
Man in Love


Kimberley smiled happy that Woohyun was finally making improvement, although she was reluctant to teach him in the first place for he was doing for a girl that was NOT her. 
"You're doing great, Woohyun." Just as the words left , he smiled before messing up the keys again. Kimberley's smile turned around as she sighed for the umpteenth time that day. *And I was so happy he was making improvements.*
They practiced the song over and over again, in hopes that Woohyun, who was usually fast in remembering lyrics, would be able to master at least that simple piece. But atlas, it was wrong to hope. 
Woohyun requested to stay back to practice, so the music room had left only one occupant. He practiced and practiced but had still fail in able to get some of the notes. He stopped, frustrated with himself. *I don't want to disappoint her.* He sighed before taking a deep breath, turning to the side where a white teddy bear sat, *I hope you will make her feel better.* 
The next morning, Kimberley came into the music room immediately spotting the teddy. *Must be for her. Lucky girl.* Kimberley thought before focusing on Woohyun who was already sitting infront of the piano. Kimberley forced a smile and said, "Okay, let's start."
"Woohyun! Your finger." Kimberley shifted his finger as it twitched moving onto the wrong key. Woohyun smiled apologetically, making a mental note to take note of his finger. 
Woohyun dared a glimpse at Kimberley's face, as she bent down to explain the part to him. The way the light from the window shone in, lighting up her face made him smitten. He must have stared too long, as he heard Kimberley's voice. "Woohyun, are you listening? You have to concentrate."
"How can I concentrate? I'm a Man in Love. I did all this for you Kimberley because I love you. I didn't do this for anyone but for you." Woohyun proclaimed, unable to keep his feeling hidden any longer. "I did this to be closer to you. I knew from the moment you stepped into this room one year ago, that you were the one I'm waiting for all my life." Woohyun said, taking hold of her hand, placing it on his chest where his heart is. "This heart beats only for you. So you will you accept it and be its owner? Kimberley be my girlfriend?" He confessed presenting her with the white teddy. 
Kimberley stared shock at his confession. "Weren't you doing this for Eve?"
Woohyun shook his head. "I lied. Eve's my sister." "Then why did you say you were learning to play the piano for her?" Kimberley ask.
"It was an excuse to be closer to you. I know it's wrong but I had no ideas on how to get closer to you. I'm sorry." Woohyun lowered his head, ashamed of what he did. Kimberley smiled, and lifted his head up.
"Although it was wrong of you to do that, I still say yes. Yes I will be your girlfriend." Kimberley shyly said, taking the bear that was still in his hands. Woohyun's eyes widen in shock, but a big grin took over his face. 
"I love you Kimberley." He hugged her.
"I love you too but you are never going near a piano again as long as I am with you." She warned as she pulled back.
"Wouldn't dream of it." 
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