Blame It on the Bordeaux

Blame It on the Turtles

A/N - Grab a nice cuppa your favorite beverage and a comfy chair.  I'm making up for my absence with an extra-long chapter for ya'll. <3

         Oh!  And if you're a little iffy on remembering the happenings of Hae and company, feel free to reread the last few chapters :)



Sungmin entered the hospital room and gave the same agast expression that the doctors and nurses did before him.  Next to Leeteuk's bed, on the nightstand, was a large display of white flowers.  The carnations, baby's breath, daisies, and dalias shown clean and bright in the morning sun.  As lovely as they looked, the white blooms were normally reserved for funerals, not get-well wishes.  Leeteuk's underwater emergency in the tank two weeks before did end up resulting in pneumonia.  Luckily now he was almost in the clear and hoping to be released in a few days.  Sungmin continued to stand in the doorway, seriously wondering who would send his superior a slew of white blossoms. 


"Aren't they wonderful?"  Leeteuk took his oxygen mask off temporarily to gush over the flowers and signaled for his coworker to come sit by him.


"Ugh", Sungmin sighed. "These look like flowers from a grandma's memorial.  Oh now don't pout just yet, I have news that's even worse.  The Board of Trustees called first thing this morning to announced that there's a buyer for the front parcel of land in the nature preserve.  After the city took the land by eminent domain apparently only a couple prospectives were cruel enough to enquire."


Worry crossed the ranger's face.  "Any idea who the buyer is?"


"Shh, hyung put your oxygen back on.  No, they didn't say.  They want me to meet the buyer tomorrow.  I wish you were well enough to go.  I'm afraid I won't do the right things or react too well.  You are the calm one."


"I have faith that you will make things work."  Leeteuk coughed out slightly and motioned for Sungmin to take the small white box next to the offending flowers.


"White chocolates?  Was this also from the same person who gave you the flowers?"  After the elder nodded, Sungmin looked at the tag on the flowers 'Get well soon angel, Kangin'.  "Who...?"  


Leeteuk shrugged his shoulders in uncertainty.  "They were delivered while I was asleep."


Just outside the window, Sungmin saw a silhouette step away from view and move down the hallway.  "Hold on hyung, I'll be right back."


Sungmin turned down the fairly empty hallway and spotted the rear-view of someone he had met briefly a few weeks ago.  He called out, "Youngwoon-ssi!  Or should I say Kangin?"


The other visibly winced at being called both his nickname and birthname.  He turned and looked up rather sheepishly, "Oh hi, um, Sungmin-ssi was it?"  Clearly he had a look on his face of a kid getting caught.  "You must be here visiting your co-worker."


Without missing a beat Sungmin shot back, "Seems like we both were, yet you just lurk around outside his room and leave gifts without showing yourself.  For one called Kangin, you're acting rather weak."


The taller man stepped forward, "Hey, watch it.  He doesn't need to know who I am."


"You saved his life, of course he would want to meet you!"


Sighing, the dark haired wall of a man slumped his shoulders, "Listen, I'm just some guy from the water department who happened to be at the right place at the right time."


"So then what's with the flowers and chocolate?  And why are they white?"


A strong crimson blush raised upon Kangin's face.  He opened his mouth to say something, then quickly clamped it shut and shook his head.


"Well bashful, if you're going to be dopey and not tell me, I'm going to get grumpy."  With that, Sungmin grabbed Kangin's ear and began pulling him back towards Leeteuk's room.  "Don't try anything", the smaller said as the other started to struggle.  "I'm proficient in three forms of martial arts and have taken down wildlife bigger than you."


Leeteuk sat wide-eyed and held back his laughter as Sungmin appeared in his doorway holding a tall, dark haired, handsome man the way he would a stray elk.  "Hyung, this is Kim Youngwoon, also known to some as Kangin.  He was the one who did rescue breathing on you and brought you to the hospital.  I have a lot to prepare for tomorrow, so if you will both excuse me, I will leave you both to catch up."  With that, the feisty park ranger nudged (okay, maybe more like shoved) Kangin into the room and closed the door solidly behind him.


