Step Seven

10 Steps To Hear: You're Mine ♥

I felt something interrupting my sleep, something shiny. I put my arm over my eyes and turned to the right side, covering my head with the blanket. I was tired. Yesterday I had an important exam and luckily it went well but I studied until very late and slept just a few hours. I involuntarily yawned and blinked a few times. My eyes stopped on the blue wall of my room. My head throbbed a bit, and I felt my eyelids heavy. I have to sleep more but I know I have to spend some time with Zelo. Today we agreed that we were going to the park near the dorm.

I looked at the little clock that adorned the bedside table and sighed. I had to dress up because if not, Zelo would wait for me and I know I shouldn’t be late. I dragged the sheets of my body with my feet and got up from the bed. I massaged my temples a bit and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the small mirror that hung on the wall above the sink and sighed. I wasn’t bad but I wasn’t good either. It’s best to say that I've had better days.

I opened the tap and put my hands in shell shaped, bringing the cold water to my face, taking the traces of sleep from my face. Then I wiped my face with the red towel of linen and left the bathroom. My eyes rested on my phone that was on the edge of my bed and suddenly it began to vibrate. I took it calmly and looked at the screen seeing that Himchan was calling me. I coughed a few times before answering.

“Yeoboseyo.” I sat on the bed and my eyes wandered down my wardrobe while my mind wondered what I would wear. Today is one of those days when I’m lazy and without apathy to think.

“______ah, ppalli, ppalli. I have to say the seventh step." I heard the voice of Himchan pronouncing the words quickly. What is it? Why is he in such a hurry? I opened my mouth but nothing came out because I heard a noise on the other side of the line. A strange noise to be exact. "Seventh step: tell him you got tired of him being yours." He said quickly and I blinked a few times. Did I hear right? Or do I hear really well?

"Him.. Himchan.. What.. What do you mean?" I asked with my voice a little weak. My right hand unconsciously gripped the sheets of my bed, doing some creases, ruining its fabric. "That will make, well, that maybe we broke up." I said a little sad and shook my head slightly. The word 'break up' flogged my heart and I felt a big breath of air coming out of my mouth.

"Aish, don’t worry about it ______, everything will be fine." He said a bit soft and I looked out the window, and again I heard a noise in the background. In my mind appeared the face of Zelo, his handsome face. "Zelo need to feel sad from time to time." He said in a serious tone this time, and I squeezed the sheet even more. "Now I have to go. My girlfriend needs me. Goodbye ______-ah." He said goodbye and I took off the phone out of my ear when I heard the 'thud, thud' indicating that the call had been disconnected. I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Mian Zelo. I felt the phone vibrate in my hand and I looked at the screen. I had received a message from Zelo.


Zelo: '______-ah, I'm already leaving the dorm. I see you in a bit. I'm eager to see you. I miss you.'


My heart sank when I read his message. Oh God, I'm going to hurt him, I'll say things I don’t want to but I want him to say that I am his. Oh God, my mind is battling against my heart and I don’t know what to do. I looked again at the message and sighed. I'll have to talk to him. Like Himchan said, Zelo need to feel sad, but I don’t want to see him sad. Since I met him, I never saw him sad but today would be the first day, I'm sure of it. I got up from the bed and reluctantly chose a casual and comfortable clothes. In mere minutes, I was ready. I picked up the phone and I felt it vibrate, for the millionth time. I had another message from Zelo.


Zelo: '______-ah, I have arrived. I'll wait for you ♥'


I sighed for the mobile screen and grabbed my bag, he even put a heart in the message. Oh God, today will not really be a good day. Please someone help me and fast. I opened the door of my house and left quietly. I didn’t want to arrive quickly to the place but also didn’t want make him wait. Oh God, what a mess that goes into my mind. I looked in every direction, trying to make the sadness freed my heart but in vain. The next thing I knew, I was in the park. My eyes landed on the back of Zelo. He was sitting in a sandbox playing with a kid. The small hands of the child were shaping the sand castle while the hands of Zelo were filling a small yellow bucket. My heart softened with what I saw.

I approached a bit further and a little smile merged up in my mouth when the little kid looked at me. He smiled innocently, and the face of Zelo turned to my side. When he saw me, a big smile appeared on his lips. The smile he had on his lips was directed to me. I was the cause of the large and beautiful smile that he had on his lips.

"Hyung, I got to go, eomma is calling me." The kid said, then waved at us. My hand rose up weakly and I waved with the fingers. Zelo did the same and then when the child disappeared from our sight, he turned back to me.

“Hey.” He greeted me with his famous smile and joined our fingers gently. I lowered my head slightly and stared at the floor. I was trying to say what the seventh step was asking, but it was being difficult. Why do things have to be difficult? "______? What’s happening?" He asked, putting his index finger on my chin and lifting my head. Our eyes met.

“Ze.. Zelo.. Mian..” I said stuttering. My heart was tighter with each passing minute. "Mian, but I.. I got tired.." I said almost in a whisper and he removed his soft finger from my chin. His eyes never left mine. I saw the perplexity, stamped on his pretty eyes.

"You.. You got tired?" He asked, opening his mouth slightly. "You got tired of what ______-ah?" He asked, putting a hand on my shoulder, shaking me a little.

"I'm tired of you being mine." I babbled the words along with the wind that blew at that moment. Zelo, blinked and then looked at me astonished. He removed his hand from my shoulder and I saw that his lip began to tremble. Oh no.

“Ho.. How?” He asked, biting his lip, trying to make his lip stop trembling.

"I.. I don’t know." I said and I gently pulled my fingers that were attached to his. “Mian Zelo.”

“Stop it.” He said in a whisper. "Just stop." He kept talking and approached me. Our bodies were millimeters away. "Stop apologizing, because excuses are useless." He lightly touched my cheek with the tip of his cold fingers. "You didn’t mean that. I know that." He hugged my shoulders. "I'll forget what you said." He tightened my shoulders and I sighed.

"I meant what I said." I stepped away a bit causing him to remove his arms from my shoulders. "I got tired." I said more convinced and looked him in the eyes. My heart skipped a beat when I saw a small tear fall from his eye and slide down his cheek. “Mian haeyo.” This was the last thing I said before turning my back to him and walking to nowhere in particular. “Mian.. Mian haeyo.” I whispered again and my vision tarnished with the small tears that my eyes began to form.


Seventh step:

I want you back Zelo. I want us back.

                                AUTHOR'S NOTES 

Oh well, it happens :s

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bumpkin #1
zelo is so cute hehe
missadel #2
Chapter 10: My ideal type of boyfriend..
Does it even exist!? <3
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 10: Kyaaa.. This is insanely sweetie slash cutie pie like EVER !! How slow can zelo be in love or attention needyness by her girlfriend.. Hahaha.. But he can be romantic too.. Thanks authornim
BothSehunZelo #4
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaa! I dont know what to say but this fic is realllyyy aweeeeeeessssoooommee
BothSehunZelo #5
Chapter 3: SCREAM!! Omg zelo is tooooo cute kyaa
syahirahughh #6
Chapter 10: Argh..aigoo so sweet..sarangheo^^
Chapter 10: It's so adorable I'm crying .
Chapter 10: This was too cute!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: I have nothing to say too author. Haha. Fluff overload!!! My feels!!!!!!!