Chapter III

All About You

Dongwoo and his dad pulls up to a nice five star restaurant in the downtown of Seoul. Dongwoo doesn’t  know much about the special occasion since they were dressed in formal wear. When he ask his dad about the special event his dad said that he’ll explain once they arrive at the restaurant. Dongwoo is nervous and excited, he had a feeling that his dad might let him go to the states to live with his mom for this upcoming winter break since he has been asking his dad for permission to let him go.

The waiter takes them to a private room, that had a dining table with a stunningly gorgeous view of the skyscrapers and city lights from below.   

“Dad, are you going to tell me now?” Dongwoo said

“No, not just yet” his dad replies

Dongwoo takes a small sip from his water, “I’m going to go use the restroom” Dongwoo said

Dongwoo dad nod his head, “don’t take too long” he said as

Dongwoo walks casually to the restroom, he turns a corner and to a corridor a waitress passes by and slightly bows with a smile.

“Dongwoo?” Nana said smiling “What are you doing here?”

She was wearing a simple navy blue dress that comes up to her knee, a slim red belt wraps around her waist showing her curves. She look beautiful as ever.

“I was going to ask you the same thing too” Dongwoo chuckles. He didn’t expect to see Nana here but again just seeing her face makes Dongwoo blush and go wild with his imaginations.

“Family occasions” Nana said, her lips purse and nodded her head

“Same here” Dongwoo said

“Well, I’ll see you next time” Nana said

“Bye” Dongwoo said to Nana as she walks by.

Suddenly, Dongwoo remembers those tickets that he bought a couple day ago on this bidding site to see Nell perform live at one of the special clubs in Hongdae.

Dongwoo turns around in a ninety degree, “Nana, I got some free tickets to go see Nell on Saturday, would you like to go with me to watch them perform live?” Dongwoo asks

Nana stops and turns around, “Saturday? Yeah. Sure, just give me a call” Nana said with smile

“I’ll pick you up this Saturday at five’ thirty than” he said

“I’ll see you then” she said.

Dongwoo can hear soft laughter and voices behind the door as he approaches the private dining room that his dad and him was earlier put in by the waiter. He turns the door knob and step inside the room, he looks up and see his dad looking at him.

“This is my son, Dongwoo” his dad introduce

Two ladies with their back turns against Dongwoo turns around, Dongwoo see Nana staring at him with a smile but it slowly fades away to a questionable look. Dongwoo steps forward towards Nana and his mom where he formally greets both of them. He then makes his way around the dining table and sit next to his dad across from where Nana was sitting.

Dongwoo suddenly didn’t like this feeling that he was getting at this very moment. Both of Nana and Dongwoo thoughts was filled with more questions than ever before.

 “I’m sorry for taking forever” Dongwoo said

“It’s alright” Nana mom smiles “We two had just got here too” She said looking at Nana.

“I ordered for you, is that okay” his Dad whisper

“That’s fine” Dongwoo said

The waiter comes in with a metal railing cart, filled with plates of food. He places each of their ordered items in front of them along with a special wine that Dongwoo’s father had order. Once the waiter left the room, they all begin to enjoy their food.

“Although, we haven’t tell you guys this, me and your mother is going to get marry very soon” said Dongwoo’s Dad

“We had been talking about it for awhile now and we’re sorry that this was on a last notice but we wanted to keep this as low as possible” Nana mom said.  

“Yes, and we do hope that the both of you, understand and support our decisions” Dongwoo’s dad said

Dongwoo slowly cut into his thick piece of steak and steal a glance at Nana who was taking a sip from her wine , he no longer have an urge to eat anymore. Nana wasn’t able to take this all at once, her mom was suddenly getting marry and the boy that she thought she can now freely open herself up to was becoming her step brother. Throughout the entire meal they both said nothing to each other, they would make eye contact nut  awkwardly smile at each other like they both were okay with the situation, when they’re really not.

It was a late Saturday afternoon, it was three hours until the live performance of Nell. Dongwoo sits at the edge of his bed and calls Nana. Her phone keeps on ringing and then it will take Dongwoo to a voice mail. Later in the next fifteen minutes, he retry again but the same thing occur, after his second attempt Dongwoo eventually gives up and decides to give away his two tickets to his friend and his friend’s girlfriend, at the last minute since he didn’t have anybody else to go with.


The wedding ceremony was held outside of the city where the countryside was, the place was owned by these two couples who held events and wedding ceremony every weekend at their main event, guest house. As you get off the main road and onto the dirtied path, it leads you to the main house that sits at the main entrance. White picket fence circles the perimeter of the owner’s house and the guest house that they rent it out for special occasions, sits further away with a huge front yard.

