Back Home


I was heading back to Korea.....



Looking at the calendar hanging on my kitchen wall, I realized how long it had been since I had been back to Korea. I smiled at the thought of seeing HyoJung and Gina back there like normal. HyoJung texted me and told me t hat she too was going to Korea for the summer. I can't wait to be able to walk through the streets and eat tteokbeokki~ I sighed, this was gonna be fun. 


I knew I could relax a little because Mr. LuHan would probably go back to Beijing and visit family there. Mr. Wu assured me that he would have excellent body guards (plural) around Mr. LuHan at all times. I knew Mr. Wu was travelling to Korea as well because he had a lot of friends there and apparently they were having some kind of get together there. I focused on the pot of soup that was boiling away on my stove, looking back to the calendar after lowering the heat. 2 days to D-Day...wah!! I can't wait! 


I jumped around my house and got ready to buy some suveniors for everyone back home. I grabbed a large fluffy hooded jacket, slipped on my jeans, a woolen sweater and some comfy boots. I tied my hair in two low pig tails, put on some lip-smacker and packed my mini backpack with a hand sanitizer, hand lotion, my phone , my wallet, a pack of mints and other eatables. As I walked out, I gasped realizing I had forgotten my most favorite thing. I ran to the dressing table and grabbed my EXO ring. 


I locked the main door and made my way to my car. I pulled out my driveway and drove toward the city. I looked out as I drove around looking for shops that would have something to give as souveniors for my people back in Korea. I stopped in front of a coffee shop and got myself a Mocha Latte. As I walked out I noticed a ship which had cute accessories and other things there. I walked in and skimmed through the little accessories. I decided on a pair of couple rings for JongIn and Gina, an antique lamp for Mrs. Kim, a pair of couple bracelets for MinSeok and HyoJung and bought myself a few stainless steel rings. Riings were my favorite accessories. The EXO ring I had not taken off even one day since I went to the first EXO Concert. I carefully crossed the road and made my way towards my car. 




Finally!!! It was time to leave to Seoul. I smiled to myself as I thought of my life back there. I had a lot of missions and was mostly busy, but enjoyed the company of all the ladies at my workplace. Back then I used to work in one of the Korean branches of Mr. Wu's company. That's where I had met him and then all thus happened. I smiled as I locked the front door of the house and head to my car. After securing my suitcase in the back. I slipped into the driver's seat and took off to the airport. I smiled all aloong the ride and enjoyed the scenery. I parked my car in a reserved spot for Governement Officials and made my way into the terminal with my backpack and suitcase. 


I sat in the waiting area right outside the gate and listened to my music. I had  seen on the internet that EXO was gonna make a comeback and I was more than excited. After passing the air-stewrdess at the desk I made my way through the tunnel into to the aircraft. Letting out a sigh of relief I plopped down on my seat. Soon we were off. I looked out as I saw the Zurich Airport becoming smaller and smaller. A small smile bloomed on my red  lips and I realized, I have two homes......and I can't live without either one. 


Since the flight was so long, I decided that I would work on board. I had to look through the profiles of the bodyguardds Mr. Wu had arranged and approve them. I looked at the first one and frowned. None of these guys are gonna be able to protect him. I can't believe he would consider such people. After thoroughly looking through them I approved 4 men. I sent their profiles to Mr. Wu via e-mail and relaxed into my seat. Just then, I looked to my right and saw a dark blonde head. I furrowed my eyebrows. That hair is very familiar. Must be someone I saw in the office....As I turned back, I saw from the corner of my eyes, His head turned.


"Ms. Han?" My head snapped toward the voice. My eyes grew wide and I couldn't help but look completely shocked. Mr. LuHan? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? IS HE GOING TO KOREA?  I snapped out of my daze when he held my hand. I looked from him to my hand and back. I saw Ms. MinYoung appear on the other side.  I smiled at them before quickly getting up to go to the bathroom. I came out to find Ms. MinYoun standing there. she gave me a glare and I just stared at her.


"You better keep your distance from me and my fiance. Or else I'll have Kris firing you from your job and I'll make sure that you will be left with the most pitiful life in the owrld. You don't know what strength these beautiful hands of mine have." SHe said as she dislpayed her well manicured hands in the air. I stared at her as she continued to spew out dialogues from various movies. I shrugged and rolled my eyes. We passed each other. 

"Don't mess with me Ms.  Hwang."

