Mission Possible

The Day He Turned Straight


The bar was something to look at. It wasn’t anything flashy but patrons seemed to enjoy their stay.

The jazz music playing in the background had a calming effect on anyone. It was also fitting with the view this bar had.

Her short hair bounced as she walked inside. She settled on a stool by the bar and ordered a café royale. The drink consists mostly of coffee mixed with brandy. She liked the drink since she liked how it was made.

The sugar cubes were soaked in brandy and placed on top of her coffee. The bartender smiled at her before he lit the cubes on fire. The sweet cube melted and once the fire was gone, Hasun mixed the lovely syrup into her coffee.

She inhaled the bitter-sweet scent of her drink before taking a sip. The taste suited her. It was bitter and a little sweet with the sugar added t it. Hasun didn’t have to worry about getting drunk since there was only a small amount of alcohol in it.

“I could get used to this” She savored the taste of her drink and smiled.

Hasun would have preferred the isolated corner beside the window until her eyes spotted the perfect distraction for the night.

In one of the seats stationed at the main bar sat a young woman. She looked so fragile like a delicate flower. Her light brown hair fall short slightly above the shoulders and paired with the most innocent eyes Hasun had ever seen.

The young looking thing was just her cup of tea.

Without any delays, she left her drink and approached her unsuspecting catch. Her hands reached out for the woman’s shoulder and turned her around. Hasun was smiling to greet the young one. Words were forming on when she managed to take a long hard look on the woman in front of her.

“Hi! Would you- holy mother! You’re a guy!”Her smile dropped into a frown.

“I am.” The supposedly woman replied with his innocent smile and cocked his head a little to the side making him look prettier.

Instinctively, Hasun pressed her hands on the presumed woman’s chest. It was flat as in flat-flat. Her- His chest was as flat as a wall.

“You’re a guy!” She exclaimed repeating the same words she said earlier, disbelieving her own discovery.

The young guy innocently nodded at her like a child.

“Noona, is there something wrong?”He asked. His voice had a rough sound to it but it was higher than the usual deep voice of a man.

When he called her noona, she admitted defeat and chuckled.

“Tonight is really not my night” She sat beside him and rested her head on the counter.

“Waeyo? (Why?)”The man she mistook as a woman asked worriedly.

She couldn’t help but laugh at his question. Hasun stood upright and faced him.

She pressed a finger on his chest and smirked. “Well… first, you’re not a girl? I was thinking about having my own share of fun.”

He raised a brow in confusion.

“Aren’t you supposed to be relieved I’m a guy? Unless…” His eyes grew big.

Hasun raised an eyebrow with a playful smile on her lips as she watched the innocent guy in front of her realized something about her. “What? Have you drawn in to a conclusion?”

The young man looked like he was totally embarrassed on what he was about to say. Hasun observed how he was scrunching his brows together as if debating mentally if he should say it or not. “Noona? Are you gay?”He was blushing bright and stuttered at the end.

She laughed lightly. “I think the correct term would be lesbian.”

If his eyes could go any bigger, Hasun thought it would fall out of its sockets.

“You?!”He sounded like it was the last thing on earth he will accuse Hasun of being.

Hasun was entertained by his reaction. This was the first time someone reacted so well with her preference.

She grinned, showing a full set of teeth. “Close your mouth before a fly goes in.” She reached for her low-alcohol drink and took a big gulp.

Taemin closed his mouth immediately. “You don’t look like one.”

Hasun choked a little. She wiped the corner of with her hand and raised a brow. “Don’t assume pretty girl.”

Her name-calling caused the young man to frown and pout, making him looking like a woman. “I am a guy.”He emphasized before his shoulders drooped. It looked like being mistaken for a woman was a normal occurrence.

“I know.”She patted his head in a sisterly fashion and turned her attention to the patrons of the bar. “So who’s the lucky guy?”

“How can you say it’s a guy?” He tried to appear clueless but his cheeks were turning red already.

“Please!”She rolled her eyes and knocked lightly on his head. “If I hadn’t mistaken you for a woman, your expression right now practically screams that you bat on the same team.”

“It could be a girl.”He weakly defended.

“You’re just one of those types…”She answered nonchalantly. “You’re the type waiting to be dominated.”

“NOONA!”He exclaimed. The young male blushed so hard, looking like he wouldn’t be able to take more.

“You look like a little lamb that begs to be eaten.” She added with a toothy smile. Hasun just loved teasing him.

“Please!”He said, begging her to stop.

“Okay I’ll stop.”She said smiling, giving the man some space for a moment. She pressed her lips together, trying her best to stop teasing her new acquaintance.

Taemin was about to relax but Hasun couldn’t keep her curious self from not knowing. Her silence only lasted a minute. It’s just in her nature to solve for puzzles. “Sorry but I just can’t stop. Tell who he is-no I’ll figure it out myself.”

Her eyes searched the mystery man that had caught the beautiful male’s eye. She took every man present with a critical eye.

There were a couple of men that had potential. There were three of them to be exact. One of them had the air of a rich guy. Hasun erased him from the list. She didn’t see Taemin attracted to a man who looks like a snob. 

