Chapter 2-Broken Heart

Dear Diary

15 minutes later

Sohyun quickly fixed her hair one more time before she ran out of her bedroom.  She shouted, “Bye mom!  I’m going out for a little bit!”

“Hold it right there young lady!  Where are you going?” her mom cried as she walks out of her bedroom.

“Niel is taking me out to lunch,” Sohyun replied as she gives her mom a huge smile.

Her mom crossed her arms in front of her chest and smirked, “Ahn Daniel?  Really?  Is there something going on between you two?”

“No!” Sohyun quickly replied as she bent down to put her shoes on.  “He’s waiting for me right now.  I’ll talk to you later when I get back okay?”

Her mom laughs, “Alright.  Have fun.”

“Thanks mom,” Sohyun said as she ran out the door.  God…I hope he wasn’t waiting too long for me.  She walked over to his house and saw him sitting down on his front porch texting someone on his cell phone.

“Hi Niel,” Sohyun shyly said as she bows her head at him.

Niel looked up and smiled, “Hi Sohyun.  Are you ready to go?”

Sohyun nodded her head yes as he stood up and walked towards her.  He gave her one of his cutest smile and asked, “Where would you like to go eat?”

“Um…anywhere is fine with me,” Sohyun replied as her heart started to beat faster.

“Okay…um…I’m kind of craving for a French fry hot dog.  Is that okay with you?”

“Sure,” Sohyun said as she gives him a tiny smile.

“Awesome.  Let’s get going,” Niel said as he started walking towards his car.

Sohyun followed him towards his car as he opened up the passenger door for her to get in.  He has such good manners she thought as she got in his car.  As he shut her door, she pulled her seat belt on and buckled up.  I can’t believe this is really happening to me!

20 minutes later (Frank’s French Fry Hotdog Stand)

“Hello.  I would like to order 2 French fry hotdogs along with 2 bottles of water please,” Niel said as he handed the owner a $20.00 bill.

“2 French fry hotdogs and 2 bottles of water coming right up,” the owner said as he took the money from Niel.  “Please have a seat right there and I’ll be back with your change and your food.”

“Thank you,” Niel said as he gestured her to sit down at an empty table.

“Oh, um…I could have paid for myself Niel,” Sohyun said as she started to dig money out from her purse.

“Don’t worry about it.  Lunch is on me,” Niel said as he sat down. 

“…t-thank you,” Sohyun stuttered as she sat across from him.  She twirled her fingers together as she bit her lower lip.  This is awkward she thought as they sat there in silence for a few minutes. 

“So…uh…how have you been?” Niel asked as he scratched his head.

“I’m doing good,” Sohyun replied as she smiles at him.  “So…um…what did you want to talk to me about?”

“How come you don’t talk to me anymore?”

Sohyun cheeks suddenly turned red as she mumbled, “I-I-I…”

“I miss talking to you,” Niel continued as he smiles at her.

“Oh…um…I…” Sohyun bit her lower lips.  How can I talk to you when you rejected me 4 years ago?  Don’t you know that I’m still embarrassed about it?

“Here is your food,” the owner interrupted as he place 2 large French fry hotdogs in front of them along with 2 bottles of water.  “And here is your change sir.”

“Thank you,” Niel said as he grabs the money from him.

“Oh…this looks so good!” Sohyun gushed as she grabbed a bottle of ketchup and squeezed it on top of her French fry hotdog. 

Niel chuckled to himself as he watched her takes a big bite out of her French fry hotdog.  

“This is so good!” Sohyun squeals as she munched on her food.

15 minutes later

“Thank you again for treating me out to lunch,” Sohyun said as she bows her head at him.

“No problem.”

“So, um…was there anything else that you wanted to ask me?” Sohyun nervously asked.  Was he going to ask her to the Homecoming dance?  Oh my god!  I hope he does!

Niel scratched his head and laughs, “Yeah…actually I wanted to ask you about Homecoming.”

Sohyun tried to contain her excitement from jumping up and down as she asked, “What about Homecoming?”

“Do you know if Krystal has a date for Homecoming yet?”

Sohyun raised her right eye brow up, “Um…as far as I know, no.  Why?”

“Really?  Cool!  Um…since you’re her best friend, do you think she’ll say yes to me if I ask her to be my date for Homecoming?” Niel nervously asked.

“Ah…I’m not sure,” Sohyun truthfully replied.  You’re so stupid.  You should have seen this coming!  He wanted Krystal to be his date…not you!

