
He's my Girl

"No, and that's final." the old man firmly said. He had enough, this time he'll use authority as a father. Can't she understand the fact that I'm only doing this for her?

"I don't understand your point appa! You allowed Soo Hyun oppa to choose his college course, live in a separate house and run a business! Why can't I be like him? Is this because I'm a girl? It's unfair!"

Mr. Kim knew that it will be a war of words inside his boss’s office. Good thing that the room is soundproof, or else it will a huge scandal within the company.

He was already Chairman Choi’s assistant since he started his business. They were friends back in their high school days, but due to class differences, they ended up studying in a different university. Mr. Kim was never jealous of the other; though he was just an assistant, he was treated more like a relative by the whole family.

He knew that So Eun will not grow up as finesse as her mother was. The Choi clan is composed of males, and So Eun ended up to be the only female grandchild among the family. Growing up without a mother to influence her is another factor for her boyish attitude.

Mr. Kim was cut out of his thoughts when the girl went out his father’s office with a look of defeat all over her face.

“Mr. Kim, will you drive her back home? She needs to attend to her missed lessons.” The chairman looked firm and tough, but there’s sadness in his eyes. Let her do what she wants hyung, just for the sake of your father-daughter relationship.

The assistant led the girl to the basement parking. It was already the fourth time this week, but it looks like the girl won’t back out any moment.

“Mr. Kim, if you have a daughter, would you be as protective as my father?”

They were driving to back to Myeongdong, where the Choi mansion is.

“It depends, well maybe yes. It’s different in your case though, your father didn’t want to lose another woman in his life.”

“Eomma died because of me.” The girl blankly replied.

“She didn’t die because of you, Miss. She died because she lost a lot of blood during your delivery. It was never your fault.”

“Maybe Appa is punishing me. I hate my life.”

Mr. Kim didn’t know what to say back. He knew that the girl should not blame herself for something no one would ever know will happen. Mrs. Choi’s death was no one’s fault, and this girl should not suffer the consequences.

The drive back home was quiet and gloomy. Mr. Kim saw So Eun drag herself inside the mansion. It was always like this, he bet that the girl won’t be eating dinner again tonight.

Tears flowed from So Eun’s eyes while holding her mother’s picture. So Eun never cried in front of anyone; the only person who saw her tears was her best friend, Hyun Soo.


“Dae Hyun, I’m sorry but I really doubt your offer.”

“Doubt? Why babe? Is there something wrong?” it’s his third victim girl for the week. It’s like collecting girls is this vocal’s new hobby.

“I will be just another girl you’ll talk about with your idol friends after our ‘date’.”

“No baby. Believe me, my intentions are pure.” Dae Hyun was holding the girl’s cheek aiming for a kiss, when Zelo interrupted their moment.

“Hyung, I saw someone with a camera a while ago. We have to go.”

“What in the actual f---?! You giant !”

“Hyung! We have to go! We’ll be dead meat if they found out we’re hanging out here.” Jong Up said, panic written all over their face.

“Him Chan hyung already called a cab outside. Come on hyung.”

Dae Hyun cursed under his breathe. He hates this kind of instance.

“Sorry my princess, your prince has to go. Don’t worry I’ll call or text you, wait for me.”

The younger ones just rolled their eyes with their hyung’s antics. If I were I girl I will never ever fall for someone like that.

Him Chan’s inside the cab already when the three arrived.

“What took you so long?” Him Chan said, irritated.

“Dae Hyun hyung and another victim as usual,” Jong Up replied.

“Get inside pabos, before someone spots us here.”


So Eun didn’t eat dinner that night. It’s past eleven already and she knew everyone in the household is already sleeping. With her grumbling stomach, she decided to do what she’s best at, sneaking.

It was always like this, she’ll cry a bucket, fall asleep, and find her stomach grumbling for food; sneak from the house and walk in the middle of the night. It’s the fourth time this week already, and she feels like giving up.

But no, she won’t. She’s been controlled all her life; wear this, play this, go to this school, study this, don’t befriend them, etc. She wants freedom. She wants to do things on her own. She wants to achieve those dreams she and Hyun Soo shared.

She sat on a bench near a light post in the park. She considers this as her own sit, her favorite place. There are only a few people in the park at this time; some were street performers packing up their things, couples on a late night date and a few who just like her, seemed to be contemplating about their own personal issues.


“Hyung, I’ll just take a walk in the park.” Young Jae said to the older as he put his sneakers on.

“Don’t you think it’s too late for a walk?” Yong Guk replied, eyes glued to another war movie he’s been watching.

“It’s the only time I won’t need to disguise.”

Yong Guk looked at his dongsaeng with curiosity. Having a late night walk with your girlfriend? Yoo Young Jae you can never fool me.

“Hyung, I know what you’re thinking. I’m not meeting anyone.” The younger said with a reassuring smile.

Yong Guk scoffed and went back to the TV screen. He knew Young Jae is not the type to lie, and his smile is very sincere.  It’s one of his charms; that’s why he always wonders why Dae Hyun is more popular.

Young Jae walked around the park enjoying his green tea ice cream. The night was kind of warm; a sign that summer’s approaching.

He put his mask on as he finished his snack. He was about to sit in his usual place when she saw a girl a few meters away, sitting on a bench beneath a light post.

He knew how creepy he looks like while slowly walking towards the bench beside the girl. He took his sit and was surprised that the girl didn’t even notice him.

Using his peripherals, Young Jae took the chance to examine the girl’s features. The girl with closed eyes feels the breeze brush into her milky skin. She has long brown wavy hair, soft features that every guy would want to touch, long slender body and a humming voice of an angel.

Young Jae felt his heart beating faster, and he knew this isn’t good.

He was in the middle of his thoughts when someone flicked his forehead.

“Ouch! Yah—“

Then she saw the girl walking away from him, middle finger raised.


So Eun didn’t know why she felt lighter when she flicked the guy’s forehead.

Maybe because it was a simple diversion of feelings, since she’s been on her thoughts for a while.

And the guy looks like a creep.

But he has beautiful eyes.

No effin’ way So Eun. Concentrate! Tomorrow you’ll be asking someone for help, and you’ll make your father say yes.

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Zeal95 #1
I didn't even finish my comment and clicked post comment *facepalm* but yeah I'm anticipating this :)
Zeal95 #2
I actually have yet to READ a cross dress fanfic xD
shiningdorks #3
Update soon, neh? ='3