Chapter 2~ Day 2! Jogging A memory JongKey!

Jogging A memory, JongKey~


Ugh. I can already tell this day Is going to be bad, My stupid alarm clock didnt wake me up at the right time. So I was left with only 10 minutes to get ready. Great Right? No matter, Umma picked out some clothes for me earlier that night. Oh Great! I forgot to do my Homework. Oh well, I can always just copy off of..Um. Oh what was his name, OH! Jonghyun!. Yea. I can always copy off of him. I road the bus to school. Its too hot outside. I shouldnt have worn that gray hoodie. Thank god I Have a tanktop under. Just incase. I entered the hallway and there stood the Jonghyun and the other 3. They were all wearing beautiful outfits. They were all handsome.  They all greated me with a hug. It was kind of a shocker. Jonghyun looked at the 3 and nodded. They sighed.. Then all of them introduced themselves. The tall one was first. "My name is Choi Minho". His long hair was beautiful. The next one was little shorter. "My name is Lee Jin Ki, just call me Onew". The last was smaller, his orange hair was more orange than fire. I loved it. It fit him well. "Lee Taemin!". He did a peace sign. Minho nudged him. The bell rang and everyone swarmed. But the 4 manages to stay where they were. They all stared at me. We all had first period together. As we entered one by one, everyone was silent. The tables were in pairs. Minho sat with Taemin. Onew sat alone, I had no idea why. And Jonghyun slid the seat open for me to sit next to him. I put my english book down. Teacher Jessica was a younger teacher. You could tell that she was in and out of relationships from the moment you saw her. She wasnt Ugly, but wasnt the most beautiful. That day we studied the main things, since it was only the second day of school, things like 'Hello, How are you, Im hungry, The weather is lovely'. Next thing you know, the Bell rang. Off to second period. I already knew where that was. Jonghyun showed me that yesterday too. Science was never the best for me. Ugh. So many things that can hurt you. I was so scared yesterday. This school seems to get right into it. We disected frogs. I was against it, so I didnt participate. Im sure my Umma would understand. School went by quickly that day. The 4 were outside. "Hey guys!", I said. They all smiled and waved. Taemin was saying to Minho "There is supposed to be a coldfront tomorrow...". Minho Hugged Taemin. "Ill keep you warm", he said to Taemin. I was shocked. 'Were they a couple?' I thought. "Oh great", I said ' I dont have any winter clothes..". Jonghyun sprouted up. "I was gunna go to the mall tonight!", He coughed, "Um. Maybe you could come? I can help you pick out some stuff", he said. I nodded and smiled. "Yeah! Sure!..I dont have your number tho-". He cut me off. "Yeah you do. Its in your cellphone. " I was confused. How was his number already in my phone? The other 3's numbers were in my phone aswell. Ah. Its cool. We all split and headed for the busses. Around six was when Jonghyun was gunna pick me up.

I finally got home.

"Umma! Im going to the mall with a friend tonight. He's gunna help me pick out some winter clothes, There is supposed to be a coldfront tomorrow. Do you need anything?". No one answered. I looked on the counter in the kitchen. There was a note on the table. The note said : Honey, My job requires me to go to the states for a while. Only a few weeks. I miss you already. I left you some money. (There's an envelope in your room on your dresser).My Number is on the fridge, if there are any problems, go to the next door neighbor! Love you Kibummie! Be safe!

'Wow'..I thought.

Oh well, Im still gunna have fun tonite with Jonghyun. I took a short nap, or what I thought was short, was long. About 2 hours. Ha! I got ready. I just changed into one of my red shirts and red skinny ripped pants. I LOVE those pants. Jonghyun was about 10 minutes early. It was ok. He already had his license. I was impressed. We went to one of the local malls. We hit almost every shop. I atleast got almost one thing from every shop. In one of the shops, Jonghyun helped me get dressed in this awesome zipper jacket. Sooooooo Many zippers, He helped me zip almost every-one-of-them. "Your gunna feel so warm in this". He held up a jacket/coat with a furry sort of Eskimo hoodie and giggled. I put it on. "Its huge!", I said. He giggled. "That'll keep you warm, ay?". Me and him looked at eachother for half a second in silence and then burst out laughing. We left after almost 3 hours. I had so much fun. We were in the car almost home.  "I hope all of this keeps me warm for a while", I said.  We both giggled. The radio toned out most of what he was saying. I sort of understood him, "And If Not, you always got me..", Jonghyun said. I pretended like a sort of didnt hear. I knew what he said though. It..It made me feel kinda special. Like I had known him for a LONG time. I didnt think anything of it though..atleast..Not for a while.

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hey really cool AWW-mazing story so please update soon
SHINing_Exotic #2
key is such a diva<br />
your story is really good! update please!!!
yaaay, so good so far! please make more! :D -subscribed-
KibummieXx #4
so interesting !