“Do you think you can persuade her to say yes to me?  I have liked her since freshmen year…but I was too shy to tell her because I was afraid she would reject me.  I’d figured you might be able to say a few good things about me to her so um…you know…” Niel trails off.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Sohyun said as she faked a smile at him.  I really want to cry right now! 

“Really?  Omo!  Thank you so much Sohyun!  I would really appreciate it!  Um…are we still cool with each other?” Niel asked.  “I mean…I feel like you have been avoiding me for the past 4 years.  I missed hanging out with you.”

“Ah…I haven’t been avoiding you,” Sohyun lied.  “I’ve been busy focusing on school.”

“I see.  I thought you hated me,” Niel truthfully said as he gives her a big smile.  “Can we start over and re-gain our friendship?”

Are you kidding me right now?  How am I supposed to be your friend when I still like you?  She faked another smiled at him and replied, “Sure!”

“Awesome!  Gosh, I feel so happy right now!”

And I feel like dying right now she thought as she bit her lower lip.

30 minutes later (Sohyun’s house)

Knock!  Knock!  Knock!

“Come in,” Sohyun said as she quickly wipes her tears from her eyes.

“Honey, is everything okay?” her mom asked as she pokes her head inside her bedroom.  “Ever since you came back from your lunch date with Niel, you look very sad.  Do you want to talk about it?”

Sohyun shook her head no, “Not right now mom.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positively sure.”

“Okay…I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”

Sohyun smiled, “Thanks mom.”

“You’re welcome,” her mom said as she shut her door.

Sohyun got up from her bed and walked over to her drawer.  She took her red leather book out along with a blue pen and walked back towards her bed.  Feeling depress, she decided to write in her diary and vent her sadness out. 

 October 2nd

Dear Diary,

I am feeling SUPER sad today.  You’re probably wondering why huh?  Well, before I tell you all about it, do you remember that handsome boy that ran into Krystal and I yesterday after school?  Well, I just saved his life today!  I saved him from getting hit by a car, and do you know what the sad part is?  He didn’t even thank me!  Sighs, what is wrong with people these days?  These were his exact words:

“Why should I thank you?  You should have let that car hit me.”

I was so shocked to hear him say something like that!  Is he in his right mind or something?  On top of that, I told him to lower his music down so he wouldn’t get into another accident again, and he blew up at me!  And yes…these were his exact words:

“Who are you to tell me what to do?  You’re not my mom.”

I was totally surprised by his sudden outburst!  Did I say something wrong?  Or did I sound bossy when I gave him some friendly advice?  Sighs…I think he needs help.  Geez…this is the second time I ran into him this week…I sure hope I don’t run into him again!

Anyways, the reason why I’m feeling super sad today is that I found out my crush likes someone else.  Believe it or not, Niel asked me to have lunch with him today.  I was surprised and shocked at the same time because this is the first time in 4 years that we have talked!  He said he wanted to talk to me, and he suggested that we talk over lunch together.  You don’t know how happy I was!  But my happiness didn’t last very long…

Niel brought me a French fry hotdog for lunch along with a bottle of water.  Man…I haven’t eaten those in a long time.  It was very good and very filling!  He even paid for me too!  I was not expecting that at all!  Anyways, things were going well until he asked me about Homecoming.  Here I thought he was going to ask me to be his date for Homecoming…boy was I ever wrong!  He wanted to know if Krystal had a date for Homecoming yet and I told him no.  Then…he tells me that he has liked Krystal (my BEST FRIEND) ever since freshmen year but he was too shy to tell her because he thought she might reject him!  Wait…there’s more!  He said since I was her best friend, he wants me to help persuade her to be his date for Homecoming by saying a few good things about him!  Oh…my head hurts right now…wait…I take that back…it’s my heart that hurts right now.  Yes…my heart is in so much pain.  I have been crying non-stop for who knows how long.  Sighs…to make things worse, he wants us to start over and re-gain our friendship back because he misses talking and hanging out with me.  And guess what I said?  The stupid person that I am, I agree to it. 

My life .  Everything bad always happens to me.  Can’t god be nice to me and give me some happiness for once?  Sighs…I can’t blame this on god…the only person I can blame is myself.  I am a stupid person for thinking that someone as handsome as Niel would ever like a girl like me.  For once, I wished there was a boy out there who would like me for my plain looks. 

