Blame it on Monkey Wrenches

Blame It on the Turtles


Yesung emerged from the bathroom, mud-free and in his work clothes.  He tussled his hair to dry it a bit more as he quickly moved about the apartment getting ready to go.  Normally Kyuhyun would have found the puttering around adorable, but today he just felt a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. 


"What's wrong Kyu-ah?  You never got a chance to tell me why you were out of the office so early today?"


"It's --"  the love that I've waited so long for is slipping away   "- that I don't feel well.  I think I'll go lie down now.  Sorry to have bothered you hyung.  "  Kyuhyun's lowered his head and turned away from Yesung.  It was hard enough to choke out any words.  He didn't want the tears welling up in his eyes to be seen. 


Before making it into the spare room that he claimed as his own, Kyuhyun felt a back hug.  "Nonsense, my favorite dongsaeng is never a bother!  You rest up and I'll bring back something from the cafe after work to make you feel better."


"Thanks hyung, you're the best", Kyuhyun called out as Yesung left.  I only wish you could love me the same way the I love you.




Yesung figured he'd play it safe and try to go about his normal work routine for a few days.  Hopefully the blond park ranger that had yelled at him for sneaking onto the reservation would cool down soon.   Then, he could go back and get to know more about the quiet newcomer Donghae.


In the mean time, he relayed his muddy kismet adventure to his friend and co-worker, Lee Hyukjae.  Hyuk, as he called him, helped out at the cafe in the afternoons and taught dance in the evenings.  Though shy and serious, he showed a more fun and self-confident side when dancing.


After hearing Yesung's offbeat tale; the thoughtful, scarlet-haired dancer eyed his friend warily, "So basically what you're telling me hyung, is that you're suddenly head-over-heels for some enigmatic half- guy that you just happened to see after sneaking into the park and tumbling into a mud puddle?"


"Uh huh, that pretty much covers it Hyuk.  But the way you put it, makes it sound a little strange.", he said rather absently cleaning off a recently vacated table.


"Of course it's strange!  I mean, not the flailing pratfall into the mud.  That's totally you.  But falling for some guy at first meeting?  That's rather out of character for you, hyung. Oh, and it's also not like you to keep cleaning the same spot on the table - over and over and over again.", Hyuk showed his silly/gummy grin that made all the female customers weak.


Yesung tossed the cleaning cloth over his shoulder and  looked wistful, "He's like no one I've ever met before.  There is an innocence about him.  When we were together, he was looking around, and I could tell, he just sees things differently.  There's just an incredible vibe about him.  I guess that's the best way for me to explain it, I mean, I've never felt like this before."


"Hyung, you make it sound kind of cheesy.  Love, pfff, love isn't like that.  Spontaneous music, time standing still, flowers falling from the sky - that's stuff from romance novels.  If I were ever to actually witness something like that, I. would. laugh. out. loud."


The elder shook his head and smiled.  He didn't expect his pragmatic friend to understand.  Heck, he was trying hard to understand these new feelings himself.




Things the following day were bass-ackwards at Cho Development.


For the first time since starting there, Siwon showed up for work early.  Well, "showed up" isn't exactly the best way to put it, since that would mean others were aware of his presense - exactly what he wanted to avoid.  Nope, let's face it, he snucked in and was hiding quietly back in his office.  After being caught making out heatedly with Heechul, a co-worker he felt very mixed emotions about, he didn't know how soon he could look his boss in the eye.  He wished for a quick reprimand from Kyuhyun, but figured frequently dropped snarky remarks would happen instead.  Perhaps even worse was how to deal with Heechul.  He felt like he had just run headlong onto a rickety bridge that traversed a huge canyon.


Surprising after finally getting what he had wanted, Heechul was not his usual over-confident self.  Any calls that came in he dealt with quickly.   Even those personal calls that he typically slipped in during the day, he kept to a minimum.  He nervously twisted a lock of hair around his ear and kept quietly peering towards the entrance.  Fidgety and insecure, he bit his lip deep in thought.  He had imagined intimate contact with Siwon for so long.  Now that it had really happened, where were they to go from there?


Kyuhyun dragged himself in late.  A quick, hard glare to Heechul showed that he wanted no comments about yesterday, or anything at all for that matter.  He stalked in further and slammed his office door closed.  Collapsing into his desk chair he put his hands to his head and squeezed back the tears in his eyes.  Even at work he wondered how life was going to get back to normal.  When was the ache in his heart going to lessen?


