Blame it on Hibernation

Blame It on the Turtles

Leeteuk and Sungmin knew something was amiss.  Donghae was poking at the kimchi with his chopsticks.  His head was being supported by his other hand and his eyes looked heavy.  Just a week ago, Donghae was eating seconds or thirds of everything - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  He was like a teenager, eating them out of house and home.  Then the grouchyness and longer sleeps started.  Over the past few days Donghae barely touched any food at all.


Sungmin hated to ask, but it seemed like a probable cause, "Donghae, is everything fine between you and Yesung?"


"Mmm hmm", he nodded tiredly - looking like he was going to faceplant into the rice.


Leeteuk sighed and glanced outside.  It really was getting darker earlier and earlier the closer it got to winter.  With that thought his head turned quickly back to the young merman.  "Do you hibernate in winter Donghae?"


"Huh?", he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes hearing the new word.


Of course!  Sungmin sat up at the realization.  Trying to live like a human was messing with the schedule that nature had already set for Donghae.  "Hibernation, um, a big long rest or sleep during winter.  That's what you usually do, isn't it?"


"Don't wanna!"  He threw the chopsticks down on the table and folded his arms over his chest, glaring at the two rangers.  "No brother here, no Umma, no Appa.  Won't sleep long all alone!"


"Donghae, look what it's doing to your health."  Sungmin touched the side of Donghae's wrist.  "Your pulse is slowing down.  It's dangerous for you to continue to try to stay awake like this."


"So?  Sungmin not, Leeteuk not, Yesung not.  I sleep long things happen without me.  Time goes.  Maybe Yesung forget me.  Then... then.."  Tears of hopelessness started to fall from his eyes.  As much as Leeteuk and Sungmin did to nurse him back to health, Yesung gave Donghae a reason to smile after all of the tragedy.  Waking up to a life without him seemed pointless.


Leeteuk came over and put his arms around Donghae's shoulders.  "I can see how much Yesung cares about you.  There's no way he would forget about you over a few short months."


"If he's going to say anything to Yesung, it better be tonight.  I'm very concerned about his slowing pulse, tiredness, and loss of appetite.  He can't stay keep this act up much longer."  Sungmin turned from Leeteuk to Donghae, "You have his number, right?  Better use my phone."


"Eh?  Never use phone before."  He wasn't scared of the piece of technology as much as what he was going to say.  He had seen his hyungs on their phones plenty of times, but this call just brought him one step closer to being away from everyone and everything for the winter.  Sungmin impatiently punched in the numbers and handed the phone over to Donghae.  His heartbeat increased as he spoke, "Yesung hyung, it's Donghae.  I tell you important thing.  Come see me now please."


As the merman handed the phone back, Sungmin wiped his hand over his face and shook his head, "Geez, if something that urgent sounding and totally vague doesn't bring him running, nothing will."  He started cleaning the table and tried his best to ignore the glare from Leeteuk.


Donghae's nerves were doing a great job of helping him stay awake waiting for Yesung.  He busied his hands carving a piece of wood that was left over from building the bridge.  He had worked on the carving throughout autumn and it was thankful that it was almost finished.  When he heard footsteps running towards the cabin, he quickly put the carving into his jacket pocket.  Getting up, he made his way over to meet Yesung at the door.


"What on Earth is wrong Donghae?  You've never called me before and what little you said had me so worried!"  The elder looked like he had run right of work to get there still dressed in his work shirt and apron.  He put his hands on Donghae's cheeks and rested their foreheads together.  "What is it you needed to tell me?"


"Is okay we talk outside?"  Donghae hesitantly looked at Leeteuk and Sungmin.  He knew inside there wouldn't be much privacy.   Leeteuk would just give sad, sympathetic looks while Sungmin would keep clearing his throat hinting that not everything that should was being said.  What did he know anyway?  Words that Donghae chose were all about the preservation of his sole existence and avoidence of any rejection Yesung may give if he found out all the truth.  Sungmin went deep into his mishmash closet to pull out a long quilted coat that would keep the merman protected from the late autumn cold. 


"I...I want to see the sunset with you Yesung hyung."  The two walked slowly - Donghae clinging to his boyfriend's arm and occationally burying his face in the other's coat when the wind picked up.   They stopped halfway across the bridge to admire the burning orange sliver of sun sinking into the horizon behind an outline of leafless trees.


Yesung felt Donghae shiver and drew him closer, chuckling,  "You really don't do well in this kind of weather, do you?"  Donghae's shoulders shook as he tried to hold back his tears.  Yesung turned to face him, "What?  What is it?  I was only joking about the weather.  That doesn't have to do with what you wanted to tell me does it?"


