Yep, They Know

But I Love You

But I love You

Chapter Thirteen


Seung Hyun wasn’t hungry.

Not even the boisterous laughter and joking of his friends and cousins could make him crack a smile of his own enough to say that he was okay. Because he was far from it, he was hurting so badly that he wanted to shut the whole world out. They didn’t deserve to be happy, if he was not allowed to be happy. But he was not about to make a rude remark. It would only end up bad with him. Because one did not wish willing unhappiness upon others, it was petty and selfish and he refused to be that- but he was allowed to sulk so he did that.

“Okay seriously dude, you’re killing the vibe, what’s got you so down?” Jae Beom finally asked, no longer being able to take Seung Hyun’s unhappy look. It just didn’t suit his cousin at all.

“Nothing,” Seung Hyun muttered, reaching for the cup of milk that his mother placed in front of him. She patted his head, and he flinched when she disturbed his ears under his beanie. She didn’t notice though, as she walked away. She had a lot more packing to do, and if there was anyone better and faster at it, it was her. Seung Hyun fixed his beanie over his head.

The house was already seeming emptier, and not like home by the second.

“That’s an outright lie, and you know it,” Eli muttered.

“Shut it guys, Seung Hyun is going to break up with his boyfriend,” Siwon hissed at them, sending them a sharp glare.

“! No way,” Jae Beom said, giving off a short laugh, “Dude, that’s the best part of the relationship. Breaking up is nothing. Stop looking so scared like you are about to go to your own funeral. He’s not gonna kill you,”

“Unlike you Jae, I like my boyfriend,”

“Well, he got you there,” Sang Hyun said, smirking when Jae Beom spit out his own food. Everyone jumped, moving out of the way, losing their own appetites.

“God, you’re disgusting,” Siwon sighed, and shoved his plate away. “Anyways, not all of us have a heart made of steel like you,”

“I never said that I had a heart made of steel, I feel pain as well as any of you,” Jae Beom hissed. “It’s just that I have not found the right person, and I enjoy my fun. Sorry that all of you are such sticks up someone’s !”

“This is reality you little . Think about who you have hurt” Siwon snapped.

“If I haven’t hurt you guys or myself, then I’ve hurt no one important. I love you guys. So much” Jae Beom hugged himself, to show how much.

“Oh god, not this again,” Eli said, trying to get away from Jae Beom’s delusions.

“Guys, my loves, let’s get married!”

“You make me sick.” Siwon hissed. 

“Good, cause I wouldn’t have it any other way- true love,” Jae Beom seriously said as he went back to eating. Seung Hyun sighed, shaking his head. He suddenly stood up, making his cousins and friends look at him with confusion on their faces.

“Seriously, eat Seung Hyun. You are just breaking up, that doesn’t mean you have to kill yourself,”

“I’m not hungry,” Seung Hyun uttered as he walked away, “Seriously,”

“He scares me the way he acts,”

“He’s just sulking,”

“If he likes the dude then why does he want to break up with him?” Jae Beom asked.

“They are moving away, ,”

“Oh! And is this the first time you have heard of a LONG DISTANCE relationship. They ain’t got to break up,”

“Shows how much you know,”

Seung Hyun didn’t want to listen to his cousins arguments anymore. He grabbed his car keys and decided that he wanted some time to be alone. He thought about the break up even more, and he had to ask himself, how he was even going to be capable of doing such a thing.

When Ji Yong had woken up, he had immediately reached for his phone. He was planning at staring at Seung Hyun’s name again, when he noticed that he had a message from him. His eyes immediately snapped open completely, and he sat up- his fingers moving fast to open the message. He was eager to read anything that Seung Hyun had to say.

Let’s hang out. I’ll pick you up at your house around 2.

We need to talk.

After reading it, he didn’t know what to feel about the message. For some reason it didn’t feel right, and Ji Yong read it a few more times. He was hoping to maybe see a hidden message within the words, but there was nothing that he could really pick out.

It sounded so distant though.

Seung Hyun never asked to ‘hang out.’ It was always teasing, and other things. More than likely Seung Hyun would have invited himself to his house and told him that he was right outside.

Maybe something had happened, or gone wrong?

What did they need to talk about that he couldn’t say it through text?

Deciding to wash up, and dress in his favorite clothes, Ji Yong went down stairs to have some breakfast. Then he decided to watch some television, as he waited for the time to come, when Seung Hyun would pick him up.

He fell asleep after some time, and was startled awake by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

Grumbling to himself under his breath, Ji Yong got up from the couch. His black kitty ears flicking back and forth, as he looked from the couch to the television. For a moment he was confused, until he heard the doorbell ring once again, and he stumbled his way towards the door. Ji Yong rubbed his eyes as he opened the door.

Seung Hyun was standing outside; he was glancing over to the other side, where Ji Yong’s neighbors seemed to be having some sort of argument. Ji Yong wouldn’t blame him, they were being extremely loud. That was odd of them really.

Ji Yong reached for his head, out of habit to always make sure that his ears were covered, and was about to greet Seung Hyun but gasped when he felt that he was bare. There was nothing covering his ears!  