Heechul had seen glares from his young employer before, but none with such pain behind them.  Though his boss could be a snarky brat, he really was a good guy to work for.  Behind the cold wall that he put up, the kid was after all brilliant, candid, resourceful, loyal, and (even occationally) kind.  Concerned for the younger, Heechul brought in some freshly-made coffee.  "Is everything okay with your family, sir?"


"Yes Heechul, things are fine with my family.  Thank you for the coffee."  Kyuhyun wiped his eyes quickly and attempted a quick smile.


"Still can't get my boss to throw a 'hyung' in there every once in a while, can I?"  Both looked at each other and shook their heads.  Heechul was glad his humor was met well considering how Kyuhyun seemed to feel.


Siwon had come by quietly and saw the exchange.  He could tell something was troubling his young boss.  Nervously he avoided looking over at Heechul and just spoke to Kyuhyun, "Are you going to be up for doing the Shim proposal this afternoon Kyuhyun-ssi?" 


He sighed inwardly, hating that he had dragged the emotions of his personal problems into work.  "I will be more than ready for another successful proposal, Siwon-ssi.  Will you?"  He stared down both of this coworkers, who quickly exited Kyuhyun's office and closed the door.


Heechul sighed and shook his head, "Boy trouble."


"Huh?  How do you figure?"


"Two months ago, after the Chung proposal was completed, we all went out to celebrate.  You decided to go to church instead.  Hannie was still in town, so I brought him along.  Kyuhyun called his friend Yesung to join us.  It was obvious how much Kyuhyun was pining for Yesung, at least to Hannie and me.  Yesung just was kind of oblivious though.  You saw the way Kyuhyun bolted out of work yesterday and skulked back in this morning?  That stems from his feelings for Yesung and whatever happened, I'm sure of it."


Siwon thought for a moment then put his hand on Heechul's "About yesterday..."


Just then, Kyuhyun came from his office, saw his employees talking closely, and dropped his empty coffee mug on Heechul's desk.  "I'll have to ask you to limit your (ahem) fraternizing.  I'm trying to run a corporation, not some damned dating service."  Turning on his heels, he went back to his office and loudly closed the door.


Heechul slipped his hand out from under Siwon's.  "You are right Siwon-ssi, about yesterday.  We should just maintain a business relationship."  The look given by Heechul ended the discussion, as he tried to remain cold under his nervous heart.


Siwon stood there for a bit, feeling rather dejected, before slowly making his way back to his office.  Heechul, how could you misunderstand?  That wasn't what I was going to say to you at all!




Sungmin walked down the path almost calling out to Donghae when he saw the concerned look on the young merman's face.  Whatever happened two days ago had greatly affected Donghae.  He seemed preoccupied in this thoughts, often looking with worry towards the path where the stranger had come.  He decided to mention his observations to Leeteuk.


"Hyung, I think we may want to keep the parimeters up for a few more days around the lake area.  Donghae has been acting rather out-of-sorts for the past two days."


"Have you asked him how he feels?"  Leeteuk had noticed the change in Donghae's behavior, but wanted to know his dongsaeng's thoughts before going forth.


"His Korean is still rather limited, but he would express more to me before the incident.  He's told me that he is 'okay', but he keeps looking towards the path where the dark-haired man evaded the posted signs.  I think this has really scared him hyung.  With all that he's been through, I feel it may be better to limit his exposure to other humans."


"I think we are looking at this two different ways.  Come with me while I ask Donghae some questions..."  They went over to the side of the lake.  Hearing their approaching footsteps, Donghae emerged close by from the water.


"Leeteuk hyung!  Sungmin hyung!  Um, how you in morning?"  He smiled shyly at his attempt at speaking Korean.


They sat down at the edge of the lake and returned Donghae's smile, admiring his resiliency at adjusting to a world that was so new to him.  "We are both doing fine this morning, Donghae.  So, what have you been doing the past few days?"  Leeteuk looked at Donghae, over to the path, and then back to Donghae.


As much as he heard the words, Donghae could read Leeteuk's body language a lot easier.  He was nervous, biting his lip a bit and blinking a few times, but glad that someone finally wanted to know what he was thinking.  The feeling that he had every time he looked toward the path was gnawing inside of him.  "I wait", he breathed out.


"What are you waiting for?"


Donghae laughed a bit, "WHO, not WHAT!"  And you are teaching me Korean? "Wait for Yesung."


Now we are getting somewhere.  "Okay Donghae, who is Yesung?", Leeteuk grinned slightly, while Sungmin's eyes widened.


"Friend... Said friend call him Yesung, so friend.  But where?  I wait."  Donghae tried to look out past the path where he has seen Leeteuk, Sungmin, and Yesung come from and wondered what things were like out there.


