Blame it on the T.V.

Blame It on the Turtles

Donghae was fascinated by television.  At first it was the mystery of how all of the people, trees, and cars got into the flat box on the wall.  Then Sungmin explain, with lots of laughing in between, that what's seen on the T.V. is a bunch of images - moving pictures.  It was still slightly unsettling seeing things look so real to life that weren't really there.  That's probably why he liked cartoons so much better, no mistaking them for real life, and they were a lot more fun.


Unfortunately, early in the evening there weren't any cartoons on T.V. in the cabin that Donghae had been sharing with Sungmin.  Donghae sat on the corner of foldout couch and silently pouted.  Sungmin had insisted on catching up on "dramas" saying that he'd been neglecting them since Donghae discovered cartoons.  This particular drama, Sungmin's favorite, was boring Donghae to no end:  all of the dialogue was hard to follow, the characters changing outfits all the time was confusing, it wasn't a happy story - many people arguing and crying, and there really wasn't a lot of action.


Although it was early, Donghae was trying to will himself to sleep.  To him, the drama on T.V. was nonsense.  He had just gotten comfortable lying back on the couch when he heard Sungmin gasp and felt him lean forward closer to the screen.  Hearing the drama's music come to a crescendo he shook off his sleep and looked at the drama with confusion.  The male and female leads were standing in the pouring rain, holding each other like they were the only two beings in the universe.  Their lips were pressed together, which must not have been an accident because they kept doing it.  Donghae wrinkled up his nose in disgust.  Were they supposed to do that?  The drama ended and the screen faded to black.


Sungmin sat back and sighed at the drama's happy ending but his thoughts were soon interrupted by a certain young merman's whispering, "Sungmin hyung, what were they doing?"


"What do you mean 'What were they doing'?  Really, Donghae had asked a rather loaded question and Sungmin wanted to make sure where he was going with this.


Donghae shifted around a bit and looked up nervously, "That...that thing with their lips t-together."


"You mean the kiss?"  Please don't let me have to explain the birds and the bees!  Where's Teukie at a time like this?!?  "Um, it's how people who are, uh, very close show affection...with each other...sometimes."  Sungmin breathed in and out slowly.  "So, merpeople don't kiss then, huh?"  Donghae's eyes got wide and he shook his head 'no' solomnly.


Sungmin tried not to show the relief on his face, learning whatever relationship Donghae and that Yesung character had hadn't progressed that far.  He smiled, leaned over and ruffled the younger's hair.  "That's good.  Keep it that way, kiddo."


After the two cabinmates bid each other good night, Donghae stayed up thinking about his adjustment in the human world.  Specifically, he tried to relate the on-screen kiss he saw with the feelings he had for Yesung.  He thought back to the times where his face would be just inches from Yesung's.  Uncertain of what was happening, he would shy away.  Should he have?  His heart skipped a little thinking about it.  As he started to fall asleep, he ran his fingers over his lips, still confused about human ways. 




Kyuhyun slowly sipped his tea and looked concerned as his favorite hyung overexerted himself.  "You know I could have gotten the materials at cost and found some people to come in and do this hyung.", he said in between Yesung and Hyukjae's hammering.  "Instead, here you are before the -crack of dawn on your day off trying to build your own tables."


"Don't worry about us Kyu.  Business has really been picking up, so I want to get some extra seating put in along the windows.  This is the best day for it and doing it ourselves saves us a lot of money."  Yesung wiped his forehead, stretched a bit, and went back to hammering.


"Speaking of money, you cheap magnae, were you planning on paying for that tea?  It's the least you can do, because I know you won't be picking up a hammer and joining us."  Money was always an issue when Hyukjae and Kyuhyun were college roommates, and it still continued especially since Kyu was swimming in it having his own corporation.


"Ah Hyuk, quit teasing Kyu," Yesung chuckled. "I wasn't planning on opening the register on a day that we were closed for business."


"Don't worry hyung, I got it.", Hyukjae dropped his hammer and vaulted over the counter to the register.  The bell rang as the register drawer opened.  "Alright mooch, pony up", he said glaring at the younger.


"Fine", Kyu gritted through his teeth while digging into his pockets.  "Here you go, skinflint."  He handed a large amounts of coins over to Hyuk and turned his attention back to Yesung.  "Hyung, you aren't going to be working on this all day are you?"  Maybe he would take the elder out to dinner after work.  Though he would have to make the invitation sound casual, like he knew he would be too tired to cook that evening...


