
Everyone knew this day was coming.
The more popular they became, the more everyone noticed the change in their attitudes.
They became big headed and their confidence was on an all time high, but they didn't realise the extent of their confidence.
It was bound to happen to them at some point...
Their fame had finally got to them.
They were never seen as a group outside of the necessary duties and life in the dorm had shifted into constant arguments that they couldn't hide from the public anymore.
The little arguments they were once able to sort out minutes later, morphed into screaming matches that ricocheted off the walls, along with any objects they could throw. The violence soon became out of control and once the were regularly spotted leaving the hospital with yet another injury, the public put two and two together.
Of course the press were quick to tear them apart and it wasn't much later that the group just... Stopped. No more interviews, no new releases, and eventually one by one the members slipped away from the view of the public eye to live their lives anew.
Well, all but one.
Jiyong had been brought up around music for most of his life, it was set in stone that he would stay in the music industry for as long as he could, continually stunning the world with his uniqueness.
During his promotions the anti-fans slowly came out of the woodworks and even when there were adoring fans surrounding him, there would always be anti-fans trying to physically and mentally hurt him. He brushed off all of the negativity thrown at him however and focused on the fans that were there to support him.
And for a while, it worked.
But it was with the release of his first album after breaking up with the group that it all happened.
One night when he was being driven back from a days worth of radio interviews, his life changed forever.
Turning to face the cool window, he looked up towards the passing trees that were all that could be seen whichever he looked.
Dull. His life had turned into something he no longer enjoyed. He hadn't realised it at the time but Big Bang had been a prominent part in his life. Being no more, the space ate away at his heart and the once warm smiles he wore turned into dark scowls. He had never thought about the world in such a negative way but without his best friends by his side, he just couldn't find anything to truly be happy about.
Music was the only thing that took his mind off the outside world so it came as no surprise that he threw himself into his music to escape the mistakes he had made in his life.
But that was just was just another mistake to add to his ever growing list.
Spending so much time writing music had seen Jiyong slowly wither away from most forms of communication, and he was only in the public eye when it was absolutely needed.
His life was crumbling before his eyes and he had no way of clawing any of the scraps back.
The happiness he had once owned was sold to the fame he had been pursuing since he was young.
And the friends he had grown so close to wanted nothing more than to see him fail after everything he had put them through.
Jiyong shook himself away from the onslaught of negative thoughts and proceeded to look out of the window, choosing to carry on ignoring the loud yawns that were escaping the drivers mouth.
That one choice ultimately lead to his downfall.
He was qualified and capable enough to drive, and it was clear to everyone that his driver was on the verge of passing out from exhaustion, but Jiyong was too engrossed in his past memories to offer to take the wheel.
Images of Seunghyun ran through his head and the laughter of his best friend that he had gotten so used to flowed through his mind, intoxicating his brain.
They were on the set of one of their many music videos, Seunghyun had grown bored of his bad boy image and had taken to running around the other members yelling "TOP, TOP, TOP", much to the embarrassment of Seungri. 
Jiyong leaned back in his chair as he  examined Seunghyun's mad moment. It was at times like these that he wanted nothing more than to run around with him, to finally let his hair down and forget about the weight of being the leader of a rising group. But the moments when he got to play around with Seunghyun were few and far between so he made sure when they were playing around they took full advantage of the precious time. However no matter how much fun the two of them had, it always led to one or both of them being scolded and ultimately having to go back to their hard working lives where playing wasn't much of an option.
It took a lot of complaining from the set designers about Seunghyun's recklessness before Jiyong decided enough was enough.
"Seunghyun!" He had said, instantly grappling the others attention. As soon as those child like eyes made contact with him he lost his train of thought. The innocent eyes and the slight pout that formed on his lips drew Jiyong into his imagination. How soft Seunghyun's skin must be, oh how Jiyong was envious. Seunghyun's beauty came naturally to him and his easy going nature had people kneeling at his feet. Jiyong however had to work for heads to turn in his direction. At first it started out with his crazy haircuts but soon enough he was inventing his own fashion sense for the world to follow. And after awhile he finally felt like he was looked at just as much as Seunghyun, making him worthy of being in his presence. Because even though Jiyong was the leader of their group he felt as if Seunghyun was on another level to him.  He practically put him on a pedestal and in his eyes, Seunghyun could do no wrong. "Time to get back to working okay?" Jiyong managed to blurt out, pulling himself back into the real world. Seunghyun simply nodded as his composure instantly changed back into the eldest of the group.