"It's Han" 

"Whatever. You aren't even significant enough for my brain to register your name." I gawked at her as she continued to degrade me. "You better keep your repulsive self away from my man. I don't usually warn people anyway. So, just realize that I'm giving you a chance." I scoffed when she said that. I rolled my eyes and walked away. She grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Oh. And. Tell that ugly sister of yours to back off from JongIn. He's supposed to be MY younger sister's boyfriend. I don't even know what he saw in that fake gir--" I lost my temper and pushed her up against the wall with my hand on the collar of her dress shirt. She squeaked and whined at the impact. I just smirked at her.


"I don't care what you say about yourself or me. But keep one thing in your little rice grain of a brain; don't say anything about my family or I will not stop to destroy this pretty face of yours. I have never and will never forgive those who hurt my loved ones." I let go of her collar. "Also. I will never interfere in my client's personal life. So you can stop trying, and failing badly, to keep me away from your fiance. He is my client and I will be by him when he's in trouble. Even if you are right beside him." I growled at her through gritted teeth and walked away. I could hear her spew out some profanities at me. 


As I returned to my seat I looked at Mr. LuHan only to find him sleeping soundly. It was a long flight anyway. I plugged my headphones into my Ipod and listened to some calm songs. I smile as the realxing music helped me get away from everything else around me. Slowly, I was swept away into the wonderful world of dreams and only returned when the wheels of the aircraft touched the runway at Incheon Airtport. I looked out to see a snow covered airport. I smiled already thinking of all the faces waiting for me back at home. 


I looked to my left and saw Mr. LuHan sleeping soundly like a little baby. I smiled at his adorable face. He had his head tilted to the side, his eyes gently closed, hands holding the blanket and his lips slightly parted to help breath easier. I moved around got off the chair which was reclined backwards in a sleeping position. Making my way into the lavatory, I quickly washed my face, sprayed some body mist, fixed my hair and put on some gloss. I stepped out of the lavatory to find Mr.LuHan waiting infront. I smiled remembering the little incident the last time I saw him like this. I walked to the side, making enough space for him to walk by without touching me. But the proximity between got the best of me and I blushed hard when his breath hit my face. I turned away quickly and walked back to the cabin with a smile. it didn't last long. My smile washed away immediately, replaced by Kris' face when I saw MinYoung yes.....she has officially lost all my respect with what she said. So I don't call her Ms. anymore.Simple.


As the aircraft stopped and the Crew told us we were to get off first. I quickly grabbed my backpack and stepped ouut pf the aircraft. I smiled at the sight of a snow covered airport. I smiled already thinking of all the faces waiting for me. I quickly made my way through into the airport and past all the various gates and out to the baggage claim area. I smiled wider when I saw my trolley roll in. I quickly reached for it and made my way to the exit. I could already see Gina's green eye's looking at me at the end of the crowd. I smiled as I made my way through and was tackled by her. She was taller than me by a few centimeters, but it made a huge difference to me. I smiled and hugged her tight. We swayed from side to side squealing into each other's shoulders. 


As I let go of her she was enveloped into larger arms. I saw JongIn smiling. He then realeased her and hugged me instead. He was MUCH taller than me so he lifted me of the ground. I squealed a little and he chuckled at the similarity in me and my sister. He let go of me and we made our way towards the car when I heard someone call JongIn.


"JongIn-ah~" I turned back to see MinYoung waving at him. He smiled back and head to her. Gina waved me over as she followed her boyfriend. I sighed and was about to walk towards them, when I felt long arms wrap around my waist and lift me up as they twirled me in a circle. My eyes widened and I squealed in surprise. The said person put me down, only to be  tackled by another pair of arms. I was being passed from one person to the other since I was soo short. Finally, I looked back and saw Chanyeol, Tao, Sehun, D.O., Suho, MInseok (Xiumin), Baekhyun, and Chen smiling at me widely. I smiled and we all huddled for a group hug again. I was older than all of them. Eventhough D.O. was considered the Umma, I was the real Umma and took care of all of them whenever the needed to be. I remeber I used play with them and three other boys. I know Kris-ssi is one of them. Of the other two, one had a dimple and the other had HUGE eyes and really clear skin. The one with the dimple was younger than me. Kris-ssi, Minseok Oppa and the doe eyed boy were older to me, while everyone else was below me. Their eyes moved behind me and they widened. 


"LUHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All of them yelled and ran towards him, tackling him like they did me. How did they know---wait! was the dimple boy Yixing? and the doe eyed boy......? I slowly turned my head and immediately a picture of Yixing and the dimple boy flashed and it was confirmed. They were the same person. I then looked at Mr. LuHan. His large sparkly eyes.....reminded me of the doe eyed boy......his clear white skin....resembled the clear skin of the boy....