"Youngwoon-ssi... Kangin...",  Leeteuk took a deep breath from his oxygen mask, "Thank you for saving me...  I wonder...  How did you know my favorite color is white?"  He asked putting his hand on the other's arm.


"I didn't.  Except- Ugh, this is going to sound lame. When I saw you, I thought of an angel."  The muscular brunette ran his fingers through his hair and gave a thin smile.


The elder's eyes widened, then he showed a dimple-filled smile.  "If it weren't for you, I would be an angel, wings and all."


Youngwoon stepped forward, holding Leeteuk's hands in his.  "I know- I mean, it would be a work-in-progress, but... I hope you'll be my angel."


"Love will find us when we least expect it."  Didn't Leeteuk say those same words to Sungmin?  And here, it was happening to him- finally.  "Yes", he answered Youngwoon, smiling and looking deep into his eyes, "I think it's something we can work on."




Siwon had been at work several hours before sunrise.  Quietly hemming and hawing to himself over the project he was secretly working on.  His pencil making light lines on the blueprints.  Certainly there were computers and CAD programs for this sort of work, but for something this personal he wanted to use the old-fashioned tools of the trade.  He grinned slightly to himself leaning onto the drafting table, remembering how well it held the weight of two very active full grown men just a few days ago.  Smiling a bit more, he put his head down to rest.  Just a few minutes, he thought.  The odd hours he was keeping getting these blueprints done were catching up to him.


"Siwonnie, you were early again to work this morning!  I missed watching your fine backside swagger by..."


Hearing the familiar low, sweet purr of his boyfriend's voice, Siwon shot awake and awkwardly looked around to find Heechul sitting on the edge of the drafting table with a cat-caught-the-canary smile.  The broad-shouldered man clumsly knocked over his can of pencils while hastily trying to roll up the blueprints.


Heechul's well manicured hand landed in the middle of the papers and slowly unrolled them, "Tsk, tsk, tsk.  Is my honey working on a side project?  Moonlighting?  Let's see what my naughty boy is working on..."


Defeated, Siwon sighed and sat back in his chair.  "It was supposed to be a surprise", he pouted.


With detailed eyes, Heechul studied the stack of blueprints.  "Oh my God, is this what I think it is?!?"


"Suddenly you found religion?", the taller joked - which earned him a playful slap on the shoulder and an almost strangling hug.  "Well, surprise... a little early, I guess..."


"So, what's the surprise?"  Heechul quickly separated from Siwon and straightened his shirt as they saw their boss leaning in the doorway with his arms folded over his chest.  There was an awkward silence in the room as the startled employees tried to read Kyuhyun's expression.  They knew that the small smile that graced his lips could be hiding a biting comment.  "Blueprints, huh?  May I have a look?"


Siwon could hardly say no to his boss, so he and Heechul stepped back.  The room was quiet except for the sound of Kyuhyun leafing through the blueprints of the little house that Siwon hoped one day to be able to build.  "That's it!", the young employer exclaimed as he slapped the oft-abused drafting table.  Siwon in his breath, sure he was about to get canned.  Maybe he shouldn't have been so reckless, working on an outside project when his boss had been so emotionally distraught the last few weeks.


"Four, no six of these, in a row on our newly acquired land.", Kyuhyun said as he paced the office.  "The design will work with environmentally-friendly materials and the landscape of the park.  Siwon, if you allow me to use your design, I will pay for the cost of your house.  Sounds like you're hoping to build for you and Heechul."


Siwon stood there dumbstruck slightly nodding, but Heechul had no problem answering.  "Yes, yes, of course Kyuhyun."  The diva had to say something, lest the tears he was hiding would come out.


"Great!  Now I have some definite plans to discuss with the park representative I'm meeting this afternoon."  Kyuhyun wasn't beaming, but he looked the most upbeat he had in weeks.  Siwon finished rolling up the blueprints and handed them over.  "Hyung, I'll get these back to you after the meeting."  With that, the young businessman headed out, leaving his two employees in a fog.


Siwon shook his head and chuckled, "What was that?!?"


"That my dear, is our house and five others being built on the front of the park property that Kyuhyun just purchased from the city.", Heechul drawled.