The second was sitting by the corner alone with a wine on his table. After a couple of seconds pondering, she also took him out of the list. He wasn’t the type to go for men. He looked like he was waiting for a date.


There’s the last guy. This guy was having a nice time with his friends. He was tall and his posture even when he was sitting was very good. His hair was neat but not too neat. She could describe it as well kept and at the same time a bit messy. His jaw looked very nice. He could pass of as a model with his height and looks but judging on the way he was dressed, he was a white collar guy.

“Gotcha.” Hasun smiled mentally. Her eyes didn’t leave the mystery man’s direction. “It’s that guy, isn’t it?”

“Ho-how did you know it was Minho?!”Taemin was completely astonished at how easily this woman in front of him had figured it out within minutes.

The name caught her by surprise, a smile made way to her lips as she turned to face Taemin. “Minho?”She raised a brow. “So you call each other on a first-name basis?”

He waved both of his hands in front of him as he shook his head. “No. I know him because we’ve met before.”

Hasun waited for him to continue. Taemin looked completely embarrassed but shared his story. “I work here before. Part-time. One night, he came here and we sort of talked.”

“Sounds like there’s more but I won’t force the details. I could see that you’re definitely interested in him or else, you won’t be spending your night here ogling at him.”

“I am not ogling at him!”

“Unfortunately dearest Taemin, you are. I can see it in the way your eyes glimmer when you look his way.”Taemin stopped denying and sighed helplessly.

Hasun cheered quietly at her silent victory. She crossed her legs and touched her lips thoughtfully. ”Now that we have that cleared up, we just have to know if he’s interested in you and I have a plan.”



Taemin was at loss for words. Hasun was a force that he can’t stop. He found out within the short time he had spent with her that she will do anything she wants especially when it entertains her.

Unfortunately or fortunately for him, he was that ‘source’ of entertainment.

As of that moment, his new friend was making a move. It could be the boldest plan ever but all he could do was watch. Hasun told him to.

The pretty female made her way towards Minho’s table. She didn’t waver nor changed her lazy pace. Hasun looked like she was having fun while he was being tortured whether this plan will work or not.

Deep inside him, he silently prayed that Minho might feel the same or at least, he had a chance.


Hasun’s excitement couldn’t be contained. She could feel it buzzing on her skin, making her all jittery inside.

Her target was sitting comfortably as he chat with his friends. The view she had by the bar didn’t do any justice on how good-looking this Choi Minho was. He was one hell of a catch and Taemin would be lucky if this guy swings on the same team.

She approached the table with confidence. The occupants of the table stopped chatting when they noticed their presence. One of Minho’s friends looked at her curiously.

“Yes? Is there something you need?”He asked.

“As a matter of fact I do.”She smiled cheekily before she sat on Minho’s lap and wrapped one arm around his neck.

Minho including his friends froze at her forwardness.

She felt Minho’s muscles tensed but made no move to move away from her grasp.

Hasun smiled to herself and continued with the act.

“You know… you look good enough to eat and I was wondering if I could have a taste.”She whispered playfully. Her voice turned out husky and she noticed how everyone’s eyes were on her except the man she was sitting on.

Minho avoided looking at her. He appeared to be uncomfortable by the attention she was giving him.

“Sorry not interested.” The young handsome man replied and reached for his drink.

Hasun pouted for a cute effect before striking. She closed her lips near his ear so that no one could hear. “Is it because you’re more interested with young beautiful men.” She smiled. “Just like the one sitting by the bar?”

She saw his eyes linger where Taemin sat. It only lasted a split second but she caught the recognition before the handsome guy choked on his drink.


Hasun slipped off from his lap and watched his friends frantically helped him.

He coughed violently as he was caught off guard by her words.

“What are you?”He said to her in between coughs.

She shrugged and winked at him. “You’ll know soon enough. See you around. ”

Hasun gave him a little wave. She sent a goodbye kiss to his friends before almost skipping to her new friend.

Taemin had been watching her nervously. “What happened?”

She was grinning like a fool and let her lips touched Taemin’s. The young man was too surprised to move back. “Trust me.”

She turned her head and saw Minho looking at her direction except that his eyes were trained towards Taemin. They looked hungry.

Her smile grew bigger.  

Things just got better.



I'm sorry for not updating frequently...

Too busy in school...

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Aww... Thank you for those who took their time to read my story! and of course those who upvoted... I was surprised^^


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Chapter 8: New reader here! Oh my.. It's so sad in the earlier chapters! My heart was aching while reading it. T.T
I want to know more about Hasun in Japan! I hope you'll update it soon.
Baby_Joohyun #2
Chapter 8: Update soon!!
Anna_Banana #3
what. omg, 2min <3
Baby_Joohyun #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!
Chapter 6: Yay! You updated! ^^ omg.... I wonder how THAT happened in Japan.... haha! Her boldness is really funny! XD Oh Taemin. 2min!!!!!! ;D
Chapter 5: Omg...this story is so heartbreaking that tears were literally flowing from my eyes!
I really love this story so far author nim! Please Update Soon!
Chapter 4: Omo! I love this!!! It's so twisted and amazing!!! Update soon and keep up the good work! <3
Miawitch_1002 #8
Chapter 4: OMO! update soon author-nim
When will Hasun come back? The last part was heart breaking!