
Man in Love


He twisted the last light bulb before standing back to admire his handiwork. He had spent the past three hours, meticulously screwing in every single light bulb. He had spent the previous few weeks searching for the perfect spot. Spending hours on the meal, and days planning the event. 
He jogged to the light box, panting despite the small distance he jogged. He flipped on the switch, lighting up the entire rooftop. He smiled, wiping the sweat on his forehead. It was quite cool, but with all the labour he had gone through, it was normal for him to be sweating. But as long as she likes it, he didn't mind the sweating. 
He looked at his watch, realising it was almost time. He grabbed the keys of his white Infiniti G convertible, locking the rooftop door behind him.  
"What is it you wanted to show me?" Eve ask, as Sunggyu lead her towards the door. She was blindfolded as soon as Sunggyu picked her up. She was donned in a green dress that matched Sunggyu's green jacket. It was as if they knew what each other was thinking. 
Sunggyu lead Eve to stand infront of the door, before showing her the brightly lit rooftop. "Ta-dah!" Sunggyu smiled, turning to see Eve tearing up. "Eve, you Pabo. Why are you crying?" 
Eve sniffled as Sunggyu wiped away the stray tears on her face. "I'm happy that you would do so much for me." Sunggyu chuckled at her adorableness. 
"Of course I would, you are my best friend." Sunggyu exclaimed, failing to notice Eve cringe at the term. Eve had long fallen in love with Sunggyu, but was reluctant to confess, afraid of rejection and scared of what will happen to their friendship if Sunggyu did reject her. Eve forced a smile, before being led by Sunggyu to the table. On it was a feast, enough to feed an army of men. "I cooked your favourite dishes." Pulling her chair for her, like the gentlemen he was, and settling down before they started their meal.
After the scrumptious dinner, the two laid on the blanket Sunggyu prepared, admiring the night sky of stars, though there weren't many, they felt content with each other's presence. "Eve." Sunggyu started, standing up, "I have something to tell you." Eve looked at him surprised but did not refuse when he held out his hand to pull her up. When Eve was standing infront of him, he took a deep breath and says.
"Eve, you are my best friend, and may forever be my best friend. You may want to be best friends forever but," he paused, "I don't want to. As the time we know each other increases, I slowly realise what I want from you isn't friendship but love. I want to be able to cuddle with you like couples. I want to be able to call you 'Jagiya'. I want to be able to be able to kiss away your worries. I want to us to talk like friends but act like a couple, because Eve Cheong, I am a Man In Love. I am madly in love with this beautiful girl I met. And this girl is you. Eve, will you be my girlfriend?" Sunggyu ask, pouring his heart into the heartfelt confession. 
Eve stared at him shocked, as tears streamed down her face. Sunggyu took the silence from her as rejection and said, "it's okay if you want to remain..." But before he could continue his sentence, Eve spoke up. 
"No. I want to be your girlfriend. You don't know how much I wanted to confess. I love you Kim Sunggyu. I would love to be your girlfriend." Eve smiled. Sunggyu unable to believe what he heard ask, "really?" Eve nodded. Sunggyu smiled, picking the girl up, and twirled around. 
"Wooooooo!!! Eve's finally mine! Eve belongs to me now!" Sunggyu screamed into the night sky. Eve lightly hit his shoulder for him to put her down. Sunggyu set her down, wounding his arms around her waist resting his forehead on hers. "Saranghae Eve." 
"Saranghae Sunggyu." 
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