Finally they had a much needed day off.
The whole group had gathered together in their living room to watch a movie. Youngbae, Jiyong and Seunghyun taking up the sofa while Daesung and Seungri sat on the floor by their feet.
Guns, girls, cars, action, this movie had it all. And yet what kept Jiyong's attention the most was the hand that had made its way into his own under their shared blanket. Glancing towards Taeyang who was sat next to him he concluded that he was too engrossed in the film to notice the subtle movements Jiyong was making towards Seunghyun, practically draping himself over him as much as a friend could. Looking up at Seunghyun he noticed the lack in the others movements, seemingly engrossed in the film just like the rest of the group were.
Jiyong took the time to wonder when it had all happened. When he had started to like Seunghyun as more than a friend.  At first he had just thought that he was someone who he idolised and inspired to be, but as time dragged on he noticed his soft spot for the elder was growing beyond that of a friend. He prayed for those stolen touches and sweet comments from the eldest and he found his existence revolving around the thought 'What would be best for Seunghyun?', everything from dance moves to what they would all have to eat for dinner. He wanted nothing more than for Seunghyun to be happy, he would try to give him the world if it put a smile on the mans beautiful face, but Jiyong himself wanted nothing more than to touch his elder for the rest of his life. Whether it be playful punches they would exchange as friends or the longing touches of two lovers, but Jiyong doubted the second would even be an option, even if Seunghyun returned his feelings there wasn't anyway they could act on them. The group would fall under a lot of stress and the press would have a field day reporting on them.
Unknowingly to Jiyong, Seunghyun had felt his gaze on him right from the start, and the butterflies that were swarming in Jiyong's belly had been slowly developing in Seunghyun's as well. And if only Jiyong had noticed the way Seunghyun's breathing hitched when he rested his head on the elders shoulder, then just maybe the future wouldn't have looked so grim for them.
Ironically the weather fit their moods perfectly, the rain that hammered down drenched them to the core as Seunghyun ran to catch up with a withered Jiyong.
"Jiyong! Slow down already! We're both going to get ill at this rate!" Seunghyun yelled to no avail as Jiyong only seemed to speed up. The people they ran past gave questioning looks and some of them even seemed to recognise them, not that it mattered to them at that moment. But of course, crying while running through the streets in the early hours of the morning was slowly getting to Jiyong and once he was halfway through a deserted park his legs finally gave out on him, as he collapsed in a sobbing pile on the floor. Seunghyun finally slowed his pace and bent over to try and catch his breath back, hearing Jiyongs broken sobs over the pelting rain. "Jiyong... I'm... I'm so sorry." The elder says in between gasps for air, kneeling down to wrap Jiyong in a comforting hug.
"GO AWAY!" Jiyong yelled curling himself up into a tighter ball trying to hide from the humiliation he had caused himself.
"Jiyong..." Seunghyun whispers retracting his arms, still kneeling down next to the broken man, "I'm sorry Jiyong but... I can't help it if I'm not gay... I will always stand by you no matter what but... I can't be with you... Like that... Please understand Jiyong... You can find someone better who will reciprocate your love and you'll be happy... I promise you-"
"SHUT UP!... SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!" Jiyong cried shaking his head. He had finally worked up the courage to admit his feelings and where did it leave him? Cold, hurt, broken and most of all betrayed.
He had gathered the groups members together, bar Seunghyun, to finally admit to them his most precious secret. He was in love with Seunghyun. And once he had told them, it came as a shock to him that they didn't seem too bothered.
"We already knew that hyung." Seungri told him, to which the others nodded their heads. Staring dumbfoundedly, Jiyong raised an eyebrow at them all wondering how is was so obvious to them.
"... How?"
"You're not very subtle Jiyong." Youngbae said.
"You can't keep your hands off him whenever he's around." Daesung added.
"You practically undress him with your eyes when you think he's not looking." 
Everyone turned to look at the youngest and Daesung lightly hit him upside his head. 
"This makes it easier," Jiyong huffed turning his attention back on the other two members, "So what do you guys propose I do?" Where he was met with silence and puzzled expressions. Were they not expecting him to act on his feelings? Just as Jiyong was beginning to wonder if he should have asked for their help, Youngbae piped up.
"Well you should tell him of course." Came his simple answer.