His love did a doubletake, "You mean the very same park where - "


"Exactly", Heechul sighed.  "It's going to make things very interesting for everyone involved."




Kyuhyun nervously tapped on the blueprint roll and looked around Terrapin Station.  Perhaps he was more of a fool that he thought himself, but he felt this would be a fitting place to start attempting to mend things.  He gulped when he saw the man who had tried to help him the day that everything had fallen apart with Donghae, Yesung, and himself.  Tentatively he reached out his hand to the shorter man whose fox-like eyes wided at the recognition.  "Cho Kyuhyun of Cho Developments, you must be the representative from the park."


"Um, the nature preserve, yes Lee Sungmin.  My superior, Park Jungsu, is still recovering from an accident he had a few weeks ago.  So I'll be working with you for the time being."  Sungmin hoped that the hammering of his heart wouldn't give away the surprise and guilty delight he felt for the prospect of working closely with the tall mysterious man who had been on his mind for months.  But maybe the fact that he was still holding onto his hand might.  Oops  He withdrew his hand and cleared his throat to (try to) regain his composure.  "So, you're familiar with the reserve.  What made you want to purchase -"


A large crash from the back room made the two men turn around.  "What the hell are you doing here Cho Kyuhyun?  Haven't you done enough damage that you have to make it worse by darkening our doorstep?"  Hyukjae eyes were just as fiery as his red hair as he stormed up and came within inches of his old college roommate.


Whatever the two had going on Sungmin wanted none of it.  "Excuse me?", he said, stepping in between the two.


Unbeknownst to the three arguing men downstairs, Jongwoon came out of Hyukjae's apartment and quietly sat unseen at the top of the stairs.  Mourning the loss of his love and his best friend over the past few weeks had left him thin, sleepless, and weak.  Maybe it was some form of torture, but he had to find out how both were doing.


Hyukjae looked over and noticed how the smaller, full of sass, man who had stepped in front of Kyuhyun was sporting an offical-looking shirt for the nature preserve with a name badge of "Lee Sungmin - Ranger".  He recognized the name with the many talks he had in the past with Donghae.  A sardonic chuckle left his lips as he looked mid the two men.  His half-moon eyes narrowed.  "Ranger Lee, I'm guessing you have no idea everything that this creep you are speaking to has caused."


"Hyukjae, no, please...", Kyuhyun pleaded.


But the scarlet-haired barista and dancer knew that he had the attention of the ranger, so he continued.  "He was the one who nearly killed Donghae..."


"How was I supposed to know he was allergic to chlorine?  I just wanted Jongwoon to know the truth!", Kyukyun snapped back.


"The truth?  What the hell could that mean?  No amount of truth was worth that!"  Hyukjae then turned, "Sungmin-ssi, how is Donghae?"


"I'm afraid I don't know.  Once the chlorine was out of his system, he swore off contact with all humans, and leapt into the lake."


"Swore off contact with humans, what?", Hyukjae looked at around confused.


The crestfallen businessman answered almost in a whisper, "Donghae's a merman, Hyuk.  Maybe love made Jongwoon too blind to see it.  I pulled some hunches together and realized Donghae's true form.  But jealously made me reveal everything the wrong way."


Hyukjae found the nearest seat to collapse in before he fell down.  This was getting to be too much.


Sungmin's temper was growing as his heart was sinking.  "I think it's worse than either of you know.  In working to save Donghae, my boss Park Jungsu, almost drowned.  He's still in the hospital.  Cho Kyuhyun, you're not who I thought you were.  I know there was another potential buyer for our land.  I plan on going to the city and our Board of Trustees about working with them."


As Sungmin was turning to leave, Kyuhyun called out one word that made him freeze, "Arkon."  Thank God for Heechul's impecible researching skills.


"You can't be serious", Sungmin countered as he turned back around.  Arkon was the biggest violater of environmental laws in the country.  They knew how to sweet talk the government and then lay waste to any land their businesses were around.  To have Arkon so near the nature preserve would destroy it.


