in the school

Why my heart didn't chose you

in the school as always was a little faster I like sit in library and repeat last lesson I like by ready to the lessons, but the truth I come faster becouse in the library almost no one is and I find out that Taemin going to school fatser to but he always practice dancing in special classroom when I sit close to the second right window I see how he dancing

I always sit in the same place and look at his dancing, he is great in this, I sight

he didn't even know that I egsiste....maybe it's better becouse I don't have think what should I said to him

today I was sleeping almost all night I couldn't sleep, I was think will taemin safe back to his home, and I was kind of happy he was worried about me that time, when I start to read I was more and more sleeping, my head was heavier and I didn't even know when I go sleep


Taemin Pov:

" I need a break....I sit in dancing classroom and I leaned aganist the wall in front of the windows and start to drink water, when I take few sips I saw something in the next windows in front of dancing room window on the second floor

I come closer to the window and smile....It was Lee Ann will she know that I see her?

but when I look carefull I saw she is sleeping

I start to laught, she even sleep so clumsy....her hair are in completly messy and her face look so funny

I go to my bag I have camera with myself then I could make her few picture without any troubles, maybe I should go to her and wake her up?

the truth is I didn't know why she almost nothing said to me....she have nice voice and I want to talk with her a little more but always she is like frozen when I said something to her and before she answer something always happend, or she just run away, in school she avoiding me she even dosn't look at me to much, it's kind of hard talk with her

I even didn't know anything about her becouse she didn't have friends

hmph she is kind of orginals girl I smile again and look at the picture, suddenly I saw someone come closer to her I look carefull and saw it was Onew hyong he learn in this school few years ago, right know he help sometimes in our school especially in student council what he want from Lee Ann?"


- Lee Ann.....Lee Ann - I heard knowing me voice but it wasn't taemin I open one eye and saw My cousin what he doing here?

- Oppa what are you doing here?

he come closer gently pat my head and said:

- pabo school isn't place to sleep you know?

I nodded and still look at him suprised his smile dosn't dissapear from his face but I'm sure he wasn't come here becouse of me even that he is my cousin we never where to close with each other maybe becouse he know Taemin and I was afraid he could by tell him about my fellings

I stand up and said:

- why Oppa is here?

- hmmm will I can't come to my old school?

- you can but you didn't come to often to the library

- I know, I know....anyways you know where I can find Taemin?

- why I should know this?

- becouse you always know where he is?

- no I don;t

he only smile will he know something?'s imposible..... I look at him then he said:

- it's good see you in good healty

- huh? - why he sos uddenly said something like that will he talk with my parents?

- Oppa.... - I want to ask something but then his phone ring and he pick up said:

- Taemin it;'s good you call to me

I didn't want to bother him if he talk with Taemin I smile wave him to goodbye and go out from library

Taemin Pov:


Onew hyong stand in front of Lee Ann he smile, will he is close with her? he gently wake up her and they even talk with each other.....she never talk with boys..... wait will hyong pat her head? what happend beetwen this two?

they talk few minutes maybe I should call to hyong? maybe he search me? Lee Ann propably dosn't fell to comfortable talk with him he shouldn't bother her....

I take my phone and call to Onew hyong

it was my only one chance help Lee Ann she is never comfortable talk with me then propably she isn't comfortable talk with any boys

when  only Onew hyong pick up my phone she go out from library...I hope I could help her a little

- really hyong search me?

O: - yes can we meet?

- but I will by have lesson soon

O: - I know but I want to meet after school right now I have few things to do

- well If hyong want then ok, we can meet

Onew hyong seems king of serious I'm courious about what he want to talk with me"




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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D