Is Mr. LuHan the doe eyed boy???!!!!!



EXO ran towards me and tackled him. A wide grin spreading on my face as I finally meet my childhood friends again. I hugs every one of them. I then avert my attention to JongIn with a knowing smile. The boy just chuckled shyly and rubbed his neck as he pulled his girlfriend from behind. She smiled brightly. I walked over to them and looked at his girlfriend. 


"Hello. My name is LuHan. You must be JongIn's girlfriend, right?" She happily nodded her head and attached herself to his arm. I smiled at her when, suddenly she hugged me. It took a while, but I hugged her back. I could feel MinYoung glaring at the girl.


"My name is Gina. Han Gina." Han Gina.....sounds like Han Nina...hehee. I smiled and pat her head. I looked back at MinYoung who didn't seem too happy. She came toward me while smiling at the boys, and interlocked her arm in mine. 


"You better keep your distance LuHan." She said through gritted teeth. I was kind of shocked at her forwardness.


"MinYoung. JongIn is like my little brother. His fiance is like my little sister. Please be nice." Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me incredulously. 


"One Second, gentlemen." She said as she dragged me away. I was confused know.




"Yes." I said looking at her with a confused face.


"LuHan, you are like his older brother, right?"




"Don't you care about your dongsaeng's well being?"


"Of course I do."


"Then get him to leave that girl and marry a woman of his status. I mean look at her. She so....simple and ordinary. He's so different comparerd to her. He has money, good looks and even is famous. There's a lot of special in him. There's nothing special that girl. She's a total nobody!!!" I looked at her incredulously. WHAT WAS MINYOUNG SAYING???? THIS YOUNG GIRL MAKES JONGIN HAPPY!


"MinYoung! Watch what you say about JongIn and his grilfriend. She makes JongIn happy and that's all that matters. They've been dating since high school and they are made for each other." I said as I started to get frustrated with her.


"I am not saying something wrong. LuHan, he should marry MY sister. She's so beautiful and has a lot of money as well. That girl is good for nothing. I don't even think she has a job and look at her!! I mean what made him think she would be the one??!!" I started to get angry at her behaviour.


"Look MinYoung, I am not gonna argue with you for things that are not upto me to decide. And by the way, I think Gina is very much worthy of JongIn. She's absolutely gorgeous and would do a great job of upholding the status of the Kim's. I don't want your opinion on what I should think about. That's enough MinYoung. You are being rude and I don't like that." With that I walked away and head towards the group, leaving her dumbfounded and staring at me. I couldn't blame her. This was the first time I had scolded her and now I feel like I should have done it before. 


I saw Ms. Han loading all the luggage while the guys helped. Seriously? I thought she was the guest? I shook my head and walked over to her as she was about to put my suitcase in the bag. I jogged and quickly grabbed the bag before she could. Her eyes widened and she looked at me like I was doing something no one ever did. I smiled as I closed the back of the car. She snapped out of it and smiled, while a small blush creeped upon cheeks. I chuckled lightly, making her blush even more.


"WOOHOO~ Let's go!" She was startled by this uproar and accidently hit my back as I turned around. I looked back to see her rubbing her forhead. Soon we were all arranged in the cars. Apparently, while I was helping Ms. Han, Kris and Yixing decided to come into the party. I was sitting next to Minyoung as she lightly lay her head on my shoulder. I could see Gina resting her head on JongIn's shoulder and his head resting on Ms. Han's shoulder. She was awake and looking out the window, taking in all that Seoul has to offer. I smiled and did the same. Soon we arrived at a beautiful big white house. 


As we got out of the vans, I heard MinYoung gasp in surprise. Gina ran toward the house and opened the door with the keys. MinYoung was right behind her. Kris, Yixing, JongIn, Minseok and I were carrying the luggage in. I gawked at the house. I saw Ms.Han run up the stairs with Gina right on her tail. We se the bags to the side and I looked at the guys. They smiled and we piled on each other for a bigger group hug. As we puled away we were all smiling.


"You like this place, Noona?" JongIn asked MinYoung who was still gawking at the furniture and the contours of the house. 

"OF COURSE! IT'S AMAZING!" JongIn chucckled at her reaction and smiled.

"Nina Noona worked so hard for this. I still can't believe that she worked all those days and made enough money to buy such an amazing house. She's amazing and I feel very honored in her presence." She looked at JongIn like he's crazy. So this is Ms. Han's place.....I like it very much. She came back down smiling while hugging Gina. 