Krystal knows I still like Niel, so I know she’s going to say no to him.  Best friends don’t stab each other like that.  I know for a fact that I would never do that to her.  Sighs…I think I’m going to take a nap.  I’m sorry for yapping away about my poor life.  Good bye for now…

Sohyun closed her book and shoved it underneath her pillow.  She hugged herself as tears fell down her chubby cheeks.  Feeling sorry for herself, she laid flat on her bed and stared at the ceiling until she dozed off.

Monday (7:00am)

“Bye mom!  Bye dad!” Sohyun shouted.  “I’m off to school!”

“Bye sweetheart!” her dad yelled from his bedroom.

“Bye honey!” her mom cried from the bathroom. 

As soon as she closed the front door, she walked down their front porch and started walking towards school.  Every morning she would meet up with Krystal half way and they would walk to school together.

“Yah!  Hurry up slow poke!” Krystal teased as she waved her hand at her.

Sohyun waved her hand back and smiles, “Hi Krystal.”

“How was your weekend?” Krystal asked as she linked arms with her.

“It was…interesting,” Sohyun replied.

“Oh…what did you do?”

“Do you remember that handsome boy that ran into us last Friday after school?”

Krystal made a disgusting face, “Yeah…why?”

“I save his life on Saturday.”

“You what?!” Krystal shouted in disbelief.

“I said, I saved his life on Saturday,” Sohyun repeated herself.

“How and where?”

“He was crossing the sidewalk and he didn’t hear the car honking at him because he had his music blasted up so loud in his headphones.  Anyways, I pushed him out of the way before the car could hit him...or should I say us,” Sohyun explained.

“Why did you save him?”

“It was the right thing to do…besides…I didn’t know that was him,” Sohyun replied.

“If I were you, I would have let that car hit him,” Krystal mumbled.

Sohyun flicked her right ear, “Yah!  That’s not very nice!”

“Ouch!  Yah!  What was that for?!” Krystal whined as she quickly rubs her ear.  “You’re so mean!”

Sohyun sighs, “Are you still mad that he didn’t apologized to us?”


“It’s all in the past…let’s just forget about it okay?”

“Fine…” Krystal muttered. 



“What do you think of Niel?”

Krystal stops walking and turns to look at her, “What do you mean?”

“I mean…um…do you think he’s cute?”

Krystal thought about it for a minute and replied, “He’s alright…why do you ask?”


“Yah!  Spill it out already.”

“Niel and I had lunch together on Saturday.”

“WHAT?!  Omo!  Why didn’t you tell me about it?  What happened?”

“I didn’t want to tell you until I saw you in person.  And…um…”

“Yah!  Tell me everything right now!” Krystal demanded.

Sohyun sighs, “Okay…but you have to promise not to interrupted me until I tell you everything okay?”

“I promise!  Now tell me already!” Krystal excitedly cries.

“Okay…this is what happened…”

10 minutes later

Krystal stares at her with her pretty eyes as she clears , “So…Niel likes me?  Me?  You’ve got to be kidding me right?”

Sohyun shook her head no, “He said he’s been crushing on you since freshmen year.”

“Ah…that explains why he doesn’t talk to me whenever I’m around him,” Krystal said as she snaps her fingers together.

Sohyun nodded her head, “So…what do you think of him?”

“He’s cute…but I never would have guessed that he would be interested in me,” Krystal truthfully replied. 

“If he asked you to be his date for Homecoming, would you go with him?” Sohyun nervously asked.

Krystal shook her head no, “Why would I go with him when my best friend still likes him?”

Sohyun stared at her for a minute and finally said, “Look…um…I think you should give him a chance.”

Krystal tilts her head to the side, “Yah…why would I give him a chance?  You’re not making any sense here.”

Sohyun sighs, “He really likes you…”

“So?  You still like him.”

“Um…not anymore.”


“It’s time for me to face reality.  The person that he likes is you…not me.  So, I have decided to forget about him and move on,” Sohyun said as they reached school.

“Yah…why are you…” Krystal started to say.

“Hi mandu,” a voice said behind them.

They both turned around and saw the handsome boy walking closely behind them.

Krystal eyes widen as she yells, “Yah!  What are you doing here?”

The handsome boy scoffs, “I go to school here stupid.”

“What did you just call me?!” Krystal screamed as she pointed her finger at him.

“You heard me,” the handsome boy smirked.

“Why you little…” Krystal trails off.

“Hi guys,” Niel said walking up to them.  “What’s up?”