"We'll be finishing up by late afternoon.  Hyuk has his dance classes starting at 6.  I promised Donghae I'd come over for dinner and since he found Leeteuk's stash of old Disney movies I'm guessing that will be the rest of the evening."


Kyu sighed, his plans dashed.  "Well, I'd better get to work.  Sounds like you all have a pretty full day ahead of you.  Don't stay out too late, neh?"


Hyukjae watched knowingly as Kyuhyun crumpled up and trashed his paper tea cup as he exited the cafe.  The boy just really needed to give it up.




Well, dinner went off without a hitch.  Sungmin could have been mean and served rice, noodles, or (even worse) soup.  Instead there was beef, vegetables, and salad, which Donghae worked his chopsticks around a gracefully as he could.  Okay, there was one piece of zucchini that slipped from his grasp and flew into the kitchen wall.  Yesung was polite and suppressed a laugh, mostly.  Sungmin just looked at them both like they were hopeless.


Yesung talked of his 12-hour exploit building windowside seating in his cafe.  At first, he really was unsure about taking on the project, but he was inspired by Donghae, Sungmin, and Leeteuk's work on the bridge traversing the reservation's lake.  Besides, with Hyukjae and his limitless amount of energy, they accomplished everything in one (long) day.


After dinner, Donghae pulled Yesung into the living room while Sungmin cleared the kitchen up.  Donghae showed off a large cardboard box full of old VHS tapes like they were gold.  "Look!  Leeteuk's from when little.  All cartoons!  This one - I like music, but won't sing - don't worry."  He carefully put the tape into the VCR and the TV.


Yesung winced as he slowly sat down on the couch.  The labourous day had finally caught up with him.  Donghae noticed as the other rolled his shoulders and tried to get comfortable.  "Yesung hyung, you work too hard today!  I help, Sungmin hyung showed me how."  He scooted over and started kneading the elder's tired arms and shoulders.


The raven-haired man let out a slow moan and relaxed.  Hearing the sound, Donghae instinctively moved closer.  A new and slightly dangerous feeling crept into his stomach.  He leaned his head onto Yesung's shoulder and whispered, "Was that good, hyung?"  Yesung bit his lip slightly as the breath of the other ghosted over his ear.  "Yeah", the elder sighed.  He knew Donghae wasn't trying to be seductive, but damn...


Sungmin wasn't quite sure what he was hearing from the other room, but that moan didn't sound innocent.  He ran out of the kitchen, dish sponge still in hand.  Carreening around the corner, he launched the sponge right at Yesung and it got him square in the face.


"What the hell Sungmin?!?", Yesung sputtered out.


"Thought I smelled a fire burning", he answered sweetly.


Donghae missed the insinuation and chuckled at the absurdity of the statement.  "Oh, just come and watch Beauty and the Beast with us hyung!"


They watched the rest of the movie in peace.  Sungmin glanced at the couple every once in a while, making sure they were a respectable distance apart.  Yesung tried his best to ignore the hovering ranger, concentrating on the movie and Donghae's cute reactions.


While Beauty and the Beast was rewinding, Donghae and Yesung rummaged through the box full of VHS tapes.  Yesung found a title he recognized, "Hey, how about Little Mermaid?"  Donghae would enjoy it, right?  He spent so much free time swimming and knew a lot about animals...


Sungmin cringed.  They had tried to watch the movie eariler in the week when Leeteuk had first brought the box of old movies from his house. The movie seemed to open up a whole slew of issues regarding the difference between Donghae's family and merpeople living out in the oceans.  He wondered how Donghae would react and how much he would reveal to Yesung.


Donghae angrily grabbed the movie away and threw it to the side.  His eyes darkened and his voice had an ominous tone, "No!  Ocean is very, very different - not like this!"


Looking to Sungmin for answers and finding none, Yesung empathized, thinking the strong reaction was residual trauma from what had happened to his family at Parang Lake.  The youngest shook slightly, but started to relax Yesung pulled him close.  "It's okay Donghae, we can find something you would like better.  I haven't seen this one, have you?"


"Oh, this is good!" Donghae hopped up and smiled, recognizing the cover of Sword in the Stone, "It's funny when Merlin and Arthur turn into fish!"


"Yeah, 'cause that kind of thing could never happen in real life", deadpanned Sungmin.  Donghae stuck his tongue out at Sungmin while Yesung was switching the tapes.  The elder then found a pillow and streched out more across the sofa.  Sungmin gathered some things and started to head towards his room, "As much fun as another movie would be, our funding is going down the tubes so I have a stack of grants and proposals to write."  He looked specifically towards Yesung and mouthed, "Behave", as he closed his room door.


