Chapter 8

The Ring

Chapter 8

The Ending



Clenching her fists, Seohyun stared fiercely at Victoria. She was mad about what she had done to Jay. She was about to walk forward, but something stopped her movement. Looking down, she saw Jay’s hand grabbed her wrist, holding it tight. He then got up form his knees.

“No.” Jay said before he pulled her backward. He then took a step forward, standing in front of Seohyun. “I won’t let a girl protect me. I’m a man who can still stand up tall. So, you don’t need to do it for me, Seohyun.” He told her.

“What are you talking about? You’re in no condition to defense yourself.” Seohyun protested.

“I’m a man. That’s why I’ve to be strong. If you keep protecting me, I will never be able to be a strong man.”

“Jay…” Seohyun called softly.

“I won’t let you end my life.” Jay talked to Victoria, his eyes are not leaving her.

Victoria looked at him. “Really?” She underestimated him. “But, I think you can’t make it. You’ve already mine. I’ll prove it now.” She added.

Jay frowned, feeling confused. He then felt the unbearable pain in his heart again.

“It seems that my curse works quickly on you…” Victoria said with a smile in victory.

Jay felt choking in sudden, his heart was so sick and hot like it was burning. Clutching his chest, he looked down and quickly ed his upper shirt, looking at his chest to find a black diamond tattoo.

"Do you have any last words?" Victoria asked Jay, feeling that the victory would be on her side.

"When did you place this?" Jay asked before he remembered how she brought him here with her power. "Damn..." Jay cursed as he clutched his chest in agony.

Seohyun quickly approached Jay, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Jay? Does it hurt?" She asked worriedly. Jay didn’t answer, he was feeling hurt. Looking away from Jay, she then noticed on the mirror appeared the same diamond tattoo and a sketch of a man figure. The tattoo and the man on the mirror were getting clear while Jay was getting more in pain and weak. '"Mirror?" Seohyun asked as she began remembering something. ‘I can feel that the mirror and Jay was related. When the figure on the mirror is getting clear, Jay is getting weak and more in pain. It’s like absorbing Jay’s spirit and replace it with the figure in the mirror.’ She thought. Searching for something useful around her, she then found something. She took off her one of her shoes and quickly threw it onto the mirror, breaking it into pieces.

After the mirror was broken, Jay then felt the comfort again as the tattoo on his chest slowly faded. He looked up to see an angry Victoria who was staring fiercely at him and Seohyun. "How dare you break my mirror?!" Victoria snarled. She was about to run in their direction, but a black cat got in her way.

The cat quickly transformed into a human form and blocked Victoria. “Get away from here, Seohyun. I’ll take care of her!” He told Seohyun.

“Jinho? Are you sure?” Seohyun asked.

“Hurry up! Take him with you and go away!”

“A-alright.” Seohyun answered before she held Jay’s hand. “Come on, Jay. Let’s go.” She said before disappeared from that place.

“Jinho! Don’t get in my way. Why did you ruin my plan?” Victoria asked him in anger.

“Stop this, Victoria! Why do you want to make your late husband come back?”

“You know why.”

Jinho then hugged Victoria tightly. “He’s gone! Why don’t you admit it? I’m here for you… Why don’t you look at me for once?”

“Jinho?” She struggled in his embrace.

“Stop killing human and forget your late husband. Let him be your past. I’m always with you and I will never let you feel loneliness… I love you, Victoria. Please, notice me…” He begged her.

Slowly, Victoria put her hands down, letting him hug her.


۩  ۩ ۩


“I think she won’t chase after us now. We have gone this far. I call this place as my heaven of the earth.” Seohyun said after she and Jay appeared in the middle of flower garden in the sunset time. “Are you alright?” Seohyun asked when she looked Jay was deep in his thought. He didn’t say anything.

Jay just answered it with a nod. “I’m alright.” He said before looked to see her face. “Seohyun... What is your last wish?”


“You ever told me about your last wish that you wanted me to do it.” Jay reminded her.