Sohyun’s eyes widen as he smiles at them.  She stuttered, “H-hi Niel.”

The handsome boy nodded his head at Niel as Krystal grunted, “Hi.”

There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at each other.  The handsome boy was the first one to break the silence as he smiled at Sohyun, “When is your lunch hour?”

Sohyun was about to answer him when Krystal quickly covered with her cold hands, “Yah!  Don’t tell him!”

The handsome boy chuckled as he shook his head and walked past them.

“Who the hell is he anyway?” Krystal asked as she removed her hands from .

“His name is Kim Jong In.  But he is better known as Kai,” Niel replied as adjusted his backpack.

Sohyun raised her right eye brow up. “Kai?”

“That’s what his group of friends calls him,” Niel said as walks behind them.

Krystal rolled her eyes, “He has friends?  Who would want to be his friend?”

Ding!  Ding!  Ding!

“See you guys later,” Sohyun quietly said as she quickly walks away from them. 

“Is she okay?” Niel asked as he scratched his head.

“Um…she’s fine,” Krystal replied as she started to walk away from him.  She didn’t like the fact that her best friend was throwing away her feelings for him because he had feelings for her. 

“Krystal…wait,” Niel said as he started to chase after her.

She quickly turns around and glares at him, “Yah…I think you should…”

“Will you be my date for Homecoming?” Niel cuts her off.

Some of the students that were standing nearby started whispering, “Omo!  The captain of the football team just asked the captain of the dance team to be his date for Homecoming!”

“Will she say yes?”

“Omo!  If they go together, they would look so cute together!”

“Gosh…she’s so lucky!”

“I wish he would have asked me!”

“Do you think she’ll go with him?”

“If she rejects him, I’m going to ask her.”

“Um…Niel…I…” Krystal trails off. 

“Since we only have 2 minutes to get to class, can you give me the answer by the end of the day?”

“Um…I-I-I guess,” Krystal replied as her face started turning red.

Niel winks at her, “Thanks.  I’ll see you later.”

“B-bye,” Krystal stuttered.  She quickly ran to class before she was marked tardy.  Why was she feeling happy all of a suddenly?

5th hour (Lunch)


Sohyun took her phone out as she received a text message from Krystal.

Text message from Krystal:  “Hey!  I won’t be able to have lunch with you today.  I’ll see you after school!”

It looks like I’ll be eating lunch by myself today.  Feeling like a loser she quickly chowed down her tuna sandwich and threw away the rest of her lunch in the garbage can.  I need some fresh air.  I’ll just sit on top of the school roof and relax until the bell rings.  By the time she made it to the top of the school roof, she set her backpack down and stretched out her arms. 

“What are you doing up here mandu?” a familiar voice asked as she quickly turns her body around.

Sohyun’s eyes widen, “Omo!  It’s you again!”

“Why are we always running into each other?  Are you stalking me or something?” Kai asked as he slowly walks towards her.

Sohyun gulps as she stuttered, “N-no.  I needed some fresh air and I decided to come up here for some.  I-I’m sorry if I disturbed you.  I’ll take my leave.”  She quickly bent down to retrieve her backpack when she heard him chuckled.  She looks up at him and frowns, “What’s so funny?”

“Are you scared of me?”

“Excuse me?”

“Answer the question.”

“Why would I be scared of you?  You didn’t do anything to me.”

Kai raised his left eye brow up, “Is that so?”  He took a few steps towards her until he was standing a couple of inches away from her.  He leaned his head down to her level and smirked, “If I told you I have a knife on me, would you still be scared?”

Sohyun rolled her eyes, “Weapons are prohibited at school.  Even if you had a knife on you, you wouldn’t hurt anybody with it.”

“What makes you so sure?  You don’t even know me.”

“You’re right…I don’t know you, but my heart tells me that you’re not a bad person,” Sohyun said as she stares into his dark chocolate brown eyes.

Kai was somewhat taken back by her words.  She didn’t seem to be scared of him and he was curious why she thought he wasn’t a bad person. 

“Since you already know my name, may I know your name?” Sohyun politely asked as she kept her gaze on him.  Gosh…he looks like an angel.

“Kim Jong In.  But I’d rather have you call me Kai,” he said as he took a step back from her.  He didn’t know why he was all of a suddenly being nice to her.  Usually he was never nice to anyone expect for his family and close friends.

Sohyun gave him a cute smile and bows her head at him, “Hello Kim Jong In.  It’s a pleasure to finally know your name.  What grade are you in?”

