A Party and A Surprise


I watched as Mr. LuHan enjoyed his time with Ms. MinYoung. Everyone knew they were a couple. I mean, are you kidding me? Who wouldn't know they're a couple when they walk hand in hand and smile at each other with eyes full of love? Love?....so unfamiliar to me....so far from me....so....far from my destiny. 


I knew that there was no way I was gonna be in a relationship with anyone. Nobody liked a ruthless, heartless, merciless and ugly girl like me. I had not enjoyed my years of 'blooming' like  all the other girls. I had 'bloomed' too soon, so I was often bullied for being physically different. When the others did grow, they began picking other flaws and continued to shower their wrath on me. In 8th grade, when I almost got by the basketball team, I decided to join a self-defence course outside of school. the teacher noted my physical capacity and suggested that I continue even though I had learnt enough for my own protection. My parents were against it, so they disowned me and my teacher, Lee Hyukjae took me in. I lived until my school graduation with him. As soon as I was out of school, I was accepted into a prestigious college with a really good scholarship. Soon after college, I joined the Wu Corporations and then all this happened.


I sighed as I remembered all the events that happened in my life. Who would look at a girl like me? I don't even take care of my body like other girls do! I just do whatever to keep my skills on a high. When I think about it, I have never for once worn make up or even styled my hair in any way. Just wake up, take a shower, walk out. I sighed again and watched as my breath fogged up on the glass. I looked at my cup of cafe latte and smiled. I took a last sip of the coffee and head towards the door after paying the bill. I walked out in the cold winter night of Zurich amongst many couples who cuddled to shield from the cold. I just held my jacket closer to me and continued walking. When I reached the hotel, I was basically frozen. I heade straight to my room. As I walked into the elevator, I saw my reflection. My cheeks had turned pink from the cold and my face was paler than ever. I felt fake. I  hated looking at the mirror because I felt like I looked so freakin fake. As the door binged, I turned around and walked out. I walked past Mr. LuHan's room and heard a lot of giggling. Must be Ms. MinYoung....


Its been a few days since I started my life in the beautiful city of Zurich. Yixing had gotten my house for me in less than a week so it has been a few days since I moved in. It was white and modern. I had to drive a bit to get to the city but it was totally worth living that far. Everyday to wake in my bedroom to the view of a snow covered lawn was totally worth. My phone had woken me up today. I looked at it and saw a message from XingXing (that's what I call Yixing because we're friends). I read it. It was an invitation to a formal party that I was supposed to attend because Mr. LuHan was attending it too and also I was one of Mr. Wu's secretaries. It was held by the Lu and Wu Corporations in celebration of a project the two companies are allied in and also Mr. LuHan's arrival in Zurich. My eyes widened when I realized I had no dress that I could wear. I realized I had not befriended a fashionista to help me out with my fashio problems. How am I supposed to survive this? 


In the afternoon, Yixing invited me to go shopping with him because he needed to buy a new suit and he had mentioned that Mr. Wu was expecting me in a dress. I watched as he picked out suits, rejected suits, and walked away from stores. Sometime after, we entered a shop that sold both male and female formal clothes. I looked theough all the dresses hanging on the racks. XingXing noticed my lost expression and decided to help me out. He grabbed a whole bunch of clothes and threw them at me,"Try them. I wanna see."


I began thinking this was a mistake. These are all the dresses and the reasons I didn't take them.

  1. Red Dress - too bright of a colour and i don't like long extravagant dresses
  2. Pink Dress - hate the colour and I am not going to a fancy dress competition 
  3. Blue Dress - hate the colour and its too simple for my taste. I like to show a little skin
  4. Light Pink Dress - hat the colour and its and old lady's model
  5. Green dress - hate the colour and the design of the dress. I am not rapunzel getting ready to sleep in her night gown
  6. Purple dress - I said I like to show a little skin not be revealing all that i have

Those were a few amongst a thousand others that I had tried. All of them just didn't appeal to me in any way. I got tired of waiting for XingXIng to bring dresses to me when I saw an amazing black suit with that matched with a white tie. I patted Lay's shoulder, "Yiu should get that one. It'll suit you." He smiled and went over to look at it. I saw his smile grow larger. Meanwhile I was getting some rest and siping at my Cafe Latte. 