Seohyun looked away from him and stared at the beautiful garden before her. “I think it’s not important again now.”


“I will never have you. I will never go in peace like what my late fiancé did. It’s because we live in two different worlds… Even, I can’t go to hell or heaven.”

Jay followed seohyun to look at the scenery before them. “Is this your special place that gave you unforgettable memories?”

Seohyun looked at Jay in surprise. “How did you know? Yeah, my late fiancé confessed his love here. He asked me to be his wife here too.” She explained.

“So, I’m right? I just guessed. Now, we are the same. I think I have known a way to bring us back to where we belong.” He took Seohyun’s hand and led her to the middle of the garden.

“What do you want to do?”

“Let’s get married.”

“….?!!” Seohyun looked surprised at his statement.

“When you’ve married with the man you desired, you won’t have a reason again to stay in this world. You don’t belong here… You have to go to the place that is created for you… Do you get what I mean? We will never know if we don't try it.”

“Yes… I know.”

“So… Let me fulfill your dream. What do you think?”

Seohyun smiled as she nodded. “Sure.”

Slowly, Jay’s hands reached Seohyun’s hands, his eyes stared deeply at hers. He tightened his hold like he was so sure to do this. With the light of sunset as their witness, the couple was making their sacred promise.

“Just let The God and us know this… I want to be your husband. I will always accompany you in happiness or in sadness. I’ll be by your side till the time separates us. Will you accept me as your husband, Seo Joo Hyun?” Jay asked.

The beautiful smile was curved on Seohyun’s lips when she heard it. It's like the beautiful words in her ears. She had been waiting for more than forty years to feel this true happiness. The man she loved was confessing his will. She then nodded. “I willingly accept you as my husband, Jay Kim. I love you. I love you so much. I will never let you fall… I’ll stand up with you forever… I’ll be there for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to heaven. It’s my promise and the proof that I really love you.”

Jay smiled as he got closer to her face, kissing her forehead gently. It lasted for a few seconds before he stopped the kiss and stared at her face again. “Thank you… I hope I’ve done your wish, my wife.”

“What you’ve done for me is more than enough. Thank you. I feel so happy now.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I think this works.” Jay said when his body slowly faded. He held out his hand, trying to hug her. But, before he could, his body turned into a fresh breeze, disappearing right in front of Seohyun’s face. “I hope I’ll see you again someday…” Jay’s last words sounded like echoing in her ears.

Seohyun closed her eyes, feeling the breeze around her that was blowing her long hair. “I hope so.” Seohyun said before she opened her eyes. “I can rest in peace now. Thank you Jay, my dream husband. You’ve completed my last wish.” Feeling something different with her body, Seohyun looked at herself to find that her body slowly fading. She smiled as she put her hands on her chest, enjoying her last seconds before disappeared for the rest of her life. “Goodbye, my world.” She then turned around and walked to enter the white gate with its bright blinding light, going to the afterlife world.


۩  ۩ ۩


Inside the ICU room, the doctors almost gave up on Jay when his heartbeat stopped and the electrocardiograf showed a straight line and long beep sound, witnessing their patient death. But, something surprising occurred. A few seconds later, Jay’s heart was beating again as the face of doctors and the medics turned bright in sudden. They were all happy to see that Jay was coming back again. After doing some checking up, his condition was back to normal again and he was out of his critical. So far, everything seemed alright.

“The God still protected you, Jay… This is a good news for your family.” The doctor said before he walked out the room to tell his family them about Jay’s condition.

Jay’s family, Yoona, and Yunho were waiting the doctor to come out. They then stood up when the doctor finally approached them.

“Doctor, how is my son?” Jay’s father asked.

“Don’t worry. He has passed his critical condition. Now, he will recover soon.” The doctor told him.

Jay’s father smiled as he looked at his wife. All Jay’s visitors were happy with the news they just got.