Ever since the last time they saw each other, Dongwoo and Nana haven’t talk to each other. It was up until the wedding ceremony that Dongwoo and Nana was put in the same room so they both can get their dressing, hair and makeup done by professionals. They both have to sit side by side so the makeup and hair stylist can work on the two of them at the same time. Dongwoo looks to his reflection in the mirror and see Nana next to him, she raises up her head and smile at Dongwoo from the mirror then she slowly turns away to a side. Dongwoo didn’t have to ask if Nana she was okay, her sad smile was seeping through. His heart feels like it’s deteriorating  away every time she tries to hide her feelings away.

After they’re makeup and hair was done one, of the girl have Dongwoo and Nana step inside a changing room. Dongwoo steps inside, take off his clothes and puts on the black and white suit, he steps out and went to one of the ladies and have her help him with the tie.

“How do I look?” Nana said as she steps out from behind the bathroom door. Dongwoo turns himself around and see Nana in a short, pale pink dress that is one shouldered, designed with fabric styled rose buds going up her shoulder sleeves.

“You look beautiful” Dongwoo said with a warm smile

There was only five more minutes left until the wedding ceremony, Nana holds onto a woven basket fills with white petals.  Dongwoo have both of his hands out holding onto the two wedding rings sitting on a small square, white pillow. They both walk downstairs and stand behind the French doors that would later on open up to the back yard where everybody was already in their seats and the pastor at the altar.

“Are you nervous?” Nana ask

“No.” Dongwoo said heavily exhaling

“Are you sure about that?” Nana ask

“Hm-hm” Dongwoo reply

One of the lady coordinator walks to Nana and Dongwoo and starts to give them the instructions to when they can walk out.  

“On a count of three” she said “1. 2. 3”

Two persons grab each side of the door handle and open the door for Dongwoo and Nana, a beautiful tone of piano starts to plays along with the sound of the cello well blended with the tone. The families and friends watch the two of them make their way down the aisle with Nana leaving trails of white petals behind her.  Once they both reach the alter Dongwoo went off to the right side and Nana went to the left side.

Next stepping out through the door was Dongwoo’s Dad. Dongwoo watches his dad come down the aisle, his face brightens with a smile, which Dongwoo haven’t seen in years. His dad have a new hair cut along with a darker hair dye that makes his dad look five years younger than before. Nana mom appears at the entry and all of the guests rise from their seat to welcome the bride. She has on a gorgeous, sweet heart dress that flows out into a long train. Nana mom, slowly and beautifully walk down the aisle with a smile on her face, her eyes looking at Dongwoo’s dad who was at the opposite end of her,

They both stand at the altar sweetly smiling at each other, staring deeply into each other’s eye, everybody from friends and family was excited and happy to be here and to be able to witness their love and devotion for each other. They two exchange vows and end the wedding ceremony with a kiss.  Soon afterwards everybody move inside to the main room for the reception, where cocktails was being serve and families and friends begins to take their seats at the well decorated tables with colors.

Once everybody was in their seats, waiters and waitresses begins to pass out the five dinner course which are appetizers, soup, salad, main course and lastly the wedding cake for dessert. Dongwoo share the same table with Nana as they sat a few feet away from their parent’s table.  While they were enjoying the appetizer a close friend of Dongwoo’s dad, stands up and decides to make a toast to the couple. And like a Domino effect, one after another, either from Dongwoo’s dad side or Nana’s mom side, each had a thing or two to say to the couple. The entire time, Dongwoo and Nana stuff themselves with food after food as their waitress keeps on coming back with a new course. By the time it was their main course Dongwoo was stuff, Nana bite into a succulent piece of steak, “I can’t wait for the cake!” she said with filled with meat.

After the cake was cut and pass around, the DJ welcomes the groom and bride onto the floor she places her arm around his neck and his hands on her waist and they two slow dances as the audience watches.

 “Oh, it’s 10 cm's, you’re flowers” Nana said to Dongwoo happily “They’re my favorite band”

“Really? I didn’t know that” Dongwoo said

“Well, now you know” said Nana “I’m sorry I didn’t call you the other day, something came up and I left my cell phone at home” she said

 “It’s okay” he said “I too, was kind of busy since my dad had me loading those boxes onto the huge truck” he said 

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kyungsucks #1
Chapter 2: ahhhh this story is really good!! please keep updating, your skills are daebaekkkk~