"I'm going to go try this on. Meanwhile, you should try this one. Its the best I've seen till now." With that he handed me a black dress and head over to the changing rooms. I sighed and dragged myself to the changing room. After putting it on, I felt like it was better than the others but still, the fact that I had to wear a dress was making me unhappy. I came out and saw XingXing dressed in his suit and smiling at himself. 

"Um, how do I look?" He turned when he heard my voice. 


Wow....that's the only word I could use to describe what she looked like. The black dress hugged her thin frame well and was a little longer than her knees. She turned around and I got the shock of my life. The back open but partially, with black strips of cloth holding the dress together. I was just mesmerized by the way she looked in that dress. 


"Wow. Wow...WOW!!!!!!!" I screamed and she whacked my hand to shut up. "So I'll get this one. I have black pumps at home so I can wear those and then yeah." she looked at me with a small content smile. "Wait. So you're not going to the salon or anything?" She shook her head as a response to my question. I shrugged my shoulders. She doesn't need to go to the salon. She always looks pretty. I smiled and we head back into the changing rooms. We paid for the clothes and I drove her back to her house. 

"Thanks XingXing. You can totally be my Diva Buddy." I chuckled and waved as she found her keys and entered the house. Its so nice to know that Mr. Wu gave me the privilege to work with her. She's an amazing woman.


I was ready to go. MinYoung had bought me a tuxedo for the night. I had changed and was now siting in the salon to get my hair done. I was with Kris and Yixing. I had known these two since my childhood in Korea. He was fair and had a dimple on his right cheek. He was extremely polite, intelligent yet soft-spoken. The stylist decided to style my hair up and over to my right. It looked slightly disheveled and reminded me of my hair after my "acting session" with Ms. Han. 


We had finished the remainder of the preparations and my secretary was going over the names of the important guests and helped me rehearse my speech. 


"Luhan!" I turned around and saw MinYoung step into the event hall in a an amazing peach dress. It was long and draped down to the floor. II knew she would wear something like this since she was very interested in Greek style clothing. She ran to me and hugged me. "You look beautiful." I said to her, to which she replied with a giggle. As we began to walk towards the lobby to greet guests I saw a sleek black car enter the lobby of the hotel. Kris got out of the front passenger seat while Yixing got out of the driver's seat. He ran to the backseat and opened the door while Kris made his way to the door to help the person get out. Delicate fingers wrapped around Kris' hand and a pair of black pumps became visible. Ms. Han stepped out of the car and smiled at Kris while holding his hand and smoothly interlocked her arms with Yixing. I watched as she was escorted by both Kris and Yixing. Something was racing in my chest.


The way her hair lifted off of her shoulder and flew in the air as the wind blew. The way her dress fitted her slim, s-line body shape. The way her hips swayed as she walked toward the lobby. The way she laughed when Yixing tripped on the little step in front of the doors. The way her eyes twinkled and her red lips parted to let out the softest giggle in the universe. All this made the thumping in my chest to grow faster and stronger. I met eyes with her. She slightly bowed her head and smiled at me. I watched as she smiled and bowed at MinYoung as well. The thumping feeling was still present. The only other time I had this feeling was when I had seen MinYoung for the first time.


Really Ms.Han?.....What are you doing to me?......


I was actually quite impressed with Mr. LuHan's attire. Although, I think it was meant for MinYoung-ssi and him to have couple clothing. After introducing ourselves and saying a few "long time no see"s, we head to the hall. I watched as MinYoung-ssi was clinging onto Mr. LuHan's arm and whispering things that made him giggle and Mr. Wu to feel like throwing up. When we entered, the interior amazed me and I oogled at everything in awe. I heard a giggle and looked straight at Yixing only to find him oogling as well. Confused I decided to ignore it. 


We waited for the guests and greeted them as they walked in. Since I knew every single person here, I helped Mr. LuHan and MinYoung-ssi with their names and made sure Yixing gave the correct names to Mr. Wu as well. Being the Mr. Wu's secretary requires a lot of skill and experience. After the introduction I left the couple to their own business and headed to the food bar. Grabbing a plate of appetizers and a glass of Chilean wine, I head to a table and ate calmly. My favorite thing to do in parties was to just observe the people in the party, listen to what they're saying, and walk around. 


