Chapter 3-Rumors

Dear Diary

Sohyun stared at him with wide open.  Was he serious?  Did he really want her to be his date for Homecoming?  Wait…don’t fall for his trick!  He’s probably going to ditch you at the dance and embarrass the living hell out of you. 

“Well?” Kai impatiently asked.

“First of all, I would be more than happy to have lunch with you for the rest of the year at the roof top.  Second of all, why would you want me to be your date for Homecoming?  If this is a joke, it’s not funny at all.”

Kai scoffs, “What makes you think this is a joke?”

“I-I-I don’t know.  Why would someone as handsome as you want me to be your date?”

Kai smirks, “You think I’m handsome?”

“Well…yeah…I mean, look at you!  You have the face of an angel and with your good looks, you can have anyone you want.  I don’t want people to be making fun of you because of me.  I…” Sohyun trails off.

“Will you be my date for Homecoming or not?” Kai cuts her off.

“No,” Sohyun replied as she looks down at the ground.  I know you’re just playing around with me! 

Kai cupped her chubby cheeks with both of his hands and smiled, “Maybe this will change your mind then.”  He kissed her softly on her lips.

OMG!  Is he really kissing me?  Omo!  What should I do?  Should I kiss him back?  Or should I push him away and slap him across his face for stealing me first kiss?  Gosh…he smells really good she thought as he slowly pulls away from her.

Kai laughs, “Did that change your mind?”

“Y-you!” Sohyun cried as she kicks him in his left shin.

“Ouch!  Yah!  What was that for?” Kai shouted as he rubbed his left shin.

“You stole my first kiss!  How could you?  I was saving it for my future boyfriend!” Sohyun shouted as she took her backpack off and started smacking him on his chest.

“Yah!  Yah!  Yah!  Quit hitting me!” Kai laughs as he tries to run away from her. 

“Yah!  Come back here!” Sohyun shouted as she chased after him.  “When I catch you, you’re dead meat!”

What she didn’t know was that there was a group of preppy girls who saw and heard their entire conversation.

“Oh my god!  I can’t believe Kai just asked her to be his date for Homecoming!”

“She is so ugly, why would he ask her to be his date?”

“Do you think his friends put him up to it?”

“I can’t believe he just kissed her!”

“Wait until everyone else hears about this!”

6:00pm (Sohyun’s house)

October 3rd

Dear Diary,

OMG!  A lot of crazy has happened to me today!  I don’t even know where to begin!  Let me take a few minutes to calm down first.

(5 minutes later)

Okay…I’m back.  Alright, this morning I told Krystal that Niel has been crushing on her since freshmen year and she was totally surprised by it.  Do you want to know what’s really weird?  I asked her what she thought of Niel and she told me that she thinks he is cute.  He asked her to be his date for Homecoming this morning and when she didn’t give him an answer right away, he told her to give him an answer today after school.  No wonder why she was acting all weird during 8th period.  She wouldn’t even look at me!  She asked me if I was truly going to get over Niel and as much as I wanted to tell her no, I lied to her and told her yes.  On top of that, she tells me that since I’m going to get over him, she’s gonna go tell him that she will be his date for Homecoming!  Gosh…I feel like my best friend had just stabbed me in the back!  How could you do this to me Krystal?  Don’t you know how much I like him?  I wanted to cry right there, but I had to control myself.

You won’t believe what happened after that!  Instead of going home, I ended up running up the stairs until I reached the top of the roof top and cried my eyes out.  To make things worse, Kai was up there too!  He saw me crying!  I wanted to die right there because I couldn’t believe he saw me crying like a baby!  He asked me why I was crying and I told him it was nothing.  Guess what happened next?  He follows me all the way out of the building and keeps asking me why I was crying.  For goodness sake!  When someone tells you that it’s nothing, it means they want to be left alone! 

When Kai realized that I wouldn’t tell him why I was crying, he asked me to play a little game with him.  He said loser would have to grant the winner anything.  I’m already feeling down in the dumps as it is, so I ask him what kind of game we were going to play.  Here I thought we were going to be playing an exciting game, but it turns out we were only playing rock, paper, and scissors.  LAME!  At first I didn’t want to play because I tend to lose all the time.  He said that I could be the winner of the outcome.  So, I thought to myself…why not?  Anyways, as soon as we played the game…I LOST!  My day couldn’t have gotten any worse right?  Well…I was WRONG!