The sound caught Seung Hyun’s attention and he turned to look at Ji Yong only to see the boy dashing off.

“Ji?” he called out, not sure if he should step inside or not. Ji Yong tripped as he walked into his room, trying to get in, without being seen.

“Just a minute!” he called down stairs.

Seung Hyun blinked, and then glanced off to the side once again. He wasn’t usually easily distracted. But right now, he just wanted to think about anything else than breaking up with Ji Yong. After a few minutes, Ji Yong came to the door once more, and pulled Seung Hyun inside.

“You’re welcomed to come in, you know,”

“Sorry,” Seung Hyun said, glancing at his boyfriend. His beautiful, one of a kind, boyfriend.  

Ji Yong smiled brightly at him, “You said you wanted to hang out and talk. Are we going out somewhere, or do you want to stay in and just talk here, I guess…” Ji Yong asked, gesturing to the living room. He was really unsure of what was going on.

Seung Hyun nodded his head. “Here is good,” he said, allowing Ji Yong to pull him towards the living room.

Both of them sat in silence.

For the first time, it actually felt awkward.

After a few more seconds of silence, Ji Yong was too nervous to let it drag on. “So what’s wrong?”

Seung Hyun looked startled, “Wrong? There’s nothing wrong,”

“Then why are you being so serious about this simple talk?” Ji Yong asked. He knew that he couldn’t say that he knew Seung Hyun that well yet. But they had been around each other enough to know that there was something wrong.

“Ji Yong…” Seung Hyun sighed, crossing his arms and looked away from Ji Yong. He could drag this on, or he could just say it. He decided to just say it. “Well…we’re moving away,” Seung Hyun said.

Ji Yong was silent for a second, not fully understanding, “Moving away? To where…why?” he sat up, reaching for Seung Hyun’s hand. The grip on it was tight and Seung Hyun returned it, finding the courage to look at Ji Yong.

“My dad thinks that it’s what’s best for our family right now.” Seung Hyun seriously said, somehow the words making sense to his ears now. It sounded completely reasonable from when his dad had said it.

 “Oh…but what’s going on Seung Hyun…does it have to do with the family emergency that you mentioned before?” Ji Yong asked, he wanted to know, even though a part of him wondered if he was in the right to even ask.

“Yeah it had to do with the family emergency,” Seung Hyun hated that he couldn’t tell much to Ji Yong. He wanted to tell him though, about himself. But if he did…maybe it would be easier. If Ji Yong was the one to leave him and break up with him, it would be a lot easier, than he having to break up with him. “I was the family emergency really,” Seung Hyun said.

Ji Yong’s eyes widened, “What? Are you alright Seung Hyun, are you okay,” The blond grabbed his face, and started to try and search his face, for any signs of illness. Seung Hyun on instinct tried to flinch away, closing his eyes. But then he was tackled into the couch, and opened them.

Ji Yong was too focused on trying to see if there was anything wrong with Seung Hyun that he failed to notice that Seung Hyun was now looking at him.

It wasn’t until their gazes locked, that he froze.

“Your eyes,” Seung Hyun whispered.

Ji Yong pulled on his cheeks. “I don’t see anything wrong with you,” he accused in hopes to change the subject.

“You’re not going to find anything wrong on my face,” Seung Hyun grumbled, and moved his hands towards Ji Yong’s, getting him to let him go. Ji Yong blushed, and buried his face in Seung Hyun’s chest.

“You know I’ve missed you, and now that you come here and tell me that you are moving away…to where?” Ji Yong asked.

Seung Hyun sighed. “I can’t tell you. Not even I know. I just know that it’s nowhere near here.”  He felt Ji Yong’s fingers curl around his shirt.

“I don’t want you to go,” the blond muttered into his shirt.

Seung Hyun took a deep breath. “Ji Yong, I need to tell you something. Come on, sit up,” he gently placed his hands on Ji Yong’s shoulders, and pulled them into a sitting position. Ji Yong looked at Seung Hyun’s serious face and nodded his head.

“What is it?” he asked.

Seung Hyun was scared. His parents would kill him. Siwon and Bom would kill him. But he trusted Ji Yong, maybe too blindly to care to admit, but he had to let him know. “You see, there is something wrong with me. There is a real reason as to why we are moving and why I can’t tell you where to. But When I tell you, you can’t tell anyone. Ji Yong,”

Ji Yong nodded his head, feeling scared. “I won’t tell anyone Seung Hyun,”

Seung Hyun hesitated for a bit, before he nodded his head and said, “See my dad was a scientist, and well, when mom and he couldn’t have a child, they decided to help it along, and now well…here I am…not normal but here I am,” Seung Hyun said.

Ji Yong blinked, letting the words sink in.

His eyes then darted to Seung Hyun’s beanie, then his face. Ji Yong’s breath caught. It couldn’t be…

Without saying a word, Ji Yong reached for Seung Hyun’s beanie and pulled it off. Seung Hyun was startled and reached up to cover his ears, but Ji Yong stopped him. “Omo…” Ji Yong muttered, “I should have suspected something when dad started to go into the building where you work. It would explain why he had contact with your dad…” He whispered to himself. For all the research that he had been doing, Ji Yong couldn’t believe that he had been so blind.