It had been about two hours since the party began and I had downed two glasses of good old Chilean wine, when I decided to head home. I walked over to Yixing to tell him. But as I was telling him, I saw a glint of light from the opposite building. I stared at the smae spot and it happened again. I realized it was the glint from the eye piece of a sniper gun. !


"Take Mr. Wu and leave the premise now. I have some business to take care of." But as I said this the sniper had already shot a bullet, and releasing chaos in the party hall. Yixing and I helped them get out of the room. I looked for Mr. LuHan and found him next to the window. I ran towards him and pulled him away from the window.


"Are you out of your mind?!! Get away from the window!" I noticed that he was crouched on the ground. My worst fear was coming true. The sniper had shot him straight in the abdomen. I grabbed his arm and threw it over my shoulder and started to move away from the window. But....


I held myself together as much as possible, so that I would be able to help Ms. Han take me out. I looked at her and she looked at me. When we were close to the door a man with a gun appeared and shot a few times. I hadn't realized it, but Ms.Han had moved in front of me and taken the bullets on herself. I heard countless bullets being shot as she jerked forward a few times and her eyes widened. Her dark eyes were full with tears. She looked at me. She brought out a golden gun and shot the man square in the head. .


As he fell to the ground, she stumbled forward. I held her, with much difficulty, but she held me up as soon as she realized I was going to fall as well. She led me out of the building. Security personnel attended to me as I was taken to the hospital. The last thing I saw was, Ms. Han collapsing on the white snow and her crimson blood flowing from her.


As expected, when I woke up I was in the hospital. Apparently the bullet hadn't caused as much harm as predicted. I just had a deep wound and that would require for me to stay in the hospital for a week or two. I looked to my right and saw MinYoung sitting there. She had been crying, it was very obvious. She held my hand tightly.


"Where's Ms. Han?" I manages to say. 


"She's in the room next door. She got shot 9 times and has suffered a lot of blood lose. She's not exactly what you call 'fine'". Kris explained to me. 


Once Kris left the room, Minyoung looked at me. "She's not exactly the best at saving people, so we might as well change her to another person. She's just gonna get more and more hurt. She's no use. Her job was to protect you, which she didn't do too well either." For some reason I felt extremely angry at the way she had just spoken about Ms. Han. After a few minutes she left and Kris walked in. 


"Are you sure you made the right decision by choosing to be with MinYoung?" I looked at Kris with a confused face. "What do you mean?" 


"I mean that, is she the kind of wife you would like to have? Is her behaviour towards you what you want? Is her behaviour to others what you want in your wife?" I realized that Kris was hurt by the way she spoke about Ms. Han. I sighed. I honestly didn't like the way she behaved infront of me when she was talking about Ms. Han but that diesn't mean that she's like that to everyone. 


"Why are you saying this? What's so special about Ms. Han that you can't hear any honest criticism?" I started to get a bit angry. He smirked and looked at me. "You obviously have been blinded by her. Ms. Han is not just any kind of strong woman. She's my saviour. I am forever indebted to her. You will be too, but you won't understand it because MinYoung has shadowed your ability to reason. I don't care what you do with her or  with your relationship with her, but I do care about you and I only have one favor to ask of you." He paused and looked at me with damp and caring eyes, "I want my nappy buddy LuHan back."


I sat there dumbfounded when he left the room. I had realized what I was doing. I was beocming insensitive of others and their problems. This isn't me. I am not like this. Is Kris right? Am I being controlled by MinYoung?....No....I don't think so.


I woke up to find myself in a white room with large windows that brightened up the room even more than the color. My eyes flinched at the brightness but soon adjusted to see Yixing walk in through the door. I have no idea how long its been and what kind of a condition I'm in right now. 


"XingXing-ah, how long has it been?" He smiled and held my hand in his own, "Its only been a few hours. The whole mishap took place last night. Don't worry. Mr. LuHan and Mr. Wu are perfectly fine." I smiled back and looked out the window. "You know, you got shot by 9 bullets very close to your critical organs. It's a miracle how nothing actually touched your vitals." I looked at him as he briefed me on what the doctor said and how long I'd be in the hospital. 