I asked Kai what he wanted since I lost, and he tells me he wants me to have lunch with him for the rest of the school year.  I was like, “That’ it?”  And he tells me no.  He wanted one more thing from me.  I was thinking, oh…maybe he wants me to take him out for dinner or something.  No…he wants me to be his date for Homecoming!  Can you believe that?!  Why would a hottie like him would want someone like me to be his date for Homecoming?  I told him no, and guess what he did to me?  He KISSED me!  Yes, you heard it right.  He KISSED me on the lips!  I just stood there not knowing what to do.  Don’t get me wrong, it felt really nice!  I was mad because he stole my first kiss but then again…I was kind of happy that he tried to persuade me to change my mind about being his date for Homecoming. 

My heart was beating so fast that I thought it was going to come out of my chest.  You’re going to laugh at what I did next to him.  I took my backpack off and started hitting him like crazy.  I was screaming at him because he stole my first kiss.  I ended up chasing him all afternoon trying to kick his , but eventually I got tired and I gave up.  Man…I am REALLY out of shape!  He didn’t seem to be tired at all after all that running.  A lot of people who were walking or driving by probably thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend. 

I remember screaming at him, “You’re dead when I see you at lunch tomorrow!” 

I was expecting him to say something back to me, but what does he do?  He blows a kiss at me and says, “Have a good night babe.”  Then he takes off running before I could say anything back to him.  Gosh…he’s driving me crazy! 

Should I really kill him tomorrow or just forgive him?  Wait…he stole my first kiss…I can’t forgive him.  NEVER!  He took something very important away from me.  Right…I’ll kill him tomorrow and then make him beg for forgiveness.  But…I’m not that type of person who would hurt anyone.  Sighs…Sohyun, you’re such a loser.  The more I think about him, the more annoyed I get.  I’m going to stop writing and take a long shower.  Good bye for now…


“Sohyun!  Why aren’t you up yet?  You’re going to be late for school!” her dad shouted as he pounded on her bedroom door.

What?!  Did I sleep in?  Sohyun looked at her alarm clock and immediately jumped out of bed.  Omo!  It was 7:15am already!  She quickly undressed herself and ran towards her closet grabbing a white sweater along with a pair of black jeans.  !  I’m not going to have time to eat breakfast!  Running out of her bedroom with her backpack, she ran past the kitchen and screamed, “Bye mom!  Bye dad!”

“Yah!  Aren’t you going to eat your breakfast?” her mom shouted as she ran out of the kitchen.

“I don’t have time mom.  I’m going to be late for school.  Bye!” Sohyun replied as she quickly ran out the door.  If I’m late for school, that means I’m going to be marked tardy!  She looked at her watch and realized that she only had 15 minutes to get to school before the bell rings. 

Beep!  Beep!  Beep!

Sohyun turns her head around and saw a boy riding a motorcycle honking at her.  The boy stopped his motorcycle and took his helmet off.  The boy riding on the motorcycle was no other than Kai. 

Kai smirked at her and asked, “Do you need a lift mandu?”

Sohyun looked at her watch again and she knew that if she didn’t take his offer, she was bound to be late for school.  She sighs, “Yes.”

Kai grabbed another helmet from his seat and handed it to her, “Get on or else we’ll both be late for school.”

Sohyun quickly took the helmet from him and hopped on his motorcycle. 

“Yah!  Wrap your arms around my waist if you don’t want to fall off!” Kai shouted through his helmet as he turned his engine on.

What?!  Was he serious?!  The thought of her wrapping her arms around his waist made her extremely nervous and excited at the same time.

“Suit yourself if you don’t want to hold on,” Kai shouted as he took off in a speed of light with his motorcycle.

“Ah!!!!!” Sohyun screamed as she quickly wraps her tiny arms around his muscular waist.  Oh my god!  I can feel his abs!  Wow!  He has a six pack?  It feels nice! 

Within a few minutes they reached their school and Sohyun quickly hops off.  She gave him his helmet back and bows her head, “Thank you Kai for bringing me to school.”

“You’re welcome.  Does this mean you forgive me?”

Sohyun sighs, “Yes…”

Kai smiled, “Good.  I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Bye!” Sohyun said as she waves her hand at him.  

