Chapters 9

Triangle love


‘emmm who’s minhyuk?’ sungjae asked


‘me, why?’


‘Oh the teacher is calling you to carry her things’ sungjae lied


‘Oh okay’ minhyuk replied


*outside the class, sungjae then punched minhyuk*


‘yahh tell me, who’s plan is this?’


‘its’ minhyuk replied




‘It’s Al!’ minhyuk then replied.



What? Al? How come the really nice girl I’ve ever met, like this? Why did she really hate jiya by now? What’s up? I’m confused. Why is she acting like this?.


*after College*


‘Al!’ sungjae shouted


‘emm what?’


‘Tell me... why did you planned all of this!?


‘Oh so you knew about it –‘


‘Wait did you, do you like ilhoon?’


‘No’ al replied




‘Ok ok I do!


‘So what’s the point are you doing this to jiya? Is it because ilhoon liked her? If I were you I’ll him for them no matter what, not letting your own best friend being suffered.’


*Al remain silent*


‘okk please be nice to jiya!’ sungjae begged.


*al still remains silent*


‘Btw please explain everything to ilhoon’ sungjae suggested


*jiya’s home*


‘sungjae can I sleep at your room today? I can’t sleep.’ jiya asked


‘Oh alright there’s an extra bed there’




*15 mins passed*

‘whats that sound’sungjae asked’


‘jiya,why are you crying? Sungjae asked


‘I cant stop thinking about ilhoon’



I think she really likes ilhoon


‘Here just lay on my shoulder if you want’ sungjae suggested


*jiya lies down*



Why am I so mad just now, I’m really mad and mixed with jealousy. But….


*ilhoon’s phone rang*


‘Who is this?’ ilhoon asked


‘Its Al’


‘Oh Al, why are you calling?’


‘emmm about the moment that you saw when jiya carrying minhyuk is my plan, to make you jealous, I really like you ilhoon, please be with me’


‘Are you crazy? Al! If you really like me don’t do this to jiya, she’ll suffer.’


‘I know and I’m sorry’ al replied


*ilhoon turned off his phone*




He turned off his phone, his mad at me. I know. I’ll move on, he’s not the one for me, I think. I’ll go to Paris to release my stress for a while.

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