"Donghae, I think it's exciting that you've met a friend.  I hope he comes back soon."  Leeteuk motioned for Sungmin so both could step aside to talk.  He knew what was coming and shot his hyung a look.


"Leeteuk hyung, I mean no disrespect, but I have to question why you would encourage this friendship... relationship - whatever you believe is forming - between Donghae and this Yesung person.  What if he finds out Donghae is a merman?"


"Shh, lower your voice. That's Donghae's call.  He's the last of his kind.  We could hole him up here like some kind of museum piece, but you see how he wants to be around others.  I think in order for him to be happy, he will have to work on adapting a little into the human world."


"Hyung, happiness is one thing, survival is another.  He IS the last of his kind.  We know nothing of this Yesung.  But we have seen how fragile Donghae was when he came, how frightened he was, and how we had to build his trust.  I don't want to see anyone hurt."


"We'll have to agree to disagree on this Sungmin-ssi, but I am your superior and I am asking you to take down the signs and perimeter this afternoon."


Donghae was quietly listening to Leeteuk and Sungmin.  He could understand bits and pieces of what was being said, only living with the humans just over one full cycle of the moon.  'last of his kind'... 'Yesung'... 'survival'...'trust'... It was much easier to watch their body movements, hear their tone of voice, and look at their expressions.  While Leeteuk was calm and tried to sound reassuring, there was some concerns he was hiding.  Sungmin, on the other hand, showed worry and defiance.  It was a lot for Donghae to try to figure out.


He swam away a bit to clear his mind.  It's true, he realized, that his new friend probably didn't know that he was a merman.  Would he feel different about him if he knew?  He thought of Yesung's tousled hair, expressive eyes, and deep voice.  'last of his kind'... 'Yesung'... 'survival'...'trust'...   Those words echoed in his head and he made his decision.





How much more angst can Kyu handle?

Why was Hyukkie throwing monkey wrenches into Yeye's romantic notions?

What's with the flip-flop in feelings with Siwon and Chullie?

And what do you think Donghae is deciding about how he is going to go about things with Yesung?


Happy belated New Year to you all!!!  Any totally outrageous resolutions?

It's been a while hasn't it?!?  I've been struggling over my train wreck other fic, Sins of Omission.  But I'm really happy that both my fics are recently updated and are picking up in action :)

Thanks so much for reading!  MWAH!

You are absolutely beautious for sticking it out with me!

Comments, subscriptions, votes, and chocolate make me happy!  (Oh please make me happy xD )

Until next time:  peace, love, and turtles!








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How's come only 29 views for chapter 14?!? Should I just mark it completed? Sequel? PM or comment please!


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391 streak #1
Chapter 14: It's a happy ending? It's completed? Or...? I love haesung~ But my kyusung heart's bleeding uhuhuhu
391 streak #2
Chapter 8: eh heeeee~ boyfriend~ <333
391 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh... what will happen with Kyu since it's a haesung story XD;;;
391 streak #4
Came here coz why not? I love how Hae being a great cousin for Sungie in your other fics, so yeah~~~
Chapter 14: this is so great! I loved! are you going to keep writing? ;___;
jayana #6
Chapter 14: Finally you update.. \o/ thank you. Yay yehae together again :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #7
Thanks so much! Great to hear that you're enjoying it! I have started the next chapter, I just write s-l-o-w-l-y ><
Yeye doesn't mean to be an arse, but his indecisiveness is going to bring some serious turmoil that will affect everyone - very soon!
There is romance in the works for our dear Teukie, but like he said, it will happen when we least expect it ;)
I'll work hard to make the update exciting!
Chapter 12: New reader here!!! I really like the story omg hope you would update soon!!! ANNOYED WITH YEYE IN THE STORY UGHHH HOW CAN HE DO THIS TO HAE AND KYU :( I actually hope teuk gets his fair share of love hehehehe since he's the romantic one(?) in the story, but no signs of him being in love HAHAAHAH poor jungsoo :b really good job with this!! Hope you update soon!! :)
chullie07 #9
Chapter 12: Omg Yesung... Donghae... I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING ;A;
aleihs19 #10
Chapter 11: Did I just read my name up there? O_O

*goes hibernating even after the winter was long gone*

No seriously... it's not supposed to be the <you> code since the 'A' was capitalized. I'm confused.

Going back to the story. The popcorn should be thrown at Yeye. I know the short time he's been with Donghae was not enough, and he realized how much Kyuhyun loves him, but he's hurting 2 people and affecting others surrounding them. Argh! Complicated. :/

Sungmin... just don't go ing while daydreaming. XD

I swear I'm innocent!