Fight fight fight!

My risk to take!

Minzy POV:

  So yeah it was morning already,I wanted to wake up cause I remember that I supposed to wake up for something and Dara and Bom woked up early,I asked CL and she said that she didn't remember either...Me and CL were sleeping when suddenly I felt as if cold water hit my face,it was Dara,I was so pissed I pushed her and said...


Dara:You have to wake up for school,we are already late! OH MY GOD!Now I remember.

..I woke up and I was walking as if I have been drinking! I went to the bathroom but of course I woke up CL by throwing her a shoe,she was pissed but thank God Bom stopped her from trying to kill me!So we got ready and got out,Jerry almost killed us since we were late,as usual.

..He gave us our backpacks and wished us good luck.We all wanted to kill him but still duty was calling and we have to acomplishe it! We were going to sit in the back seat from th bus,but in that moment CL got interrupted by a backpack that occupied her seat,the all our seats,then when we got to look up it was those s from yesterday,better known as "Our partners"! CL looked at the leader and said!


Lee Joon:Excuse me miss Red Queen,but were does it say your names!?!?

 CL:*stare at him mad and crossed her arms* I really don't like you!And if it wasn't for Jerry,you will be seven feet under ground by now!

Lee Joon:*touched CL's face gently* Owww,the poor little girl is mad! She should call daddy Jerry so he comes and protects her back! CL:*Punch him and Lee Joon's cheek turned red* You better shut your mouth next time,cause believe next time you won't feel only my fist,you will feel all my rage coming at you K! Lee Joon:*Just kept touching his cheek and trying to hold the pain* Everybody stared at Lee Joon and CL and well us the girls,you know Jerry's girls were laughing our asses off!But in that moment the bus driver told us...

Bus driver:Ya all better sit your pretty asses down before I get back there! Now......SIT!!!

We kept looking at the boys when suddenly Bom said...

Bom:You guys why don't we just seat together I mean we are a team and we should act like one! Everybody started arguing and then Bom said something that actually was true!

Bom:Come on,Jerry trusted us in this let's do it for him,he has never failed us,then why should we...

That touched everyone's heart and we all shared the sit and tried to treat each other better! Then we received a call from Jerry!

Dara:CL put it on speaker! CL:*puts it on speaker* What's cooking Jerry my man..?

Minzy,Bom and Dara:Hey appa Jerry!

Jerry:*chuckles* hey girls! How are you,I guess you guys are fine,anyways,I have a new game for all of you,it's a really big mission and no matter what happens,YOU CAN'T FAIL IT!

Jerry picked us up early,finally we wouldn't have to see those guys again and the mission would be only for us,Jerry told us everything we had to do and he looked us to a room where he had all kinds of weapons! It was like paradise...

CL:*whistles* hell yah Jerry this is what I'm talking about! *grabs some knife,a shut gun and some other weapons*

Minzy:Hurray! New toys...

Dara:OMG! Jerry has his own ToysRus!

Bom:*kept on looking at a mirror*

Jerry:*giggles* OK girls! Grab some weapons and go get ready as fast as you can,you got 15 minutes....

We all got ready,we had amazing outfits and our mission was to go to a bank and get some information out of the "manager" so we could know who had the different locations to different kind of drug dealers,including the worst drug dealer,Mr.Ming! We got ready and went to the van,it was a black Lincoln and when we got inside our faces were surprise by the people that we wouldn't want to go with! Jerry's guys...But in the short period of time we were there nobody said a word! We all just kept looking at each other with terrible hate! Then we got to the bank and here was were the action start! We got out of the Lincoln and divided each one in groups of two,well Jerry divided us and he put us in the wrong places,I mean Dara with Himchan,Bom with Kang Jun,me with Myungsoo! CL AND LEE JOON! OMG...This wasn't good at all...

Dara POV:

WHAT!?! HIMCHAN AND ME! Oh no...I didn't wanted too be with him! Anyway orders are orders so I have to take them sadly...I got to the tallest building,that was next to the bank! I have to do the snipping,HELL YEAH... But Himchan kept talking crap and didn't shut up...

Himchan:Remember you gotta shoot the guards!

Dara:*about to shoot* I THINK I'M NOT STUPID YOU KNOW! Himchan:I was just trying to help!

Dara*points the gun at him* you better shut your pretty mouth before I disappear it from that face of your...GOT IT!

In that moment I forgot that I had the timer on ready to shoot,I got so lost arguing with Himchan that I couldn't hear CL talking trough the ear plug,when suddenly she screamed and in that moment I remember.OMG! 10 seconds I can't fail this shots and luckily I didn't!

Dara:Thanks to you I almost FAILED THE MISSION! AND I'VE NEVER HAD K!!!

Himchan:Well maybe it wasn't my fault,maybe is just that YOUR NOT A GOOD SNIPER AT ALL!!!

Dara:*gasps* I'm the best for your information *pushes him* like it or NOT! I walked away and ignored that guys pretty ,just so I wouldn't kill him!

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Swetty #1
Chapter 1: I'm sorry that it camed all out ugly,is just that I'm new sorry but hope you all like it! Iwill update the new chapter tomorrow...