Chapter 2:What a hell of a day!

Love is patient, Love is kind.....


Jaemi’s POV:


I was blanking out as I was deeply thinking about that *beep* holes past and my past, it occurred to me that probably he had forgotten about me. If you asked him who I was you’d probably get a ‘who da hell’ look from him or maybe an answer saying that I was the nerd jaemi.

So getting back to reality! The teacher was already standing straight inside hushing everyone to be quiet, “class shush! Please be quiet,” She said as polite as she could, although you could see the side of her lips quivering from irritation.

Nobody was listening to the teacher, in fact her yelling got quieter and quieter as everyone’s conversation got louder and louder. Man could people just shut up! I knew it! Anytime sooner she is gonna explode, 3, 2, 1 “CLASS, I SAID BE QUIET!!!!!!!!” she practically yelled the whole place down. Told ya! i thought. “Thank you.” She sighed as people quieted down and sat up straight before they got yelled at. And that was how class started. 



The bell had finally rang signaling that it was lunch.

Everybody rushed out of the classrooms so they could be broken from hell.

I arrived at the cafeteria with my tray in my hands. I went to my usual spot, away from everybody else but I liked it. It was nice and peaceful, although this peacefulness didn't last long until everyone started screaming and rushing out of their seats as if infinite had just walked in, Oh wait! That did just happen.

You rolled your eyes in irritation as the screaming got louder and louder. “Why do they have to scream so loud?"  I looked over at them and saw them smiling, probably trying to seduce people, two faced jerks.

“Tsk, conceited jerks” I scoffedin disgust from their fake cocky personalities.

“How dare you say that about them”, I jerked my head around and went face to face with cake face drama queen, Im Rae Ji with her gang behind her, well more like minoins:

pretty you say, well wait till you meet her. i'm sure you'd love a friend like that. (said in a sacastic tone)


You sighed, not drama again, “What did I say? That infinite are a group of conceited jerks?” I waited to see her reaction, only to receive a smirk from her. Confused by her action another voice had came in and interrupted this thing that miss cakeface drama queen had started. 

“Who are conceited jerks, Park Jaemi?” Recognizing the voice, I turned around, Widening in my eyes in shock and surprise at who was standing behind me.

One sentence and I was dead meat. “um, well y-you s-s-see, I um d-d-din’t –“ My ‘horrible stuttering trying to explain excuses’ was interrupted by the splash of water that I suddenly felt from the top of my head, sliding down nearing to my nose.

Realization hit me; Cakeface drama queen had just poured a bottle of water over my head from behind.

Getting chills from the sudden contact of water and skin I shivered.

Everyone in the canteen started laughing, from all this embarrassment I put my head down and tried to hold back the tears that were urging to spill out.

Names were being called out; even infinite was starting to laugh. “Haha nice one Rae Ji” L winked at her as he high-fived her, “well oppa, I knew you wouldn’t like people talking about you like that” she gave a failed seducing smile as she answered.

You looked up and saw that Sunggyu and Sungjong were the only ones not laughing, they gave you a sincere smile which you had misunderstood as them trying to contain their laughter, this made you feel even worse.

you had caught Sungjong whispering something into L’s ear, which made L glare back at him. L sighed and smirked back at you and then walked off to their table making all the attention to leave.

“That’s what you get for calling them that you loser! Haha!” She made her y squeaky evil laugh and walked off with her gang following her. I cursed her in my brain praying that Karma would get her and L back bad!



L’s POV:


Tick tock Tick tock. Waiting for the bell to ring, there was only 1 minute and 27 seconds left.

“So Hungry” I mumbled, “what did you say hyung?” I turned my head and saw a Sungjong staring back, “ nothing”, I replied, “just that I’m starving”.

The bell had rang and infinite and I went outside. As we left heaps of fangirls and boys came running up to us. I liked this feeling; they treated us like we were gods! Well they would I mean who wouldn't like a so hot kinga like me.

We walked to our table, as we passed by we saw Rae Ji talking to the nerd.

What is Rae Ji doing? Rae Ji was a hot queenka! She sometimes was annoying, but so what I liked her maybe we could start dating soon.

I was about to say hi when something else caught my ear. it was the conversation Rae Ji was having with the wallflower:

“What did I say? That infinite are a group of conceited jerks?” i heard the nerd answer.

Hearing what this wallflower had said, i decided to do something else. “Who are conceited jerks?” i asked in a smug tone. 

“um, well y-you s-s-see, I um d-d-din’t –“ this nerd looked so scared as hell, and i just smiled to myself and smirked when Rae Ji splashed the bottle of water all over her head. This made me like her even more! Everyone in the canteen laughed and i just tagged along in the laughing. “Haha nice one Rae Ji” I winked at her as I high-fived her, “well oppa, I knew you wouldn’t like people talking about you like that” she gave a weird smile that i guess was trying to be seductive but failed. 

I looked at infinite memebrers and saw them laughing as well, except for the leader sunggyu and maknae Sungjong.

Sungjong gave me a disapproval look, " Hyung, stop being an . She said we were conceited jerks. well hate to break it to ya cuz most of us are, referring to you hyung. She said one bad thing and you treat her like crap. Rememeber when you weren't mr. Kingka and how they bullied you, you hated it right! so stop this!"

What the hell you stupid maknae i thought. I didnt have anything to say back, I glared at him and sighed, thinking that what sungjong said was a little bit true. I smirked at the nerd Jaemi and walked off towards the table infinite sits on. Leaving Rae Ji to take care of the rest.

"Lol That was a laugh" Sungyeol laughed repalying the seen that had just happened.

"Yeah ikr, did you see how Rae Ji splashed that water on the nerds head" DOngwoo added.

" Rae Ji is Hot!" woohyun added at the end, making me turn my head and glare right at him.

Leader and Maknae just sighed in disapproval. Man they should relax and be like the rest of infinte.

Sunggyu and Sungjong knew wat L was thinking, how they needed to relax and laugh when something like this happened. 'well if we did then Infinite would be the jerkest of jerks in the guinnest book of records' They both thought.






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exoloverforlife #1
Chapter 1: Excited for the next chappie!!!
Please update soon!
sounds good so far >.<