The Meeting

A Dream Within A Memory.

            " The day has come for this warfare to end. It is time for us Men to make peace with the Elves. When we do make peace with them, there'll be no more bloodshed from both party. The other magical creatures will alliances with us since they are loyal to the Elven king. We have nothing to loose. This war started because of our ancestors' dignity. We will make a treaty with the Elves this Tuesday. Treat them well for they are our guest. Do not fail this. Is this clear?" The King of Men, Bang Yong Guk commanded. The ministers nodded in understanding. The king nodded once and stood up. The others followed. He them left the meeting room elegantly. A few guards followed as he walked out to the courtyard. He held up a hand, gesturing for them to stop following him. His steed galloped as it saw its master. The horse nickered as Yong Guk patted the horse's head. The horse nuzzled its master's hand. " hey there, Eclipse, how are you doing, boy?" Yong Guk nuzzled against the horse's neck. Eclipse neighed adoringly. Yong Guk had Eclipse since it was just a little foal. Yong Guk mounted his steed and galloped away. He liked the feeling of the wind breezing against his face. And he knows that Eclipse liked it as much as he did. He went up the hill, where Eclipse always had his drink by the river. It was an enchanted river. Reserved only for the animals and magical creatures. The humans was forbidden to use the water of the river for there was a time the humans misused the magic that the river behold. The water had the ability to heal any wound externally and internally. Humans used to take the water and use it to sell them to those who did not know about the river. Since then, Yong guk had declared the use of river was forbidden for he and his ancestors was entitled to protect the river.

       As Yong guk Eclipse's mane, he heard movements behind him. He silently withdrew his sword. he spun around and the edge of the sword rested on a turqoise-haired elven man's throat. " Introduce thyself," Yong Guk demanded. The Elf had his hands up in defense. " Woah chill, my name's Zelo, second prince of the Elven king. I lost my way on the way to Tukan. I was told that if I ever lost my way, i should follow the river," the elf called Zelo spoke. Yong Guk lowered his sword. " Show me the prove that you are truly the second prince of the Elven King. It is not possible for a prince to travel alone," Yong Guk insisted. The claimed Elven prince took out an amulet hung across his chest and showed Yong Guk the symbols of Elven's royal blood engraved on it. " Do tell me the reason you are here. The King is supposed to expect you in another day," Yong Guk said as he led the Elf to exit the forest. " I actually... ran away from my father and brothers," Zelo lowered his head. " For what reason?" Yong Guk asked curiously. " They are going to have a treaty with the King of Men. And i don't really like the idea because Men are vicious creature. They can never be trusted, " the Elven prince showed anger. " Why do you say that?" Yong guk asked again. The elven prince kept his head down. " I've seen what Men are capable of. And how violent they can be," he replied. " Very well then. I supposed i could show you a room until your father arrived? Shall I informed him upon your arrival?" Yong Guk asked as a courtecy. " Do as you pleased," the elven prince said. Before Zelo could asked for the stranger's name, he had already gone, replaced by an appearance of a maid. She showed his way to his room. " The King wishes to invite you to dine with His Majesty," the maid bowed before closing the door and left even when the elf have not yet replied.

          An elegant tunic fit for Elf was presented for the prince for dinner. He was then led to the dining room. There he saw the stranger sitting at the end of the long dining table, eating. He was then seated at the right of the man. Zelo looked at Yong Guk strangely. " You are the king?" the prince asked for confirmation. Yong Guk nodded without stop eating. " You have deceived me," the elf rose in anger. " When did have i deceived you? I just merely didn't tell you my identity. You did not asked as well. Now sit down and eat," Yong guk smiled. " I don't want to dine with the King of vicious men," the pointy eared male spat. " What made you hated us Men so much? We are different from the Men you once encountered," Yong Guk stopped eating and straighthened his back. " No matter what you say, you Men are all the same. Vicious, arrogant, fools and violent!" the elf yelled and left the dining room. Yong Guk gritted his teeth. Is this the way to start a treaty? He already felt like killing the pointy ear even before the treaty have been made. he'll make sure the elf pays for his insolence towards him, The Mighty Bang Yong Guk, the greatest king of Men.

         The turqoise-haired elf did not leave his room even for a second until his father and brothers arrived. Yong guk greeted them in respect. They began treaty talk after lunch. " I have condition for this treaty to be accepted," The Elven King said. Yong Guk had expected this. He gestured his hand for the Elven King to continue. " We want the River of Healing to be entrusted to us Elves," the king said. " I beg your pardon? You want the River of Healing? for what ever reason? The river had been entrusted to the Men for 5 decades now. i can't possibly just give you the River," Yong Guk protested. " For your information, the river was once under our care. The men took it after The Great War," the king insisted. Yong Guk hummed in frustration. He did not want to fight again. " Fine, i will accept that condition in one condition," Yong Guk smirked. He set his eyes on the second Elven Prince. The prince did not like the way the man was looking at him. " what is this condition of yours?" The Elven King asked. " My condition would be that the second prince is to be married to me, to strengthen the relationship between our races," Yong Guk smiled. " WHAT?!" The said prince rose in anger. " His brothers held him down before he did anything rash. The Elven King had his thumb and index fingers massaging his temples. He hummed in frustration. He then looked at his second son and gave him an apologetic look. " I accept," the King declared.

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i'll continue after the semester end!!


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Chapter 1: Ohh, I'm curious now, and I will curious, lol. Hoping that mayyybe some day you want to write a 2nd chapter.
geezleweez #2
Chapter 2: interesting story so far, but second chapter is so short