~ Two Weeks Later ~


Resting his left arm on the arm sling, a man was walking down the cemeteries with a bouquet of flower in one of his hand. He was Jay, looking for the grave of the girl who had given him the unforgettable memories. He stopped walking when he found it next to where he was standing. He then was staring at the gravestone before him, reading the name carved on it.



Loving Memory Of

Seo Joo Hyun

28th June 1952 – 5th May 1976

Rest In Peace


Jay put a bouquet of white lily under the stone. “Hi, Seohyun? I’m visiting you. I hope you have found your best place by now. Here, I want to return your ring.” Jay said as he took off the ring from his finger and placed it on her gravestone.

His lips formed a small smile. “Thank you. Although our time was short, but you’re so meaning to me. I admire how you could love someone so deeply. Even you willingly died for him. You inspired me about love… I will learn to love somebody… Now, we can carry on our lives in different way.” He caressed the stone gently. “Goodbye, Seohyun. I only hope that you’ll always be happy wherever you are…” He said before stepped away from Seohyun’s grave. The ring on the stone finally disappeared as the breeze blew the leaves around the grave flying, ushering Jay leaving the cemetery.


۩  ۩ ۩


Yoona was walking out from KBC office. She had been there to meet him, but he was not there. She was about to get in her car when someone called her name from behind.

“Yoona? What are you doing here?” A man voice called.

Yoona turned around to see Jay walking in her direction. He was smiling at her.

“You went out the house without saying something. That’s why I’m here to find you. You are in no condition to go or even work, Jay. You have to still rest for your health… You’ve made me worried. Where have you gone?”

“I’m alright. I just went to get the fresh air. I was bored to stay at home all days.” Jay paused for  a few seconds to think of something. He then continued, “Yoona… Why don’t we try it now?”

She frowned, “Try?”

He smiled. “Let’s try to go on a date.”

Hearing his statement, she widened her eyes. “W-w-what?” She stammered, still could not believe it.

“We are dating. What do you think?”

Her face turned bright in sudden. “Are you serious?”

Jay nodded. “I think it doesn’t matter if we start our good relationship and get closer with each other. I’ll open my heart for you. What is your answer?”

“Yeah, sure! I’m so exited.” Smiling widely, she could feel that she was blushing to hear that. She finally could get his heart. He finally accepted her.

Jay chuckled to see her blushing. “It’s all right. Let’s go.”

“Where will we go? What about my car?” Yoona asked.

“Just leave there. The park is just nearby, so we can get there on foot.” Jay replied.

“Oh.. Okay.” She smiled, walking toward Jay.

When Yoona reached his place, Jay took her hand. It made Yoona feel that he had totally changed. He became so sweet and romantic after woke from his coma. She was so glad with it. She could not stop smiling in this good moment, staring at his bright face.

“Let’s go…” He said.

Yoona replied with a nod and smile. They were walking away together as a new couple who wanted to spend their first time of date.




The End

A/N : Thank you so much for following this story till the last chapter. *bow* I'm so sorry if I did some mistakes in this writing, especially my English. See Ya! 

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MustCyrus #1
Chapter 8: Love all your story. Speechless.. with a thousand meanings. Finally a happy ending. RIP Seohyun.. Happy together JaYoona...;)
cheysa_deer #2
Chapter 8: Whoaa :") this story is really touching.. Thankyou for making such a lovely fanfic! Goodluck for your other stories :D
Chapter 8: Nice ending!! Thank you for the good story!!
eunixw #4
Chapter 8: Awesome chapter! Though SeoJay couldn't be together, I'd rather have this ending than seeing Jay die. Thank you author-nim for this fanfic~ Love ya! <3
eunixw #5
Chapter 7: Please be safe Jay!
MustCyrus #6
Chapter 5: a very touching story. awaited update the story. Hopefully a happy ending....
Chapter 6: I love your story! Please update!
eunixw #8
Chapter 6: A lady will protect a guy? How cute!
Chapter 5: This is an interesting story. I'll wait for your updates!
eunixw #10
Chapter 5: Poor SeoHyun being used for years.. Pls be alright Jay.