“12th,” Kai replied as he looks away from her. 

“Ah…you’re a senior too?  Awesome!  I’m very happy to know that we have lunch hour together.  Do you come up here all the time to eat your lunch?”

Kai his upper lip, “Yeah.  It’s peaceful up here.”

“That’s cool,” Sohyun said as she sat down on the ground.  She looks up at him, “Do you mind if I stay up here with you too?  I promise I won’t bother you.”

Kai looks down at her and scoffs, “I don’t care.”

“Okay, thank you,” Sohyun happily said as she took her Civics textbook out. 

Kai walked away from her and sat back down at his usual spot and stared at her from a far distance.  This was the first time that he had actually let someone stay up there with him.  In the past, whenever someone would accidently have lunch up there, he would tell them to go away or else he would beat them up.  He was quite surprised that she didn’t know who he was.  Everyone in school knew he was and they were terrified of him.  If they have been going to the same school for the past 4 years, how come they never ran into each other once before?

30 minutes later

Sohyun closed up her Civics textbook and shoved it into her backpack.  She glanced at her watch and realized that lunch was almost over.  Looking over at Kai, she saw that he had fallen asleep.  Should I go over there and wake him up?

Ding!  Ding!  Ding!

Sohyun got up and swung her backpack over shoulders and was about to leave when he heard Kai mumbling something.  She turned around and saw his body flinching.  Is he having a heart attack or something?  She dropped her backpack on the floor and ran over to him.  “Kai?”

“Don’t leave me…” Kai mumbled.

Sohyun lightly poked him on his left shoulder, “Kai?  Wake up.  Lunch is over.”

“D-don’t leave me…” Kai mumbled again.

Sohyun poked him harder and raised her voice, “Yah…Kai.  Wake up!”  When he didn’t wake up, she shook both of his broad shoulders and shouted, “YAH!  WAKE UP!”

Kai slowly opens his eyes and stared at her, “W-where am I?”

Sohyun gave him a weird look, “Um…we’re at the top of the school roof.  Lunch is over.”

Kai ruffled his hair as he got up.  He picked up his backpack and brushed past her without saying thank you.

Sohyun scoffs as she mumbles, “A thank you would have been nice.”

Kai stops walking and turns his head around and smirks, “Thank you for waking me up mandu.”

Sohyun’s eyes widen as she stares at him, “D-did you just thank me?”

Kai nodded his head yes, “I usually don’t thank people very often so consider yourself special.  See you around.”

“Bye,” Sohyun said as she waves her hand at him.  She glanced at her watch and realized that she only had a minute left to get to class before the bell rang.  !  I’m going to be late!  She quickly picked up her backpack and ran off to class.


Ding!  Ding!  Ding!

“Class is dismissed.  I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” their teacher said as many of her classmates rushed out the door.

Sohyun tried her best to pay attention in class but failed because throughout the entire hour, her classmates kept talking about how Niel asked Krystal to be his Homecoming date.  Every time she would look over at her best friend, she would avoid making eye contact with her.  What’s wrong with her?  She got up from her desk and walks over to her and smiled, “Hey.  Are you ready to go?”

“I’m sorry Sohyun, but I forgot to tell you that I have dance practice after school today,” Krystal replied as she looks up at her.

“Oh…okay.  Well, have fun and I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sohyun said as she gave her a tiny smile.

“Yeah…bye,” Krystal mumbled as she quickly looks away from her.

Sohyun raised her left eye brow up, “Krystal, is something wrong?  You’re acting kind of weird.”

Krystal bit her lower lip as she replied, “Um…Niel asked me to be his Homecoming date this morning.”

Sohyun’s eyes widen, “Oh…ah…what did you say?”

“I didn’t give him an answer yet.  He told me to give him an answer after school.”

“Oh…so, what’s your answer going to be?”

“Before I give you my answer, can I ask you something?  And you have to be honest with me.”

Sohyun nodded her head, “You know I’m always honest.  What’s your question?”

“Are you positively sure you’re throwing your feelings away for Niel for good?”

“Yes,” Sohyun lied. 

Krystal smiled, “Oh good!  Then I think I’m going to say yes to Niel.”

Sohyun faked a smile, “Cool.  Listen, I have to get going.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay?”

“Okay,” Krystal said smiling.  “I’ll call you when I get home.”