"It does hyung, it does."  Donghae stopped hiding his tears.  "My body not good in cold.  I have to go until outside is warm again..."


"How long will you be gone?  Where will you be?"


"I'll be where is warmer.  I'm away couple cycles of moon, more if winter so cold."


"But you'll be able to call, just like you did tonight, or you can write, er, um, have someone write so I know you're okay..."


Donghae's cries drowned out any other attempts.  The younger dropped his head shaking it back and forth on Yesung's shoulder.


The aching in his heart became too much and tears started to fall from Yesung's eyes, "Isn't there anything that can be done?"


"I don't know.  Just this..."  Donghae reached through his coat and into his jacket, freeing the carved turtle from his pocket.  "I made this for you.  Please think of me when you see it."


Yesung looked at the wooden turtle that fit in the palm of his hand.  The patterns of the scutes, plastron, and legs were all different and highly detailed.  The eyes almost gleamed bright and there was even a slight smile on the turtle's mouth.  "Donghae, this is such a wonderful piece of work.  I think this has to be the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me.  Thank you!"   He hugged him tightly, only letting loose when Donghae started to speak again.


"Happy you like it.  So now you won't forget me."  A sad smile came on his face as tears started welling up in his eyes again.


"Donghae, how could I ever forget you?  I love you!"  Hearing the declaration, the younger lifted his eyes up.  Yesung took the opportunity to finally meld his lips with those of the man he loves.  This time, Donghae didn't resist, moving in rhythm with the other.  It was a bittersweet kiss, the taste of their lips mixing with each other's tears.


When their lips finally parted, each gasped slightly for air.   Donghae felt his first kiss was frightening and beautiful.  In his mind, it was akin to breathing underwater with his gills and being carressed by the water - then breaking the surface of the water, taking air into his lungs, and feeling the sun on his face.  He knew how precariously he was straddling two worlds.  Looking up into Yesung's eyes for the last time in what could be several long months, Donghae breathed out softly,  "I love you, too." 




A/N - Finally, they said it!!!

Yeah, I admit, it's been a long time coming - both their confession and this here update.  I was having trouble with all the emotions - sniff sniff.  (Wah!) 

The next chapter is just around the corner, really!  I was totally bass-ackwards and wrote most of chapter 10 before chapter 9.  Doh!  Here - I supply you all with mushy tomatoes since like L7 said "Bricks are Heavy".

What do you think could happen during the long cold winter?  If I update next on 4/13, what could that possibly mean?!?  Mwah ha ha!

While you're throwing mushy tomatoes my way, feel free to throw a comment in there as well ;)

Thank you all SO much for reading!!!

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How's come only 29 views for chapter 14?!? Should I just mark it completed? Sequel? PM or comment please!


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391 streak #1
Chapter 14: It's a happy ending? It's completed? Or...? I love haesung~ But my kyusung heart's bleeding uhuhuhu
391 streak #2
Chapter 8: eh heeeee~ boyfriend~ <333
391 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh... what will happen with Kyu since it's a haesung story XD;;;
391 streak #4
Came here coz why not? I love how Hae being a great cousin for Sungie in your other fics, so yeah~~~
Chapter 14: this is so great! I loved! are you going to keep writing? ;___;
jayana #6
Chapter 14: Finally you update.. \o/ thank you. Yay yehae together again :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #7
Thanks so much! Great to hear that you're enjoying it! I have started the next chapter, I just write s-l-o-w-l-y ><
Yeye doesn't mean to be an arse, but his indecisiveness is going to bring some serious turmoil that will affect everyone - very soon!
There is romance in the works for our dear Teukie, but like he said, it will happen when we least expect it ;)
I'll work hard to make the update exciting!
Chapter 12: New reader here!!! I really like the story omg hope you would update soon!!! ANNOYED WITH YEYE IN THE STORY UGHHH HOW CAN HE DO THIS TO HAE AND KYU :( I actually hope teuk gets his fair share of love hehehehe since he's the romantic one(?) in the story, but no signs of him being in love HAHAAHAH poor jungsoo :b really good job with this!! Hope you update soon!! :)
chullie07 #9
Chapter 12: Omg Yesung... Donghae... I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING ;A;
aleihs19 #10
Chapter 11: Did I just read my name up there? O_O

*goes hibernating even after the winter was long gone*

No seriously... it's not supposed to be the <you> code since the 'A' was capitalized. I'm confused.

Going back to the story. The popcorn should be thrown at Yeye. I know the short time he's been with Donghae was not enough, and he realized how much Kyuhyun loves him, but he's hurting 2 people and affecting others surrounding them. Argh! Complicated. :/

Sungmin... just don't go ing while daydreaming. XD

I swear I'm innocent!