
Heartbeat [Temporary Hiatus]

Suho ran in the emergency room doors, followed by the other 7 members. A nurse quickly went to stop him and see what was wrong, but before she could open to ask, Suho blurted out, "Where are they? Are they okay?" The nurse blinked and looked at him.

Silence lurked for a moment before she quietly asked, "Who would 'they' be?"

"The four that just got into the car accident, Yifan, Zitao, Sehun, and Luhan."

"Ah yes right, this way." She looked at a file and started walking towards a pair of doors, leading into a hallway. Suho and the rest followed as she continued. "As far as your second question goes, they're fine. It's almost shocking that no one was injured worse. Both cars were totaled." She stopped outside door '088' and gestured inward before reading from the file. "Zitao and Sehun are completely uninjured, just slight whiplash. Luhan's leg is broken, as it was crushed between the seat and the door, but it should heal. And Yifan..."

Chanyeol noticed the hesitation in the nurse's voice. "What is it? What happened with Yifan?"

"He hit his head really hard on the steering wheel at the time of impact and we think there might be a small bit of trauma. We'll run tests on that when he wakes up. His left arm was fractured as well, but it's in a cast now and should heal soon. Go ahead in and visit." She bowed to the group of men and walked away, back down the hallway to the main emergency room.

They stood there for a moment, knowing the condition wasn't that bad, but still hesitating. The 8 members looked at each other for a short time, feeling like eternity, before Xiumin cleared his throat and moved towards the door, opening it and stepping in. In the middle of the room, there was one hospital bed, Kris laying in the center of which. Along the wall next to the bed lay a long couch, where Sehun and Luhan are seated. Luhan has his casted leg resting on a chair. And directly on the other side of the bed was a chair, where Tao was sitting, holding Kris's hand and resting his head on the bed. It was hard to tell if Tao was asleep or awake.

Chanyeol POV:

Time paused.

As we walked in, it was somewhat reassuring not to see their limbs and bodies spread out across the room. I was always someone who imagined the worst. Sometimes, when I'm around certain people, I think better, but only sometimes, and that certain people, is a certain someone. But that's irrelevant. What's relevant is what I what we just walked into: A mid-sized hospital room, containing 4 of our members. None of them were dead, that was definitely an up. Those who were conscious seemed focused on the floor, though it was hard to tell if Tao was asleep or just resting.

And then it continued like nothing even happened.

I walked over to the couch and sat by Sehun and Luhan, Baekhyun and Xiumin following and joining. As if on cue, they both looked up and over at me. I gave them a smile, since their expressions were still sort of 'deer-in-the-headlights'-ish. Luhan smiled back, and Sehun's expression shifted to his usual demeanor. Tao sat up and yawned, his grip on Kris's hand receding. "How's your leg?"

Luhan gave his usual smile, acting like everything was and always would be okay. "It hurts, but not as bad as it did when they were bringing us here."

"That's good I guess?"

Luhan laughed softly. "Yeah, it's good."

Xiumin's eyes moved over to Tao, who was sitting up, but still a bit slumpy. "Hey, you okay?"

Tao looked up and over at Xiumin. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine." He's not. I can tell by the tone in his voice.

My curiosity kicked in and I had to say something. "Are you sure, you seem troubled? I heard about the whiplash, do you have a headache?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm just worried, and no, my head's fine."

"Are you worried about Kris?"

Tao nodded. "I think he'll be okay, but there's still that fear that something will be wron-"

A soft, deep voice was heard from the figure on the bed, "I'll be fine, Tao."

Tao POV:

My eyes widened slightly as I looked down at Kris. Involuntarily, my grip on his hand tightened. "You're awake."   I whispered. "How do you feel?"

Kris let out a breathy laugh. "I don't know."

"Gege, that's not very helpful." I said, softly, trying to get a straight answer.

A voice could be heard from across the room, "Hyung, are you awake?" I looked over to see Chanyeol's disposition a bit happier. He was the one who spoke. My eyes made their way around the room until I noticed that Luhan had fallen asleep laying against Sehun, and Sehun had done the same, leaning against the wall to the side of the couch. They both looked so peaceful, I couldn't help but let a small smile show up on my face. I let my sight wander back to Kris, who seemed to be thinking about something. My train of thought was interrupted by Kris finally speaking an answer to what I'd previously said. "On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the opposite of okay and 10 being so okay that I could fly to the galaxy, I'm maybe a 6." He looked up at me and let a soft smile place itself upon his lips. "Don't worry, I'll be fine before you know it."

A/N: Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. It's been almost a year since I last updated. I'm so sorry for leaving you all with that cliffhanger too oh my god. Please don't hate me. Writer's block is a terrible thing. Summer will be here soon and I'm really going to try and update more. I want to get this story completed, but that won't be for at least another 10 or more chapters. Also, I've been considering commissioning a co-author to help me be able to update faster. If you're interested in the position, please message me^^ I'll add you on facebook or follow you on twitter so we can discuss ideas. (And if you're in the US and/or have international texting, possibly converse by text about ideas.) It would help me update faster and it would help the story be better. I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading. Remember to Comment/Upvote/Subscribe.

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Chapter 8* I fail at counting.


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jexotic97 #1
Chapter 11: Well I can't wait for the next update, Kaisoo, well can't wait to see what happen next.XD
KouAkira #2
Chapter 11: Oh I hope you'll be fine soon. When you feel stress you should stop doing things and rest. It's not good to your health.
We can wait, and we'll wait :)

Fighting and taking care
Elvinluv27 #3
Chapter 12: I hope you are ok in the end and don't force yourself to write a chapter because of us. We wouldn't want you to put yourself in the hospital because of stress. So take as long as you need ^~^
faithlane #4
Chapter 9: Huhu yes please author-nim add in baekyeol too.. I love this story... keep up the good work author-nim and do update new chapter soon ^^
Chapter 3: Ahh lol that was soo cute/smexy XD
Chapter 2: Lol I can't wait to read more but I can't help wishing there was Kaisoo in this lol but that's just my OTP feel speaking lol if been all over Taoris and Kaisoo lol but I really like this can't wait for the next chapter ^-^
Chapter 1: I like it!♥ ^-^