"Hey guys, apparently my sister and JongInnie have already set up the rooms and there are like labels on each bedroom for it so......SCRAM!" She yelled as all the guys ran up the stairs. Even Kris ran up the stairs and got to his room. As for me, being confuse is all that caused. She smiled at me and held out a hand. I carried my bags, while Ms. Han carried MinYoung's bags. She had insisted that MinYoung would be tired from the long journey and need some rest. She was walking infront of us and I awed at the way her biceps flexed each time she climbed a stair. I could see a small tattoo on the back of  her neck as she bent down to put the bags on the ground outside two doors.


I opened the door to my room. The room was amazing. Everything inside it was white and elegant. It had one whole wall with full length windows, a balcony, a queen sized bed with like six pillows and a very fluffy quiilt in the middle of two vintage looking mahgony side tables. There was an in built walk in wardrobe with the bathroom connected to it. I smiled as I entered the bathroom. It was all white and perfectly clean. I smiled as I ran my hands over the intricate designs of the mahgony wardrobe doors with mirrors. I hadn't realized Ms. Han had left to show MinYoung her room because when I looked I only saw Gina. She was smiling widely. 


"You know, Unnie knows everything about all of you except for one thing. She knows your favorite colours and food and movies, your family background, your interests. Everything. Except...." She paused and slightly giggled at her Unnie.


"Except for the fact that you all are part of one of her most favorite KPOP group, EXO". I gawked at her as she just began to laugh. "I know Oppa. She's really stupid and its sad to see her talk about how awesome EXO is and pretend to be really protective of you all. I bet if she  finds out she will try her hardest not to believe it."


"But doesn't she watch our MV's?" I questioned.


"Nope. She has these things against watching the music videos ever since she saw what Bruno Mars really looks like." I laughed at her comment. We began to imagine the things she would do, but were cut off when we heard Ms. Han's voice, demanding all of us to come down stairs. I hadn't seen this side of her and it was amusing to see her like this. Gina left and I quickly changed when MinYoung came in back-hugged me. I smiled and swung back and forth. We both walked down and I saw Kris creeping on Ms. Han as she was frantically cooking something. 


"NINA!!!!!" He yelled. But she didn't move at all. We all stared at her.


"Usually she'd freak out, throw the pan in the air and then hunt down Kris to beat him up. But what's up today?" Baekhyun said in utter shock. Suddenly I noticed her doing something adorable. She began pretending to sing to a song using the spatual as her microphone. I smiled gently. She soon switched to doing the moving her hips in a swaying motion with a few quick movements and shuffling feet. Gina burst into laughter when she realized what happened. 


"Guys, she' plugged in!" Everyone started to laugh. I walked to Kris and whispered something to him. We smiled and nodded at each other. 




I'm sorry Ms. Han. But you are too cute....




I was listening to Snowing by Urban Zapaka. I swayed my hips to the beat and even pretended to sing the girl's parts. I was shuffling around and pretending to dance jazz. I was watching the white sauce melt into the milk and the pasta rising to the top as it cooked to perfection. I smiled.


Suddenly I felt a large pair of arms wrap around my waist. They were extremely unfamiliar. Chanyeol? Kai? Kris? Who is it? They were strong but soft at the same time. My crop shirt wasn't helping either. I could feel the heat radiating from the arms. Soon, the said person's chin rested onmy shoulder and began to sway me from side to side. I got confused. No one does this. Usually they just grab me, twirl me around and then put me back down...


It felt almost too good. I put down the spatula and turned the heat off. I turned my head and noticed Mr. LuHan's face millimeters from mine!!!!! OH MA LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHATT ? I-I-UH---OH MA GOSH!  My eyes widened to become larger than D.O.'s. I felt the heat run up to my cheeks and I quickly pulled away from him while trying to get back to mixing the pasta with the sauce. I heard them all laugh and Gina giggled as she came to me and hugged me from th eback. I smiled lightly under the protection of my hair. I could feel MinYoung's glare. After, everyone laughed, I switched off the gas and turned around to pick up a tray. I arranged plates, cups, forks, and spoons on it and handed it to Gina. She left the kitchen and headed to the lving room where everyone was sitting. I smiled as I brought over the large bowl of white sauce pasta, a large platter of spicy fried chicken and a packet of Cola. I placed them in the centre and KyungSoo (D.O.) helped me serve the pasta and the chicken while Gina and MinYoung handed it out to everyone. I smiled at him as I placed 3 boneless pieces of chicken for KyungSoo. He likes boneless. I got myself a plate and sat down infront Gina on the floor and rested my back on the sofa since her feet were up and she leaned on JongIn. 


