Annoying Seatmate

chapter two.
Annoying Seatmate
» "Goodmorning class! Today I'll be teaching of course but before that I'll write the lecture on the board so we will have a smooth lecture arasso?" Mr. Kim said
Everybody get their notebooks and ballpen same goes with me while Mr. Kim started writing the lecture on the board. 
"Minji-ah!" someone whispered
Recognizing the owner of the voice and decided to ignore it
"Yah!!.." still whispered but it's with a poke now
Okay he is the most annoying seatmate in my I face him
"What" I murmured
"Do you have extra ballpen please? he ask while doing his signature goofy smile
"Yeah and why? Are you going to borrow? then it's a NO" I said to him and then face forward
"Huh?...But please Just let me see...?"
Okay why bother to see my ballpen. I hate being disturbed in class so I get the ballpen from my pencil case and throw it to him.
"You really can't resist my favor huh?! Hahaha" he said while laughing silently
Huh? Okay it's very official! He is really pisses me off...
"Huh? What are you trying to say?"
"I was just kidding you but since you fall in my trick thank you for the ballpen!" he said with a mehrong face
"YAH!" Oppsss did I said that out loud? Oh boy!
"Is there a problem Ms.Park?" Mr. Kim said while other students have eyes on me and this Bacon is trying to hide his laugh
"Aniyo Mr. Kim..Sorry"
"Okay Don't disturbed the class again arasso?"
"Neh Mr. Kim"
"Okay let's continue..."
I send my deadly glare to Baekhyun while he just posing like his scared..GOSH! This boy!
»Everything goes on smoothly after that trouble. Bell rings means its break time. Mr. Kim stormed out of the room and same goes by the students. I was always left here but also with some bunch of students who like to eat here or just maybe on a diet.
"Minji-ah!" eunbi said
"Hmmm" I said while fixing my things
"What happened between you and your you know? Are you alright?" Ji eun said
Before I can answer somebody did that for me...
"Yes of course she is alright and by the way thank you for the ballpen Minji-ah!" then he bid goodbye with a wink...EWWW, it makes me want to vommit
"Arghhh...Byun Baekhyun! Wait for my revenge!" I shouted at him
"Can't wait for it Park Minji!" last words he said before he stormed out of the room and meet his friends...
That boy! Really?!
"Okay anyways Minji-ah about last time the sleepover thing?" Yoora said
"Ohh Yes?" My mood suddenly change I don't know why...
"Actually Yoora's cousin is Suho that's why we are invited" Eunbi said
"What?" Wow Just WOW!
"Sorry Minji-ah I didn't tell you at the first place but I am paid now right? since we are invited in the sleepover...I really push my pride away for that" Yoora said
"Aww...I really appriciate it but...the sleepover thing I think it will just make things awkward you know..."
"Of course NOT! We have plans Minji-ah just wait" Ji Eun said while other nod. I don't like this feeling...
"Well that's means we can go now..? and you know fill my tummy...your tummy and all of our tummy?"  Eunbi said while pointing at her tummy 
All we can do is laugh at her actions. She is really funny. I hope their plan is somehow will work.
                                AUTHOR'S NOTES 
I think I can make a double update today~! I hope you like the chapter 2:) Well just see you later~~

  » layoutcredits  



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miyi_strawberry #1
Chapter 12: Update soon pretty please!!!!!! :D
clarahermin #2
Chapter 9: OMAIIGASHH >_<
clarahermin #3
Chapter 7: Yayyy ^°^ Finally , you update.... I hope that you will make more chapters^^
clarahermin #4
Chapter 6: I hope u update asap ~
Thank you