
Man in Love


"Please~ teach me." Cheryl begged rubbing both her palms together, looking up at Myungsoo with puppy dog eyes. Although they were seatmates in homeroom, they took different classes. She took the basic sciences while he took the advanced class.
Myungsoo wanted to say no, but as he continued staring into her eyes, he slowly felt his resolution crumbling. "Fine." he breathed. Cheryl grinned, as she did a small happy dance, thanking Myungsoo. He chuckled, her cuteness too much for him to take. 
"But on one condition. If you pass you owe me one wish." Myungsoo bargained, "Anything I want." Cheryl stopped her dancing and pondered. 
"You're on. As long it's not anything embarrassing." Cheryl said, shaking hands with her seatmate as if they were businessmen, signing a contract. 
They worked hard for days, studying together, Myungsoo patiently teaching her all she needed to know. Soon the big day came and Cheryl went in with a light heart. *I must pass! Hwaiting!*she encouraged herself. 
"So how was it?" Myungsoo asked. He had waited outside her class, eager to know how she fared. Cheryl stared disbelievingly at her paper. She looked from Myungsoo to the paper and back. 
"I passed! I passed!" Cheryl screamed. Myungsoo smiled genuinely happy for her. "I knew you could do it." He hugged her. 
"I can't believe this. Pinch me, I must be dreaming." Myungsoo pinched her as she howled in pain, "You really pinched me."
"You asked me to." Myungsoo shrugged. "But it hurt, which means I'm not dreaming, I'm not dreaming. I really passed." She screamed again. 
Myungsoo laughed, "yes you did. Now my wish." Cheryl stopped and looked at him, "Okay Okay. What is your wish?" 
"I want you to be my girlfriend." Myungsoo said. Cheryl stared at him shocked, before bursting into laughter, "Stop joking. What's your wish? Why would you want me to be your girlfriend?"
"You know what. Forget the wish. I really want you to be my girl. I'm a Man in Love, and all I really want is your love." Myungsoo closed the distance between them and kissed her full on the lips. Cheryl's eyes widen, but soon slowly melted into him. Myungsoo pulled back after half a minute, too soon for her liking. "So I'm asking, do you Cheryl want to be my girlfriend?"
Cheryl stared into the swirling orbs also known as Myungsoo's eyes and said, "I would love to." Myungsoo's face lit up smile reaching his eyes as he pulled Cheryl in for another kiss. 
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