"WAHH~~~ Noona~~ Seriously! Can I marry you?" Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen, Tao and Sehun wailed in unison. Kris, Minseok, JongIn and Mr. LuHan smacked their heads. I smied and turned to look at them.


"Seriously!!!! How can someone make something sooo delicious!!!!????" Tao exclaimed. 

"It's not that great. But still pretty good." MinYoung interupted. The boys looked at  her in disbelief. I realized they were gonna pounce on her.

"I agree with MinYoung. It's not the best." I quickly saved that pretty little of the brat that I hate. I had to. Or else it would  have been a disaster. I hated it but couldn't help it. I looked from my plate and met eyes with Kris. He gave me a look; one of those looks where the person knows the real reason, followed by a smile. Soon,we were done with the pasta. I got up and left to the kitchen. After a meal, there has to be something sweet. It's a rule in my house. No meal is skipped or finished without dessert. I am a huge sweet tooth so...yeah. 


I opened my refrigerator and grabbed the blue berry cheesecake sitting inside it. I popped it out of the pan, onto a nice serving plate. Grabbed some nice small white plates, along with gold colored spoons that the boys love, and walked over to the livving room. I squeezed through Beakhyun and Chanyeol. They began drooling as I set the cheesecake down. I gave them a stern, motherly look. They sat obediently and waited as I cut the cake slices. The first piece went to Gina, then MInseok, Kris, Lay, Kai, Sehun, Tao, JongDae, Suho, D.O, and then finally the two twins, CHanyeol and Baekhyun.


I cut out a pretty piece for MinYoung (CUZ I HAD TOOOO) and I cut another piece for Mr. LuHan and one for myself. I placed the plate infront of MinYoung, and she looked down at me like I was her servant. I glared at her, to which she flinched noticably. I could hear Chanyeol and Baekhyun snickering since they noticed what I did there. I turned and grabbed the plate for Mr. LuHan and handed it to him. He was an angel. He gave me a sweet smile (which I returned) whilst taking it from my hands. His warm hands brushed against mine when he took it. I blushed slightly, but didn't take it too seriously. 


I sat down again with my plate of Cheesecake and dived into it. We watched two movies that night; one comedy and one romance. Gina helped me take all the dishes and plates and leftovers back. I put the left overs in pastic boxes and popped them in the fridge. Gina tidied up the living room while I cleaned all the dishes, cleaned the counter and made hot chocolate for everyone. It was winter and we were all now sitting outside and enjoying Hot Coco. I smiled and relaxed into the lazy chair. I felt Gina sit next to me, both of us snuggling together. I could feel JongIn shooting lasers at me. Soon another body made its way to the lazy chair. I felt JongIn's arms wrap around the two of us. Gina and I giggled together and snuggled into him. 


This is why I want JongIn as my brither-in-law. He behaves like my brother. No, scratch that. He IS my brother already. I smiled and snuggled into the mild heat coming from his body. I looked up and noticed MinYoung and Mr. LuHan sitting there, snuggling as well. My huge smile faded into a smaller one. I rest my head on JongIn's arm as he was talking to Gina. I dozed off. 


When I woke up, I was laying on my bed. I smile dknowing that JongIn carried be in. After showering and changing into some booty shorts and a short tight crop top. I went down to the gym area only to find JongIn, Suho, Chanyeol and Sehun inside. I smiled at them and went into my special yoga room. Yes, yes. I do have a lot of stuff in this house. I made this house after my first few payments from being Kris' bodyguard. So he's to thank. Anyway, I started to play some soothing music and began stretching. I mean, I am a woman. I have to keep my curves in shape. I don't do too hardcore excercise because I wanna look like a girl, not a man-girl. Ewww. I began to do some yoga poses and soon began doing push ups. I know. I am supposed to keep m feminnity, but I have to be strong too. I do yoga to stretch my muscles and then build them with push upc, crunches and other excercises. I felt small paws on my feet. I looked and saw my cat, Amber. Her amber coloured eyes looked at me happily.


I hadn't seen her in soo long. I am gonna take her this time. I stopped and grabbed her in my arm sand gave her a quick kiss on the head. I her head as she purred into my arm. I put her down and continued doign my push ups. She decided to have some fun and climbed onto my back and balanced herself as I continued to do push ups. She let her tail touch the sides of my torso, along my tattoo of roses and thorns. After about an hour of this, I walked out of this excercise I walked out and found the gym to be packed with ALL the boys. They smiled at me. Some whistliing at my figure. I rolled my eyes and walked away. 