How did the saying go? 'Better the devil you know (than the devil you don't)'  With that conclusion, Sungmin sighed and grasped Kyuhyun's hand, "You're going to get more than you bargained for.  I'm your goddamn partner."


Hyukjae shook his head and rolled his eyes, "You so lifted that from Indiana Jones..."


Sungmin gave a wry smile and tilted his head towards Hyukjae, "So who's the killjoy?"  Which made the red-head sneer and Kyuhyun almost smile, "That would be Lee Hyukjae, my old college roommate and frenemy personified."


The ranger thought about how this could have turned out, if he had found out about the whole situation in any other way.  "No Kyuhyun-ssi, I think he may be the best friend you'll ever have.




The next day was long, going over the blueprints and discussing initial plans for the new development.  Kyuhyun and Sungmin professionally shared turns about the environment and building prospects.  The small talk in between become less stilted and surprisingly more comfortable as the day wore on.  


The day had started with a walk around the newly acquired land, but much of it was spent indoors inside Sungmin's small office.  A stretching of legs was needed; so midday, after some hastily made sandwiches, they headed around the lake.  Unbeknownst to them, someone in the lake had been aware of their presense all day - and was waiting...


Under the blue of the lake, Donghae sharpened one jagged stone against another with quick, deliberate .  He had heard a familiar voice talking with Sungmin this morning before the two entered the nature preserve's main building.  Eventually he knew they would come out.  And then, he would destroy the human who had poisoned him and ruined everything he had with Yesung.


Just after the sun was at its peak in the sky he heard the two humans come out of the building.  Donghae only briefly wondered why Sungmin would be dealing with one such as Kyuhyun.  It wouldn't matter much longer anyway.  Keeping low in the reeds and cattails, he saw they were getting closer.  He clutched the razor-sharp rock in his hand and readied himself.


It sickened him hearing the humans low voices talking in almost a familar tone.  They were close enough.  It was time.  Donghae used all his tail and back strength to launch himself out of the lake.  An angry cry accompanied the wild swing of his arm as he aimed for the heart of the tall human.


Quick reflexes of a martial artist saved Kyuhyun.  Sungmin reacted deftly, shoving the larger man away and instinctively kicking his leg out towards the merman.  The swinging rock Donghae had held went deep into Sungmin's thigh, just above the knee.  Perhaps there was a flash of recognition in Donghae's eyes, but the sound somewhere between a hiss and growl was more pronounced.  Defeated, the merman jumped back into the water.


The splash of water shook Kyuhyun from his initial shock.  He got up and ran to Sungmin unsure of what to do, "What'd you do that for?  It was meant for me!"


"That's a funny way of saying 'thank you', the ranger gritted through the pain.  "He meant to kill you.  Now if you could kindly help me to my cabin, so I can treat this stab wound here."


Never being the athlete, Kyuhyun wondered how he was to go about doing this.  First he tried lifting Sungmin up under his arms, which only resulting in the shorter man being dragged part-way.  Trying to carry the injured "bridal-style" (oh, the humiliation) almost caused them both to fall over.  Finally, after much yelling on Sungmin's part, he leaned on Kyuhyun as he hobbled his way to the cabin.


Kyuhyun "helped" Sungmin down on the sofa and frantically looked around for something, anything to put on the ranger's wound.  Unfortunately, it happened to be an open bottle of wine.  Sadly of which, Kyuhyun knew little about.  


"Aaaaah, stop it!  Put that thing down!  Why on Earth would you do that?!?  Why would you pour half a bottle of Haut Brion Bordeaux on me?", Sungmin shrieked.


"It was the first thing I saw!"  Kyuhyun threw up his arms indignantly.  "Who knows what you could get from being stabbed with a sharpened rock?  Come on, isn't wine an astringent?"


Sungmin crossed his arms over his chest, "This 'astringent' is a 1989 vintage which set me back $600!"


"That's crazy!  Who would pay that much just for a bottle of wine?  Why was it just sitting there open on the counter?"


"It was breathing."  Sigh  "Look, we're getting nowhere fast.  In the bathroom is a first-aid kit and anticeptic spray.  If you can get a couple towels, too.  It might get a little messy while I sew this up."