"Hyung, he undresses you with his eyes when he thinks you're not looking as well!" Seungri told him, almost as if he was dumb for not noticing in the first place. And even though Daesung and Youngbae didn't agree with the youngest's phrasing, they had to nod their heads in agreement.
And another set of nods confirmed his thoughts.
He was going to tell him.
It had been two weeks since the incident and Jiyong had avoided everyone and had taken refuge in his room. The hate had built up in him to the point that he took it out on the other members whenever they passed each other in the hallways or in the kitchen. The only reason Jiyong would leave his room would be for much needed food, he didn't want to risk running into Seunghyun after all. He became nocturnal as to keep out of his groups way more so and it worked well for him most of the time, he had yet to run into Seunghyun but he had a feeling that the other was avoiding him as well, it must have been embarrassing for the pair of them.
So he kept busy with writing Big Bang's lyrics but only got frustrated as they all came out the same, broken hearted love songs.
And that was how their downfall began.
Slowly opening his eyes he firstly noticed how he seemed to be leaning on his side. Then he started to notice the ache in his bones and the thumping in his head.
"Wh... What?... What happened?" Turning to look at the driver his face paled. With no signs of movement what so ever from the driver he started to panic. The pain in his body slowly became more evident and by looking at his surroundings he knew he was done for, the bushes that surrounded him coupled with the steep slope that they must have sped off would keep them from being found so late at night. Touching his head he noticed the blood and when he attempted to move his body to find his phone, he knew he was in bad shape. But nonetheless he rummaged around until he gripped onto the familiar feeling object, he had someone to apologise to after all. And while he was dialing that all too familiar number he felt his eyes start to water, "If I make it out of this I'm going to make some changes." He whispered to himself before he pressed the call button, and after a quite a few rings they finally picked up.
"Hello?" That deep warm voice broke whatever strength Jiyong had as he started quietly sobbing. "Are you okay? Jiyong? Why are you calling me?" After everything that had happened between them that man managed to sound as if nothing had changed between them.
"I-I'm so... S-so sorr-sorry" Jiyong bawled into the phone feeling a fuzzy feeling run throughout him. "I'm... I'm sorry for ruin-ruining our careers." He could feel his life slowly slipping away from him as he could no longer keep his eyes open. But he still willed himself to carry on speaking. "I-I was in a crash Seunghyun a-and I'm pretty sure I wo-wont make it out-"
"Are you serious Jiyong?! Call the ambulance then not me! Where are you? I'll call them for you!" Seunghyun panicked down the phone and Jiyong wanted nothing more than for him to shut up for a minute.
"They wouldn't arrive in ti-time and I don't e-even know where I a-am." Jiyong admitted, his breathing becoming slower and his need to sleep finally devouring him. "I love you Seunghyun." His final last words, words that he poured the last of his heart and soul into were as strong as he could possibly make them, as he took his final living breath and slumped over with his phone still positioned over his ear.
"Jiyong you're crazy! I'm going to call for help okay? I'm sure they can locate you by your phone or something! Just stay on the line and keep talking to me, okay? I love you too Jiyong. I always have....... Jiyong?... Oh god! Jiyong are you still there?! You need to say something!... Jiyong?... I love you so much! You can't leave me like this! I was doing what I thought was best for the group when i denied you! Please just say something! I want to hear your voice!..." Rustling could be heard on Seunghyun's side of the phone. "H-Hello? Ambulance? Yes my friend has been involved in a car accident... Where?... I have no idea... No, no, no don't hang up! PLEASE I AM TELLING THE TRUTH!" The sound of a house phone being slammed down could be heard. "Kwon Jiyong, I love you. If you can hear me at all... I'm on my way." Seunghyun's last words spoken down his mobile phone were ones of determination. There was never such thing as a bad ending.
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Chapter 1: Came back and read this again and I just realized that this is actually oneshot *cries*
Chapter 1: OMFG. I have not read gtop, ~angsty~ gtop to be precise for more than a year and OMFG. I will wait for the update of this. This is sooo damn good!
Chapter 1: Nice story! ^_^. Thanks for sharing authornim
Glitterintheair #4
Chapter 1: Okay this is really good please times 1000 continue. It's really good.
galileo268 #5
Chapter 1: *_* are you going to continue this? Because that would be AWESOME. Please, pretty please, with GD on top? >.< oh lol that was unintentionally punny...but please? *bows* This was so sad and angsty, I want moreee T^T and thank you for posting this, I loved it so much!