Chap 001: Practice

〈 Ruby 〉 story about ambition, loves and fans.


They were all getting ready for the next and last day of practice, which means, they've been trained well when the CEO revealed each members through press conference and finally, goes to the global website about AllKpop articles. Their skills had gained more attention and enegy that strolled into their sweats of trying to be perfect in the dance choreo. 

Then, a sudden burst of the dance studio's main door were widen opened, revealing a female figure with a camera on her grip was excited about their debut and it almost happened, everyday when they entered the studio in every morning to do an exercise and such training parts.

"Alright, girls. Your debut day is near and it might be around this month. So, I need to record your dance practice for your debut song. Now, take your own positions that had been announced last 2 months," said their dance teacher as she walks to opened the radio and her camera that was still on her sweaty grips. 

The girls went exchanging facial before gathered to stand on their own positions from the beginning. Some were about to jump of the joyful in their bodies while some were just calmly stood there, trying to not making any confusion.

Then, the dance teacher, which is named as Joo Serin were finally notices how tiring the girls are. She heave a sigh before she could speak up to them, "Hey. This is just the beginning and not in the middle yet. It's might be tiring but you shouldn't do that when around your fans. And your fans is important to your life, right?" she said, trying to cheer up the members.

They went nodded and slowly drawed their own warm smiles on each pinky and some pale-peach skins of lips, although it might be a tiring schedules for them but it doesn't means, they need to spends all of their time in there. They may have some fun after that and it's an suprises for them. 

"That's my students. Now, ready?" asked Serin to the members as she scanned if there were anything wrong with the girls.

"Dae!!!" they giving a chorus as the great response from the deep inside their hearts, were gathered with an energy and fully excited about to show their dance skills to the netizens and it did be able to spread around the world through articles.

Joo Serin was satisfied of having such an wonderful students and she took them as her favorite ones, and forever. She won't forget, how nice they were when it's their first met. And made-up a birthday party for her. A pranks together. She feels like when she is still a youngsters.

"Alright. Let's go," she said and played the radio as it gave to their debut song as the first video genres before changing it with some part of their song from the tracklist.

AOA - Get Out dance.

4Minute - Freestyle dance.

And when the music ending for the last part of Freestyle. They stopped as the radio was pushed off by Joo Serin as she satisfiedly watches their dance skills were getting better than before. That was great challenge.

"Okay. You guise may have some rest because tomorrow, you're invited to go to the Wonderland and such waterparks around Seoul," said Serin, confidently stood right in front them. 

"You all did a great job. Now, I need to go for my work. Enjoy," she continued and send a warm smiles before head off from the dance studio room. 

"Arasso. Thank you!" Taejin gave some response to cheer the scene up for any moments. "Now, what?" asked Gaeun from being mute all the time when Serin was there.

Nara wiltched and bouncing both of her eyebrows as she got an idea and she knew, that Gaeun know the answer. Noraebang. "Cool," Juliet gave a small smirk as she got interrupted into the conversation. 

"I know right," said Nara, confidently folded her arms together onto her chest. Jenny and Luna let a small chuckles to their dorky maknae. As Quincy ruffled her long wavy hair. Nara pouted by the sudden action of their leader and fakely crying before chasing Quincy around the big and huge dance studio. They all was chuckling inbetween the leader as Tom and the maknae as Jerry for live and better version.

The studio room was echoed and fulled of the laughters and happiness. Without any disturbance or a er to blocked their happy moment after tiring of practicing and training in every weeks before went back to school. While the leader had just graduated from university, leaving Gaeun that were still a junior in the university semester.


To be continued...


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Abandoned for a few days later. Updates will be up, next week.


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Chapter 14: I like how you made the members interact xD
Can't wait for the next chapter, keep up the good work author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 14: AHAHAHA that's a really nice chapter ! really shows how the members love each other
Chapter 14: nice chapter :)
Chapter 13: nice chapter! can't wait for Ruby members go to Noraebang XD
Chapter 13: that's a good chap ! looking forward to future chapters ! (:
Chapter 12: congratulations to rest of the members ! (: <3
Chapter 9: Congratz to the other members ~~ ^^
Thanks for choosing me and good luck with the story \0/