Sohyun nodded her head as she waved good bye to her.  I need to get out of here before she sees me crying.  She walked out of the classroom and instead of heading out of the building and going home, she ran up the stairs towards the school roof top.  As soon as she reached the roof top, she dropped her backpack to the ground and her tears fell down.  She sat on the ground and hugged herself.  After a few minutes of crying, a familiar voice asked from a far distance, “Why are you crying?”

Sohyun quickly turns her head around and saw Kai standing there with his back against the door.  She wiped her tears away from her face and stutters, “W-what are you doing up here?”

Kai took a few steps towards her until he was standing 10 feet away from her, “You didn’t answer my question.  Answer my question and I’ll answer yours.”

Sohyun sniffs, “It’s nothing.”

“You’re such a liar.”

Sohyun ignores him as she picks up her backpack and started heading down the stairs.  Perfect!  He saw me crying and now he’s going to think I’m a big baby!

Kai followed her down the stairs and all the way out of the building.  He didn’t know why he was following her, but something in his heart told him to. 

Sohyun stop walking and turns around, “Why are you following me?”

Kai smirked, “I want to know why you were crying.”

“What does it matter to you?”

Kai shrugged his shoulders, “I’m just curious…that’s all.”

“I already told you, it’s nothing.”

Kai walked up to her and leaned his face down towards her, “Let’s play a little game.”

Sohyun tilts her head to the side, “What kind of game?”

“Rock, paper, and scissors.  Loser has to grant the winner anything.”

“W-what?  Yah…are you serious?”

“Yeah, why not?”


“Are you scared that you might lose?”

“Yes,” Sohyun truthfully replied.  I at playing games.

“Come on.  Play with me.  Who knows?  You might be the winner of this outcome,” Kai said as he gave her a y smile.

Sohyun couldn’t resist his smile as she nodded her head, “Fine, let’s play.”

“Cool.  Let’s do it on the count of 3 okay?" Kai said.

Sohyun nodded her head.  Why am I even doing this with him?

“1…2…3!” Kai cried as he threw his right hand out shaped as a rock.

Sohyun threw her left hand out shaped as a pair of scissors.  Omo!  I lost!  Great!  Just great!  Can my day get any worse than this?  Why are you doing this to me god?  Why?!

Kai smiled, “I win!”

Sohyun sighs, “Alright…I lost.  What do you want me to do for you?”

“I want you to have lunch with me for the rest of the year up on the roof top,” Kai replied as he smirks at her.

“That’s it?”

Kai shook his head no, “I want one more thing from you.”

“What’s that?”

“I want you to be my date for the Homecoming dance.”


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i reread this because i miss them T.T
Chapter 5: OMHGOMGOMG!!! I'm freaking loves this fics auhh!! Kai just being so romantic OMGOMG!!! ><
Chapter 5: I love this fic so much!! T///T First, Sohyun's here. Second, the STORYLINE WAS GREAT! You did great in writing and I really love you for putting Kwon Sso unnie here <3 The ending was cute and... Well.... They're such h*ahem*orny bunnies :3 I hope to see more Kwon Sohyun fics from youu~
Yema_kim #4
Chapter 5: Waaah i really really really loved it !!!! So much <3 <3 <3 i love sohyun and i barely find good stories 4 her and ur story is sooo perfect <3 <3 this one of the best fics for sohyunieee kyaaaa , i was hesitate at first coz the firs tag was krystal and i hate her so much! Im glad she turned out 2 be a in yhe end :-P :-P ,do u love niel auther-nim?? And kai waah just perfect as he is , i wanna be friend with auther nim is that possible?? And im gonna check ur other fics
Chapter 5: wow! finally it ended :) i just got to read it now. daebak! i love it authornim really! hahaha awww i'm blushing reading the sweet moment. kaiso hwaiting!
Chapter 5: auhhhh~ too bad it end much soon. but this is one of my favourite fanfic ever! ^^ /youshouldwriteitwhentheyaremakingout/ LOLOLOLOLOLOL XD
Minkyo #7
Chapter 5: It's so adorable ♥ I really ship this couple <3
SHINeejjang #8
Chapter 5: awwww, it's so cute but i'm sad that it ends already :( was expecting to read more kai and sohyun. but i still love this fic!
thank you for writing this story! :) xx
Chapter 5: Awww, it was really awesome!! <33 KaiSo is so cute!
Hope to read another ff about Sohyun... Fighting and thanks for writing such a beautiful story...!! ^-^
Chapter 5: nice ending :))