Street Food III

「Easy To Learn Korean」

{  Chapter Twenty-Nine-----


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author's notes ------

OMG we've already reached almost 120 subbies and I didn't even realise O.O Srsly you guys are awesome^^ I'm really glad that I'm able to share this to you guys and that it's helping you a lot. Lots and lots and lots more of updates to come so keep a lot out on your updates ;) Thank youuuuuu errbody and thanks a million to those who have upvoted! <3

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I will be holding a massive giveaway to celebrate ETLK and Kpop Games reaching 200 subbies. Just a head's up. :D


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L_Chan #1
Chapter 36: Thank you for this
wow thanks for this c:
SoulsNeverDie #3
Chapter 5: Skill level? My skill level is below a 1. Somewhere around 00.0001% probably. *I'm srry if that isn't a skill level* Thanks for posting this though.
Chapter 1: thanks for sharing
Chapter 73: Lol when I first saw this I was like "Describing time?" As in time to describe stuff? But then Lol no, it actually what it says. Haha, these are very useful. Thanks! ^^
Chapter 69: good to I know how to buy apartments in Korea :)
Chapter 68: i really love these! thank you!
finally i can see the picture thank you so much ^^
Chapter 68: I really like this thread. It's pretty useful for learning basic Korean thanks for making this!
Chapter 3: hi, i can't see the picture. the picture don't want to appear. only picture on chapter one can appear. what should i do?? please help me ^ ^