Diverse Roleplay (( New roleplay )) (( In Need of 2 male admins and 1 female.)


I'm different. I'm not like you. I have something more. I'm different from you. 

I can't be you. I can't be like you. I'm...










We welcome you to


Diverse Roleplay


Diverse means to be different or not like anyone. Can I ask you something?

Are you diverse? Are you different or are you like other people?

One more question.

Are you unique? If so, Join us now.



                                                                                                                How to apply:

-Sub and upvote (If you can)

- Please apply in this form.

" May I be ___ from __?"

Also, please enter the password.

(It can be found in rules.)



- One account per person. Unless an admin say so.

- You can change your character twice.

Password: My are awesome. 

- No bashing on others.

-Yuri and is allowed. 

but will be limited.

- Please for the alternate name

labeled it as " Diverse. "

- Join and apply and enjoy :D



JOIWHGOIHRG Thank god all that seriousness is gone.

Paha! :DDD This ain't no serious roleplay x3

I WANT YOU TO JOIN NOW! I will be giving out cupcakes ono.



I am looking for admins btw! :DDD So..APPLY NAWWW :DDD






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--Soko #1
Can i be Fx Krystal
May I be Kris from EXO?

+ My are awesome
before #3
could i be exo's chanyeol?
/ my are awesome.
i could be an admin.
Chapter 1: may i be exo-k's Kai?
+my are awsome.
+I would like to be an admin.