“Ji Yong…what?” Seung Hyun was confused by his boyfriend’s words and actions. He was even more startled when Ji Yong started to touch his ears. The blond couldn’t help it. He was drawn to the ears. But then his eyes turned to look directly at Seung Hyun when he started to purr, unable to stop himself. Seung Hyun was just like him, a neko, with ears and everything. He was even more beautiful in his eyes now more than ever.

There was no doubt that they were meant to be.

Seung Hyun was his.  

“Seung Hyun….” Ji Yong said, moving slightly away from his boyfriend. Seung Hyun stopped his purring, even though a blush painted his face in both pleasure and embarrassment for having allowed himself to like the way Ji Yong had rubbed his ears. His mind immediately snapped back to reality and he shook his head.  

“Aren’t you scared over my ears? Or even freaked out…I’m not normal Ji Yong. I’m practically like a life sized human cat, with all this other things enhanced that cats don’t usually have-“ Ji Yong placed his hand over Seung Hyun’s mouth to stop him from talking.

“I’m not scared.” Ji Yong said.

“But” Once again, before he could say much Ji Yong stopped him.

“I’m not normal either Seung Hyun. My dad is a scientist as well, and now I think I know why he was going to go see your dad…”

Seung Hyun was confused.

Ji Yong looked at his boyfriend and sighed, reaching for his own beanie. “We’re more alike than anything really,” Ji Yong said as he took off his beanie, revealing his own kitten ears. Seung Hyun’s eyes widened. Ji Yong had kitty ears, his boyfriend…

Then everything clicked in his brain as well.

Why his dad wanted him away from Ji Yong.

Why being with each other would put them in danger.

What Hee Chul was after

What Siwon was hiding

Why Ji Yong’s father and his father knew each other…

Everything started to make complete sense.

And all Seung Hyun wanted right now was a complete explanation straight from his dad. “,” he said, standing to his feet.

That was not the reaction that Ji Yong was expecting as he got to his feet, and tried to reach for Seung Hyun. “Seung Hyun?” he asked, his voice sounding small.

Seung Hyun flinched away from him. There was anger evident on his face as he bared his teeth. Ji Yong was startled by the look, and took a step back. “I’m going to kill him,” Seung Hyun growled, and then started to leave.

Ji Yong gasped, and tried to follow after him, “Seung Hyun wait, why are you angry!” he called, but Seung Hyun was gone. Ji Yong didn’t know which direction he had taken or he would have chased after him. “…where is he going…” he wondered to himself.

Ji Yong closed the door, feeling hopeless.

Maybe he shouldn’t have shown his ears to Seung Hyun.

That was when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Ji Yong reached for it, and saw that it was a text message from Seung Hyun. He was hoping for an explanation as he moved to open the message. But as soon as he did, he regretted it.

Let’s break up

Aish! Finally updated. ^^'' Hope you all liked the chapter.

Although I felt it was a bit short. 

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Chapter 23: Hey I caught up with this one too!! Now I'll just wait for new updates ;) !! It's truly intense how everything is in action!! and God who is Haru? I wish GD &TOP will have some times to catch their breath and enjoy their "retrouvailles" (could not find the right word in English sorry) but it seems that they'll have to end all this before they can. I wonder also what was the past relationships between Seon Doing and TOP new allies?? So finally you let me panting over cliffhanger after all those action scenes and with more questions than answers!! So I hope I would be able to read more soon!
PS while reading I had the crazy thought that the new humanity than SeonWoong was dreaming of or the speacy that GTOP would create when they would have kittens could have been the one of "We're meant to be"!!! Lol
danamon28 #2
so happy to see this fic get updated again
Hijiji #3
I will start reading this story right now and I'm so excited ???
Chapter 22: Seunghyun run. Get there fast. Your boi needs you!!
danamon28 #5
Chapter 22: Finally the cousins meet again.
Ughhh so on edge..
Hoping the new dominant behind Ji is who i expected
Thank you authornim..pls keep on updating..cant wait
Chapter 21: Wow! I just found your story and have been reading it all day. Wow wow wow. It’s freaking brilliant! The world you have created is so clear in my mind. And I’m on the edge of my seat about what will happen next. Thank you so much!
danamon28 #7
Chapter 21: Omg cant believe my eyes... yesss u update this
Thank you.. and fighting !!!
yuki_no_ #8
Chapter 21: OMG an update!
lucydod #9
Chapter 19: OMG you're killing me!!!! D; I'll try and be patient but it's so hard when this IS SO GOOD! *o*
Chapter 19: God you just made the tension grew up! !! Where in hell is TOP?!? It would be gid if he decided to make an apparence now... because female neko are killing fancy crazy and GD (&his cousins as well) could use the help ....
I still have some suspicion about Tablo true intentions toward papaYG ...
hehehe god initiative Bom!! Texting back Heechul ㅋㅋㅋ