Only in Fiction


He was a writer. Limited and unlimited to the imaginations of his creative mind. Always one to write about the experiences of others and his own. Too scared to try something new until that one special day he saw his own best friend get married. the love he saw between the bride and groom gave him insperation. He was going to write a story about the girl he would always make up in his head. The girl he wished was real. He was going to write a story about her.


Kris watched from the back of the chapel as he watched his best and only friend, Tao, look into the eyes of the woman he was about to marry with such adoration. Such love. Not once has Kris ever seen Tao look at a woman in such a way. The whole scene was baffling to Kris and deep down, it was also a little saddening. Saddening because in all his years, Kris never wanted deal with the complicated affairs of love until now.

"You may now kiss the bride." The couple at the alter kissed and everyone in the chappel stood up as the room was filled with applause. The happy new married couple paraded down the aisle to exit the chapel and everyone followed suit right after. Everyone but Kris. He stayed in his seat with much thought on his mind. He didn't know anything about relationships except for what he has seen in movies or with Tao in his previous relationships of the past. So he decided he was going to do what he did best. He was going to write a story. He was going to write a story of the perfect girl for him and in this story, it'll be all that he wishes for it to be. It'll be a story with a happy ending. A story where the guy and girl end up together in the end.

Kris finally stood up from his seat and exited the chapel with a lighthearted smile his face had not had in a while.

"Her name is going to be Krystal."

A/N: I shouldn't probably be writing something new since I already started a story ages ago but in my defense, I got very busy because school happened. But now it's summer vacation which means I have plenty of time to write and yeah. I promise this time I'll be persistant in updating. I don't think updating two stories at the same time will be hard with all the time I have. I have too much time tbqh so if there's anything else you wish for me to write, don't be afirad to ask ^^;



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SakuraShinigami #1
Chapter 2: I really like the situation of the story it would be really cool if you updated but if it means ur making a chapter im all for it :) keep up the good work and update soon plz no pressure!
Chapter 2: This has an interesting premise and i love the kristal pairing. Your writing style is great! But sometimes i get confused whether it's still the story kris is writing or his reality..maybe you could italicize the fiction part? If that's too much trouble, then it's ok. :) will patiently wait for your update! :)
rafithecool #3
Chapter 2: Dang, I wish I had photoshop on this computer but... I don't! I would've been so down for some Kristal manips & quotes. Ahh~ feel better soon, and can't wait to read the next chapter :)
krystalxice #4
Chapter 2: Omg thank God. A story with a writer that actually knows how to write. I didn't think people like that existed on here. I love this. It's unique. Keep going. Hwaiting!
Kaiistal #5
Chapter 2: I thought this pairing was stupid and pointless but you're seriously making me think otherwise. Thank you for coming up with a story like this.
Soosoojung #6
Chapter 2: Oh goodness. I don't really know why you want any criticism because this a work of gold. And you know, it's really under appreciated. I see so many stories in this website that are horrendous but yet so many people read them and comment on them. The way they're written is atrocious. It does my eyes justice seeing something with proper grammar and actual description of things. I really hope more people see how great this story is.
xforeveryours #7
Chapter 2: Oh sweetheart, I hope you're getting better. You need to take care of yourself. Don't even worry about this story if you're very sick. Anyways, I can't stress to you enough how much I'm loving it all. Really.
Krystaliized #8
Chapter 2: SQUEALING! YAY! YOU UPDATED! FINALLY! God woman. But this is so cute. *aggressively keysmashes* vsiuhbigsrhbihbshfbxdtn sdfogjsripohjosns isghoirwbgfs