Kyuhyun held the bile in his throat after delivering the first aid supplies to Sungmin and tried his best to assist him while not actually watching the ranger sew up the stab wound.  "Why are you so green, kiddo?  I've had worse", the ranger motioned over to the kitchen area, "Now go get the two wine glasses over on the counter and we'll finish the rest of this bottle properly."


Sungmin was surprised that he younger didn't ask why, and just did as he was told.  Despite the pain in his upper leg, he chuckled inwardly at the tall businessman's awkwardness.  The ranger was a keen observer of both animal and human behavior.  He had an inkling that the other's nervousness only partially had to do with all the excitement earlier.  Dollars and business deals were Kyuhyun's domain.  Out here in the nature preserve, he was out of his element and his facade was crumbling.


After Kyuhyun apprehensively poured the wine equally into both glasses, Sungmin signaled for him to sit.  The only spot being the edge of the sofa.  As Kyuhyun carefully balanced himself Sungmin intertwinded their arms so that each other's wine glasses were pressed to the other's lips.  


"To us", the ranger said.  Which was met with wide, surprised eyes.  "I mean, to our partnership", Sungmin teasingly corrected.  Or did he?   Kyuhyun gulped as his uncertain gaze met Sungmin's assured eyes. The two drank each other's wine, their eyes never leaving sight of the other. 




"Donghae!  Donghae!"  The spell between Kyuhyun and Sungmin was broken at the sound of a voice calling out by the lake.  


Kyuhyun scrambled over to look out the window and worry grew on his face, "It's Jongwoon.  I... I have to get him away from the lake.  Who knows what Donghae will do."  


Sungmin tried not to visibly wince as he got up from the sofa, "I'm coming with you Kyuhyun.  You are the last person that Donghae will want to see out there, again."


The taller protectively supported the ranger while they made there way as fast as they could out towards the edge of the lake.


"Come on Donghae, please!  I just want to see you!", Jongwoon pleaded as he looked around the lake for any sign of his former love.


"Get away from the lake, it's not safe!", Sungmin called behind him.  


But it was too late.  Donghae leaped out of the lake, grabbed Jongwoon by the shirt collar, and dragged him across the surface of the lake.


"Don't!", Kyuhyun called out, "He can't swim!"


I know...  Donghae smiled wickedly at the shouts from the shore as he continued to pull Jongwoon along until they were out in the middle of the lake.  He kept the human's head just above water.  The elder struggled, flailing his arms and trying to get a better grip on the merman to keep from drowning.


Donghae hated the feelings that the beautiful and flawed human stirred in him again.  Feelings that he was able to quell over the last several weeks.  He looked darkly at the human who had loved him, then hurt him.  "So, you've come to stare at the Beast have you?"


Jongwoon blinked at the words - a quote from Beauty and the Beast.  For as inhuman as he was trying to act, Donghae was still Donghae, the curious, sometimes child-like being that he had fallen in love with.


The raven-haired man smiled wistfully, put his arms out to his side and ceased struggling in the water.  His actions, or lack there of , confused the merman who was holding his life in his hands.  "I... I could drop you right now, you know", the brunette stuttered out in a very shaky voice.


"But you won't Donghae." Jongwoon's voice was strong and calm.  "For as much as you don't want to be right now, you are the most human of anyone I have ever known.  I came to apologize for leaving that day.  I was so shocked.  I shouldn't have been frightened though.  No matter what form you are in, I love you."


Donghae's ears were burning at the confession.  His head swam with termoil.  Could it be true that Jongwoon loved him for everything he was?  He swam quickly to the shore, right to the end of the bridge, and deposited Jongwoon safely on the side.  Then he darted to the other end of the bridge and lifted himself onto the shore, waiting for himself to dry as he tried to straighten his thoughts.


Sungmin and Kyuhyun didn't wonder too long what was said between the others.  Instead they went and got towels and robes for the shivering men on either side of the bridge.


With the robe Sungmin gave him, Donghae shyly covered himself above the knees as his legs started to appear.  Before the merman could say anything, the elder ruffed his hair and whispered "Welcome back."