5th period (Lunch)

“Yah!  Kwon Sohyun!” Krystal shouted as she waves her hand at her.

Sohyun smiles and waves her hand back, “Hi Krystal.”

“Where are you going?  Aren’t you going to eat lunch with me?”

“Um…I…” Sohyun trails off.

“Hi Sohyun!  Is it true that you and Kai are going to the Homecoming dance together?” a girl name Suzy asked.

“What?!  When did this happen?” Krystal asked as she glares at her.

“Is it true that you guys are dating?” a boy name Dongho asked.

“WHAT?!” Krystal shouted.  She pointed her finger at her, “You have a lot of explaining to do!”

“Um…I...w-we…” Sohyun stutters.

“Hi Krystal,” Niel said as he walks up to them.  He looks at Sohyun and smiles, “Hi Sohyun.  I heard about you and Kai.  Is it true that you guys kissed?”

Krystal eyes widen, “KISSED?!  Omo!  Kwon Sohyun!  Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

Sohyun’s face turned red, “I-I-I…”

“Don’t you know who he is?” Suzy asked as she shook her head.  “He is known as a trouble-maker.”

“Yeah, he’s also known as a big player.  He’s dated half of the girls here in school,” Dongho added.

“I would stay away from him if I were you,” Niel said as he wrapped his arm around Krystal’s shoulder.

Jealously immediately kicked in when she saw him wrapped his arm around her best friend.  Feeling angry and sad she mumbled, “I have to go.” 

“Yah!  Sohyun!  Wait for me!” Krystal shouted as she chased after her.

Sohyun ran as fast as she could.  She didn’t want to talk to her best friend right now and the last thing she wanted to do was cry in front of her.  She ran towards a crowd of students standing in the middle of the hallway and hid behind a tall student.   

“Sohyun!  Wait!” Krystal cried.  Within a few seconds she lost her in the crowd.  Where did she go?

Sohyun saw her best friend run the other way as she shook her head.  Feeling depress, she decided to go up to the roof top and meet Kai.  By the time she got up there, Kai was already sitting there waiting for her.  As soon as he saw her, he smiled, “What took you so long slow poke?”

“I got stopped by my best friend,” Sohyun sadly replied.  She sat down next to him as she kept her head down at her lap.

Kai tilts his head to the side, “What’s wrong?  Why do you look so sad all of a sudden?”

“It’s nothing,” Sohyun replied as she refused to look at him.

Kai scoffs, “Are you sad because of the rumors you heard about us today?”

Sohyun shook her head no.

“Then what is it?”

Sohyun sighs, “It’s nothing okay?  Can we just sit here and enjoy the nice weather?”

Kai stared at her for a minute as he smiled, “How about if I give you a kiss instead?”

Sohyun quickly covers with both of her hands, “Stay away from my lips you ert!”

Kai laughs out loud, “I was just kidding.”

“Yeah right,” Sohyun said still not removing her hands from .

“Yah…chill out.  I’m not going to kiss you alright?” 

“What happens if you lie to me?”

“If I lie to you, then I’ll let you slap me okay?”

Sohyun thought about it for a minute before she nodded her head in agreement.  She removed her hands from and smiled, “I didn’t think…”

Kai quickly leaned his face towards her and kissed her softly on her lips.

“Yah!” Sohyun screamed as she pushes him away from her.

Kai chuckled, “You’re so cute mandu.”

Sohyun hit his left arm and shouted, “You lied to me!  This is the second time you have kissed me!  Yah!  Do you think I’m an easy girl or something?”

“I never said you were an easy girl.  I just wanted to see what your reaction would be.”

“Y-you…since you lied to me, I get to slap you!” Sohyun shouted.

“Alright, alright, alright.  I’m a man of my words.  Take your best shot,” Kai said as he leaned his face in towards her.  He closed both of his eyes, “Slap me as hard as you want.  I can endure the pain.”

Sohyun raised her right hand up in the air ready to slap him across his face and sighs, “Never mind.”  She dropped her hand down onto her lap and leaned her head back against the brick wall.

Kai opened his eyes, “What?  You’re kidding right?”

“I’m not a violent person so I’m not going to hit you,” Sohyun explained.

Kai smiled, “You’re different from most girls.  I kind of like that.”

Sohyun smiles as she nodded her head, “Being different is a good thing.”

