How Far Is To Far?

Badass in school

You were stil steaming mad at Kris over what he did.Exo-K had fount out and Kai volunteered to beat him up but you managed to calm him down so he wouldnt.Even so,Exo-K was worried for you.They knew that if you really to make Kris Mad,then you would be dead within seconds.You still warded them off from the war of actions between you and Kris.Kris had managed to steal your gym clothes.Get boys to thro water balloons at you.And once he set some dogs on you.You would have been aten by those dogs if it werent for the fact that you were a fast runner and the fact that the school was close to Stores you could run in.Kris may have done some damage but so did you.His Textbooks were thrown into the fountain.You Dyed his uniform pink on monday earning alot of Teasing   from Exo-M.And to top it off.....You made the school population believe he was gay for all of Wednesday.Yup,you two knew no limits when it came to wars.

Today was Friday and you were sitting in your usual spot at lunch.Exo-M didnt hate you ,well Kris did.The rest thought it was amazing how you were able to send such vicious responses to Kris's actions.Kris watched you with a cold glare.He absolutely hated you.The hate all started when you trashed his locker and then,you fake rejected him to a love letter that wasnt his!Yes,Kris was angry as Hell and would go to far limits.But today...Today he took it a little to far.

You picked up your stuff and Your next class,Office help.Well,it was rather a free period since they had nothing for you to do so you just wondered around the school.Today you decided to go to the game room even if Exo-M was there.You opened the door and surely there was a sreaming panda and a competitive angel face.Tao and Luhan were playing A fighting game and Luhan was winning.Tao kept complaining that it was unfair.When you opened the door Kris stared for a second before making a remark.

"Hm?Look,I just got the chills,Must be the Short ice queens presence."He said glancing at you.You scoffed.You werent THAT short,Kris was just to ing Tall.

"Hmmm,Kris..Maybe you should pick on someone your own size,Like the eiffel tower."You snapped with a too sweet grin.Kris just rolled his eyes and went back to his homework.You sighed and walked over to the couch that Exo wasnt using.You opened up the folder your father had given you.It had all the paper work for the business in it.Yes,taking over a company next year was definitely not going to be an easy task.You sighed as you began writing and calculating.After about 30 Minutes in you heard your phone ring and and answered it.

"Yeboseyo?"You asked through the phone.

"Is your mother _______?(your moms name or random mom name)" 

"Ne"You asked with a little bit of worry in your voice."Wae?"

The answer on the otherside made your heartdrop as you raced out of the room.Kris watched with satisfaction and snickered.Tao noticed and pouted.

"What did you do duizhang?"He asked."She seemed in a rush."

Kris smiled."I made a call for the hospital to call and say her mother was in the hospital, I cant imagine her face when she's ran there and finds out it fake."

"..Kris GeGe ,Thats sortof mean."Tao mumbled.Kris sighed.

"She'll get over it,I mean why would her mom really be in the hospital anyway?"He said taking a sip of his soda.

Obviously Kris didnt know how much this would affect you.You were going as fast as your legs could carry you as a single tear rolled down your cheek.

No..No..Umma you cant die yet!I didnt even get to say goodbye  You thought as you quicked your pace.You fell on the way there but you ingnored your injuries.You arrived at the hospital out of breath and injured.You ran into the office with tears strolling down your cheek.

"Hello,Im here for Lee _______(Moms name)"You said as calmly as possible.The lady searched the name but nothing came up.

"That person was never here."The woman said.You closed your eyes and calmly responded.

"But I got a phone call saying she was.."You replied.The woman shook her head.

"No,It must have been a sick prank."She said.You bowed and left.

You fist clenched and tears were still strolling down your cheek as you let out a sob.You noticed the sky become dark as you walked down the empty streets.

Suddenly A rain drop fell as it began pouring.You were still crying as you took shelter under a bus stop waiting area.You felt a sting as you looked down to see a gash on your leg.You sat down on the bench and leaned against the wall glad to be out of the rain .You were mixed with emotions between mad and frightened.You curled your legs up and took some time to cry.

This time Kris had tooken it to far.


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Chapter 12: Plz update more
viennalee #2
-sekai #3
Chapter 10: Hana! It's cute :)
Chapter 6: Oh my God... kris u bish!!! I wanna just storm into this story and rip ur eyes out!!!
electricblackjack #5
Cant wait for what happens next. And Kris really crossed the line.