Yesung rolled his eyes and sighed, "Sungmin is rather overprotective of you, isn't he?"  After being told to behave by someone younger, it was only natural to feel the need to misbehave, even a little.


Donghae felt an arm snake around his waist and pull him back from the edge of the sofa.  "Ahhhh!", he giggled and playfully swatted at Yesung.  "I don't know.  Sungmin hyung is just careful with me, I guess."  That being said, Donghae was starting to notice how Sungmin didn't totally approve of Yesung, but he couldn't understand why.


After many, many previews, the movie finally started and Donghae got lost in the magical cartoon. Just as Archimedes the owl saved fish-Merlin and fish-Arthur, Donghae noticed quiet sleeping sounds behind him.  He turned and smiled at the peaceful scene.  Yesung sure snored quieter than Sungmin.  Donghae stopped the TV and VCR.  He pulled up a couple of blankets while lying down next to Yesung.  The elder had a sweet, earthy smell to him that Donghae breathed in heavily.  Was it from the "coffee" that he would frequently mention?  If it smelled as good as Yesung, coffee must be wonderful.  While Donghae snuggled in closer, Yesung sleepily put his arms around him.  A feeling of true contentment rose in his heart as he drifted off to asleep.




Howdy my fine readers!

I'm baaaaack!  (Cue dramatic music chord)

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all you readers, subscribers, upvoters, and commentors!  It's been a smegging long time to wait for this rot, huh?

Oh my gravy, Yesung fell asleep over at Donghae's!  What's Kyu going to think?!?  ;)  Yeah, jealously will be in the air all over the place come next chapter...

I have a good idea about most things in chapter 8, so I will get right to it!  Still, I'll warn you that I'm not as fast as a lot of writers out there, so bear with me - please!

I've been out the past few days with a stomach thing (ew). I don't know if it would make my stomach feel better, but comments, feedback, subscribers, and friend requests sure would put a smile on my face :)  Silent readers, don't be shy - I'm probably one of the least intimidating people ever.

Hope you're as amused as I am:  Sungmin's enlistment announcement has made things interesting around here.  Anytime Mei Mei is ornery Ge Ge starts yelling, "Officer Lee, help!  Help me Officer Lee!"  Mei Mei is getting her's back (and then some) after teasing me when Yesung started his enlistment.







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How's come only 29 views for chapter 14?!? Should I just mark it completed? Sequel? PM or comment please!


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391 streak #1
Chapter 14: It's a happy ending? It's completed? Or...? I love haesung~ But my kyusung heart's bleeding uhuhuhu
391 streak #2
Chapter 8: eh heeeee~ boyfriend~ <333
391 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh... what will happen with Kyu since it's a haesung story XD;;;
391 streak #4
Came here coz why not? I love how Hae being a great cousin for Sungie in your other fics, so yeah~~~
Chapter 14: this is so great! I loved! are you going to keep writing? ;___;
jayana #6
Chapter 14: Finally you update.. \o/ thank you. Yay yehae together again :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #7
Thanks so much! Great to hear that you're enjoying it! I have started the next chapter, I just write s-l-o-w-l-y ><
Yeye doesn't mean to be an arse, but his indecisiveness is going to bring some serious turmoil that will affect everyone - very soon!
There is romance in the works for our dear Teukie, but like he said, it will happen when we least expect it ;)
I'll work hard to make the update exciting!
Chapter 12: New reader here!!! I really like the story omg hope you would update soon!!! ANNOYED WITH YEYE IN THE STORY UGHHH HOW CAN HE DO THIS TO HAE AND KYU :( I actually hope teuk gets his fair share of love hehehehe since he's the romantic one(?) in the story, but no signs of him being in love HAHAAHAH poor jungsoo :b really good job with this!! Hope you update soon!! :)
chullie07 #9
Chapter 12: Omg Yesung... Donghae... I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING ;A;
aleihs19 #10
Chapter 11: Did I just read my name up there? O_O

*goes hibernating even after the winter was long gone*

No seriously... it's not supposed to be the <you> code since the 'A' was capitalized. I'm confused.

Going back to the story. The popcorn should be thrown at Yeye. I know the short time he's been with Donghae was not enough, and he realized how much Kyuhyun loves him, but he's hurting 2 people and affecting others surrounding them. Argh! Complicated. :/

Sungmin... just don't go ing while daydreaming. XD

I swear I'm innocent!