“Look…I’m really sorry I kissed you.”

“Why did you do it?”

“Because I wanted to,” Kai truthfully replied as he scooted closer to her.

“Do you pity me or something?”

“Pity you?  Why would I pity you?”

“Because I’m a nerd.”

“If I told you that I was attracted to nerds, would you believe me?”

Sohyun looks at him and scoffs, “Seriously?  Why would a handsome guy like you be attracted to nerd like me?”

“Nerdy girls like you are smart, pretty, and very kind-hearted.”

“Speaking of nerds, I heard some rumors about you.”

“What kind of rumors?”


“Tell me.”

“A couple of my classmates said you’re known as a trouble-maker and a big player.  Um…is that true?”

Kai his lips as he smirked, “What do you think?”

Sohyun shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know.  You tell me.  Is it true or not?”

“Yes and no.”

“Yes and no?  Yah, that doesn’t make any sense!” Sohyun cried as she made a face at him.

“Yes, I am known as a trouble-maker and no I’m not a big player.”

“Ah…I see.  What is it that you do that you’re known as a trouble-maker?”

Kai gives her an evil smile, “Wouldn’t you like to find out for yourself?”

“Ah...well...” Sohyun trails off.

“Skip the rest of your classes this afternoon and come hang out with me.”

“W-what?  Yah, are you serious?”

Kai nodded his head yes, “Don’t you want to hang out with me?”


Kai scoffs, “A nerd like you would never have the guts to skip class right?”

“Yah!” Sohyun shouted as she slaps his left shoulder.  “You think I don’t have the guts to skip class?”

“No, you don’t.  I can see it in your eyes,” Kai truthfully said as he smirks at her.

I’ll prove you wrong Kim Jong In!  “Fine, if I’m going to skip class, where are we going?”

Kai’s eyes widen, “Are you serious?  Once we leave, there’s no turning back.”

Sohyun leaned her face towards him and smiles, “Who says I’m kidding?  This will give me a chance to get to know you better.”

Kai stood up and held his hand out to her, “Let’s go.  I’ll show you what kind of a person I really am.”

I can’t believe I’m really doing this!  I’m going to be skipping class for the first time in my entire life and I’m already feeling guilty about it!  Gosh…you really are a NERD!  She thought as she grabs his hand.


Hi guys!  Here is another quick update!  I hope you're enjoying this story so far.  Please comment and let me know what you thought of this chapter!


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i reread this because i miss them T.T
Chapter 5: OMHGOMGOMG!!! I'm freaking loves this fics auhh!! Kai just being so romantic OMGOMG!!! ><
Chapter 5: I love this fic so much!! T///T First, Sohyun's here. Second, the STORYLINE WAS GREAT! You did great in writing and I really love you for putting Kwon Sso unnie here <3 The ending was cute and... Well.... They're such h*ahem*orny bunnies :3 I hope to see more Kwon Sohyun fics from youu~
Yema_kim #4
Chapter 5: Waaah i really really really loved it !!!! So much <3 <3 <3 i love sohyun and i barely find good stories 4 her and ur story is sooo perfect <3 <3 this one of the best fics for sohyunieee kyaaaa , i was hesitate at first coz the firs tag was krystal and i hate her so much! Im glad she turned out 2 be a in yhe end :-P :-P ,do u love niel auther-nim?? And kai waah just perfect as he is , i wanna be friend with auther nim is that possible?? And im gonna check ur other fics
Chapter 5: wow! finally it ended :) i just got to read it now. daebak! i love it authornim really! hahaha awww i'm blushing reading the sweet moment. kaiso hwaiting!
Chapter 5: auhhhh~ too bad it end much soon. but this is one of my favourite fanfic ever! ^^ /youshouldwriteitwhentheyaremakingout/ LOLOLOLOLOLOL XD
Minkyo #7
Chapter 5: It's so adorable ♥ I really ship this couple <3
SHINeejjang #8
Chapter 5: awwww, it's so cute but i'm sad that it ends already :( was expecting to read more kai and sohyun. but i still love this fic!
thank you for writing this story! :) xx
Chapter 5: Awww, it was really awesome!! <33 KaiSo is so cute!
Hope to read another ff about Sohyun... Fighting and thanks for writing such a beautiful story...!! ^-^
Chapter 5: nice ending :))