Late night study


A Yongguk fic that I thought up of.  I kind of wish  this came to me when I was studying for finals (or the lack of studying that was done). 


            Classes were done for the day and I was making my way back to my small apartment.  I had no friends there any more, all my old friends turned against me after I started dating my boyfriend, so hanging out with any of them was out of the question.  My phone rang from the depths of my pants pockets, and I had to go on a fishing exposition just to find it.  I clicked the power button to see who it was.  Yongguk’s name flashed on my screen and my heart skipped a beat. I clicked open the message that he had set me. ‘Going to be late tonight, eat without me. I’ll be there as soon as I can.  Love you.’

            I sighed as I texted back ‘ok…Love you too,’ and hit send.  I pushed the phone back into the depths on which it had come from.  My studying would keep me up so that I can see him come home.  I had Yongguk to thank for my grades getting better in my classes.  Every night that he told me that he would be coming home late was the reason behind my studying.  Normally I wouldn’t even care so much as to study, but with him not around there is nothing else to do in that small apartment.



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