On the other side of the bridge, Jongwoon accepted a towel from Kyuhyun and began to dry his hair.  "You know you impetuous brat, it's alright to fix things, but I think we both should know they aren't going to be the same."  


Before the younger could open his mouth and ruin the moment, Jongwoon motioned for him to look over across the way.  Sungmin's expectant eyes met Kyuhyun's, to which he gasped slightly and blushed.  "See?", the art-like voice teased.  "It's going to be even better."


Sungmin helped Donghae to his feet.  The merman looked over at the ranger to apologize, but was hushed.  "Shh, we'll talk later."  


Continuing on now by himself, Donghae walked on the bridge that held so many memories for he and his Yesung.  The other, was waiting for him halfway across with his arms outstretched.  The two pulling into the long awaited hug.  "Don't leave me again!", they both exclaimed at the same time, which lead to quiet harmonious laughter between them.


Embracing each other until their arms ached, they loosed their hold only slightly.  "Look", Donghae whispered as he noticed the brilliant colors in the sky and recalled their first sunset together, "Just like before."


Jongwoon glaced briefly at the melding pinks, oranges, and yellows before turning back to his adored.  "My Hae, it's going to be better than before.  No insecurities and no secrets, only the love we have for each other."  Their lips met after too long of an absense.  They willfully ignored the impending evening and stayed closely together until the stars came out to greet them.




A/N - Our sweet YeHae are together again, but their adventures are just beginning!

         Leeteuk found love in the form of Kangin, his knight-in-shining-armor, which sounds better than 'the guy in the water department uniform'.

        Thanks to Kyu, looks like SiChul, our favorite naughty office couple, will be getting a place of their own.

        Speaking of Kyu, FINALLY there's a little something, something brewing between he and Sungmin.

        Lastly, we can't forget dear, sweet, protective Hyukjae.  Gotta stick around and find out if he ever falls in love.


Whoa, this chapter ended up being over 4000 words, which hopefully made you feel all sorts of feels! <3

Thanks for being fantabulous readers! 

Please, oh please, show your love and support with some COMMENTS =)













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How's come only 29 views for chapter 14?!? Should I just mark it completed? Sequel? PM or comment please!


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391 streak #1
Chapter 14: It's a happy ending? It's completed? Or...? I love haesung~ But my kyusung heart's bleeding uhuhuhu
391 streak #2
Chapter 8: eh heeeee~ boyfriend~ <333
391 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh... what will happen with Kyu since it's a haesung story XD;;;
391 streak #4
Came here coz why not? I love how Hae being a great cousin for Sungie in your other fics, so yeah~~~
Chapter 14: this is so great! I loved! are you going to keep writing? ;___;
jayana #6
Chapter 14: Finally you update.. \o/ thank you. Yay yehae together again :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #7
Thanks so much! Great to hear that you're enjoying it! I have started the next chapter, I just write s-l-o-w-l-y ><
Yeye doesn't mean to be an arse, but his indecisiveness is going to bring some serious turmoil that will affect everyone - very soon!
There is romance in the works for our dear Teukie, but like he said, it will happen when we least expect it ;)
I'll work hard to make the update exciting!
Chapter 12: New reader here!!! I really like the story omg hope you would update soon!!! ANNOYED WITH YEYE IN THE STORY UGHHH HOW CAN HE DO THIS TO HAE AND KYU :( I actually hope teuk gets his fair share of love hehehehe since he's the romantic one(?) in the story, but no signs of him being in love HAHAAHAH poor jungsoo :b really good job with this!! Hope you update soon!! :)
chullie07 #9
Chapter 12: Omg Yesung... Donghae... I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING ;A;
aleihs19 #10
Chapter 11: Did I just read my name up there? O_O

*goes hibernating even after the winter was long gone*

No seriously... it's not supposed to be the <you> code since the 'A' was capitalized. I'm confused.

Going back to the story. The popcorn should be thrown at Yeye. I know the short time he's been with Donghae was not enough, and he realized how much Kyuhyun loves him, but he's hurting 2 people and affecting others surrounding them. Argh! Complicated. :/

Sungmin... just don't go ing while daydreaming. XD

I swear I'm innocent!