After Yixing had left, Mr. Wu walked in. I tried to sit up, "No. Don't. Please." He stopped me and helped me lay back down. I looked at him with ocnfused eyes because I could see he was not exactly happy to see me. " Did Ms. MinYoung say something about me that you look so grumpy, Mr. Wu?" He looked at me and I immediately knew it. 


"Look Mr. Wu, this is my job. There will be people who judge me and hate me or even not appreciate what I am trying to do for my client. i have seen many people like this. They have no effect on me. Plus, I know that deep down, Mr. LuHan is a sweet and soft-spoken man who cares about everyone. I am sure that soon he will make the right decision. Till then, Mr. Wu will have to forgive him and what he says." He looked at me and smiled. He held onto my hand and gently rubbed the outside with his thumb while thinking about something. I watched as his facial features changed. His usual cold stare and rock solid composture had disappeared. His eyes were full of emotions and his face seemed more relaxed. I don't know why but, sometimes I think he has too many troubles ot deal with. I hope he won't worry about me too much.


The constant rubbing on the backside of my hand helped me fall asleep. I don't know how long it had been but, when I woke up I started coughing. Within seconds I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and back. I stained the white sheets with my blood. I realized the wounds must have opened up. I felt the stichtes pull at me skin and flesh. My abdomen was leaking blood like a waterfall and my back was hell. Hearing me cough, Mr. Wu woke up and rubbed my hand, in an effort to soothe me. Yixing ran into the room with doctors. They poked some kind of liquid in me and I fell asleep. 


I woke up when another sharp pain ran through my back. I gasped and my eyes widened. I had just been moved from the operation theatre to the room but, the nurses were a little careless with me so when they placed me on the new bed they were harsh. Mr. Wu flamed up but didn't say anything. The pain subsided and I was breathing normally again. I started to look around the room again and noticed Mr. LuHan on the bed across from me. He was sleeping.


I couldn't help but to stare at his simple perfection. The way his eyes had been closed lightly, they way his mouth was slightly open, the way his chest went up and down as he breathed and the way his nose twitched sometimes. I realized I had been staring at him and cleared my throat. I sat up with a little difficulty when the nirse came in with my food. I began eating and she left the room. After a while I got up to go to the bathroom. I held all the pain in and walked over to the bathroom door. After, when i came back and sat down, I heaved a deep sigh and a tear rolled down my cheek. Just as I was about to wipe it, I felt a hand wipe it off. I looked to the side and saw Gina  and JongIn. WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE????

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Chapter 22: Such a great one author-nim.
Love it so much
Chapter 23: The last few chapters confused me but i'm happy they got back together.
kangsoohee #3
Chapter 22: I'm very happy that Luhan end up with Nina :D
though Minyoung being a y at first but I'm glad that she realized that her chance was over *evil face*
you write such a beautiful story author-nim :D
I'm very happy that I found this story :3
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 23: really interesting and different story and those sweet moments were just so sweet but i feel like the story was somehow broken? eyo maybe me only but what happened to someone who tried to kill her? there were few missing holes but loved those sweet little moments tho :)
authentic22 #5
Chapter 22: cool! very different from anyother fanfics and obviously.. I like this >< thumbs up!!!!!
Chapter 22: Wooaaaahhhh it's finished!! One of the best complicated stories that I have been read!!! Realli love this storyso muuuchhh! And I hope there's a sequel for nina and luhan married life ;)
Btw, u're jjang author-nim ★
Chapter 22: huhuhuhuhuhu fts. can we some have some moment of silence to this beautiful ending. sht and when i thought they will not be together. omg hihihi thank u authornim
Chapter 21: OMG I LOVE THE ENDING THAT JUST SAYS SNOWFLAKES OMG SUCH A NICE ENDING ㅠ^ㅠ and btw for when luhan say i love you too if you want the chinese to also be i love you too then u should put wo ye ai ni
panda_attack #9
hi sorry for taking space here..anyway, we're currently on our grand opening now~ come and request your poster at our shop ^^
Chapter 19: thank goodness i dont have to kill you tomorrow ;)