They'll be running to me when they're hungry....



I had woken up earlier and head down to where the guys would be. Apparently, Ms. Han has a gym in the house and that's where the boys sais they'd be in the morinings. I changed into a tang top and some pants. I walked down to the gym and saw the boys ALL excercising. Normally, it was just some of them. For some reason they were in there and excercising, even Suho Hyung. I smiled as I walked in.


"Hey Guys! How come all of you are in here?" I looked at them as i set my towel down. 

"Nina Noona, sitting around in the morning and she hates it even more to see people sitting around. She'll be out any time and then we have to be sweating like  dogs and looked like we have done some work." Chanyeol explained as he grabbed a heavier dumb bell and lifted it. Wow. SOme influence she has. After about half an hour of running on one of the many treadmills I stopped and grabbed my towel to dry of my sweat. Sehun and Tao walked up to me. 

"Hyung, do you wanna see Nina Noona. I just saw her cat go in there. That means she'll be excercising in push ups soon. We are all gonna spy on her biceps. THEY'RE AMAZING!!" I chuckled lightly at their excitement. These guys really were gonna spy on her? I looked back and saw Kris get off the cycle, and the rest all gather around me asking me the same questions. 

"Okay." I felt weird but I wanted to see the boys' driving force. As we tiptoed to the room, Kai leaned into my ear.

" She loves guys that are slim and strong with good muscles. But it's absolutely amazing the way she excercises." He looked up and pointed at a digital thing showing increasing numbers. "

"That is how many push-ups she's been doing since this morning." I looked back and gawked at the number. 150 and counting. Kai nudged my shoulder and I looked forward. They guys made wya for me, since I was a first timer in this. I looked in and a saw the once slim figure replaced with a well-toned body. Her thighs were as robust as Lay's, her back muscles toned and visible and her biceps....were amazing. But what she was wearing caught me off guard. I hadn't even seen so much of MinYoung's skin. I gulped hard and turned away from the door. 


"I envy that cat." Sehun suddenly blurted. "it gets to feel every one of those muscles!" I looked at him suriprisingly. He looked at me and sadi "what? I mean look at that!" He turned my head again toward the door. This time I noticed a single drop of sweat trickle down her face, down her chest and torso and finally down her thighs to the floor. oh........I'm screwed. I quickly ran out of the gym and stood in a hallway, breathing hard. 


The image of the sweat bead was still in my head. I knew this wasn't right, but I am a man. I do have....desires. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my breath when I heard a series of whistles. I slowly turned my head. Big Mistake! Ms. Han came out of the gym with the cat at her feet and waked past me while dabbing away her sweat. I looked at the towel and it was extremely familiar.











That's my towel!.......................

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Chapter 22: Such a great one author-nim.
Love it so much
Chapter 23: The last few chapters confused me but i'm happy they got back together.
kangsoohee #3
Chapter 22: I'm very happy that Luhan end up with Nina :D
though Minyoung being a y at first but I'm glad that she realized that her chance was over *evil face*
you write such a beautiful story author-nim :D
I'm very happy that I found this story :3
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 23: really interesting and different story and those sweet moments were just so sweet but i feel like the story was somehow broken? eyo maybe me only but what happened to someone who tried to kill her? there were few missing holes but loved those sweet little moments tho :)
authentic22 #5
Chapter 22: cool! very different from anyother fanfics and obviously.. I like this >< thumbs up!!!!!
Chapter 22: Wooaaaahhhh it's finished!! One of the best complicated stories that I have been read!!! Realli love this storyso muuuchhh! And I hope there's a sequel for nina and luhan married life ;)
Btw, u're jjang author-nim ★
Chapter 22: huhuhuhuhuhu fts. can we some have some moment of silence to this beautiful ending. sht and when i thought they will not be together. omg hihihi thank u authornim
Chapter 21: OMG I LOVE THE ENDING THAT JUST SAYS SNOWFLAKES OMG SUCH A NICE ENDING ㅠ^ㅠ and btw for when luhan say i love you too if you want the chinese to also be i love you too then u should put wo ye ai ni
panda_attack #9
hi sorry for taking space here..anyway, we're currently on our grand opening now~ come and request your poster at our shop ^^
Chapter 19: thank goodness i dont have to kill you tomorrow ;)