for Sungjae to see again. Sungjae copied. "Good! See, not that hard right?" he said and ruffled Sungjae's hair. "Yah, don't touch my hair, Hyung. I'm 17!" the student whined. Peniel laughed and nodded. Sungjae ruffled his hair to get it back to how he liked it. "Ok, not that you have mastered spelling the letters, let's learn the song!" Peniel said energectically. "Song?" Sungjae asked. "Yeah, listen and repeat after me. ok?" Sungjae nodded.

"A-B-C-D-E-F-G-" Peniel started. "H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P. Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y and Z. Now I know my A-B-C's next time won't you sing with me?" Sungjae bursted out laughing. "Hyung, that's so embarassing," Peniel chuckled. "Hey, just repeat after me," Sungjae sang the alphabet just like Peniel. Peniel clapped. "Wow, good job," "Are you being sarcastic?" Peniel shook his head. "Of course not. I never make fun of my students," he said and smirked. Sungjae shook his head. "Ok, what's next?"

For the next two hours Peniel has been teaching the basics of english and Sungjae has been learning the basics of english. Before they knew it, Sungjae's lesson was over. "Ah, look it's 9 o' clock," Peniel noted and streched his arms over his head. "Sungjae, you wanna eat?" Sungjae nodded, almost about to doze off. "Uh, the thing is. I only have hot pockets. I really don't cook," Peniel said, opening the freezer. Sungjae rolled his eyes. "Hyung, let's go out to eat. It's the least I can do for you teaching me," Sungjae said. Peniel laughed. "What?" Sungjae asked. "It's just, your parents told me that you were a rebel. It's pretty funny because the whole time you were here, you acted like a model student," Peniel said. Sungjae blushed. "That-that's stupid! I'm not a rebel all the time!" "Oh? Is it because I'm so handsome?" Peniel said. Sungjae blushed again. "Hyung! You're ridiculous. I'm going to eat without you!" "I was kidding! Let's go," Peniel said laughing.

- - - - -

Peniel lifted up his grilled chicken sandwich and  almost dropped it. "Ouch!" he said. Sungjae rolled his eyes. "It just came out the oven. Didn't the lady tell you that?" Sungjae said, opening a bag of chips. The two was at Atlanta bread, a classy and cute sandwich shop. "I know that, I just never had a real sandwich in like, forever," Peniel said, biting into the sandwich. "mmmm," he said. Sungjae laughed. "Hyung, stop. That's embarassing," he said and bit into his grilled cheese. "Grilled cheese is pretty childish, isn't it?" Peniel commented. "No!" Sungjae said, popping a chip in his mouth. "Whatever, baby Sungjae," Peniel teased and sipped on his drink.

"So tell me why you keep getting kicked out of every school you attend," Peniel asked. Sungjae raised an eyebrow. "Why. Why do you want to know about me?" Sungjae said, embarassed. "You seem, interesting," Peniel assured. Sungjae shifted in his seat. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. You just met me after all," Peniel said. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Sungjae shook his head. "No, it's not that I'm uncomfortable. I'm just embarassed," Sungjae said. Peniel nodded. "It's ok, you can tell me whenever you're comfortable," he said and ruffled Sungjae's hair. "Ah, sorry," "It's ok. I don't mind," Sungjae said and Peniel smiled. "Want icecream? I'll pay," Sungjae nodded.

"Thank you," Peniel said and grabbed the two cones. "Chocolate or vanilla?" he said in english, holding out the two cones. "Uh.. choco-rete," Sungjae said nervously. Peniel laughed and handed him the chocolate cone. Sungjae bit the top off his icecream off and shivered at the rush of cold. "Didn't you know that icecream was cold? And why are you eating it like that anyways? You should savor it," Peniel said, his icecream. "It's the way I eat, hyung!" Sungjae said. Peniel laughed. "Alright, I get it," "Hyung.. if it's ok with you. Would you continue teaching me? You don't have to if you do-" "Sungjae ah, I'm a teacher. I'm not gonna stop teaching until you stop coming or until you're fluent. Deal?" Sungjae nodded. "Deal,"

- - - -

author: it's moving too fast, but it's not a book. lol whatever. enjoy!

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57 streak #1
Please have another update soon
SweetBabyRae #3
Chapter 2: Hiii! I'm a new reader! XD
Anyways, I love how Sungjae's attitude shifts in the end, it's sooo cute! And Peniel is so cool!
I'm looking forward to future chapters! :D