Our Wedding Day❤

We Got Married [One Shot]

Suzy POV

I cannot wait for the morning I wake up next to the man I love and can finally call myself Mrs. Kim. Oh, tomorrow is my Wedding Day, you all are invited! :) Can't believe that I'm going to married, to the man that I want it to be. He's My First Love, My Crush, and now I'm going to married him. 


Someone ruined her moment. It was a big knock at her door.


(Suzy'sMom): Suzy? (knocks)

Suzy: Oh, Uhmma! (opened the door)

(Suzy'sMom): Wae? 

Suzy: You scared me. 

(Suzy'sMom): (laughs) Give me a big hug. 

Suzy: (hugs her)

(Suzy'sMom): My princess is getting married now. I'm so happy for you.

Suzy: Thanks Uhmma! 

(Suzy'sMom): Are you excited?

Suzy: Neh.

(Suzy'sMom): Don't forget us ok? 

Suzy: Uhmma! Of course.

(Suzy'sMom): (laughs) Mmmmm. So, sleep now my little princess, Sweet dreams (then kiss her forhead)

Suzy: (smiled) Goodnight Uhmma. 

(Suzy'sMom): (smiled and leaves her room now)

Suzy: (sigh) How's my prince, is he okay? 




SooHyun POV

Can't wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a Special Day. Finally, She's the only one that I want, and she's the only girl that I will love for the rest of my life. 


SooHyun: (smiling) Can't wait to see my princess tomorrow. 




Wedding Day


Suzy can't express her happiness. She looked at the mirror to see herself, she smiled like there's no tomorrow. Her dress was beautiful, it was a quiet simple but she were already beautiful. "He's my prince, and I'm his princess." she thought to herself while smiling.



(Suzy'sMom): Wow! You're so beautiful.

Suzy: (smiled) Thank You Uhmma. 

(Suzy'sDad): (knock at her door) 

Suzy: Woah! Apba! 

(Suzy'sDad): give me a big hug My little princess.

Suzy: (hugs him) 

(Suzy'sDad): Are you ready?

Suzy: (broke the hug and looked at her father) Mmmmm. I'm ready!

(Suzy'sMom): Ok, So, let's go!

Suzy: (nodded)




At the Church


SooHyun can't stay in one place. He keeps looking at his watch, and smiling like crazy. He can't express his happiness.


(SooHyun'sDad): (tap his shoulder) 

SooHyun: Apba!

(SooHyun'sDad): Why can't you stay in one place?

SooHyun: (smiled) I want to see her badly. 

(SooHyun'sDad): My son, just wait her. 

SooHyun: (nodded)

(SooHyun'sDad): Aigoo~ You're really a big man now! 

SooHyun: (smiled)

(SooHyun'sMom): He's a little kid for me! 

SooHyun: (turned around) U-Uhmma! I'm not a kid anymore!

(SooHyun'sMom): (laughs) Just kidding. You're a big man now. 

SooHyun: (smiled) 



Finally the long wait is over. Suzy's car is arrived now, She get out of the car now and her father her. She's a little bit nervous, and she entered the church now. She saw SooHyun looking at her with a big smiled. She walked slowly down the aisle as everyone looked so sincerely at her. 


SooHyun: (smiled) She's the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen, I can't wait to smile, as she walks down the aisle with her father's arm. (he thought to himself)


When she reaches the altar, SooHyun is smiling, he offered his arm to her. Suzy smiled and put her arm to his arm. SooHyun whispered to her and said "You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen." Suzy just smiled and blushed. As the priest finally got their attention. The priest said "Suzy and SooHyun will you face each other and take each other's hand.


Priest: Kim Soo Hyunwill you take Suzy to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?

SooHyun: I will 

Priest: Bae Suzy, will you take SooHyun to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?

Suzy: I will. 


They both smiled and the priest said "You may kiss the bride." 


SooHyun removes the belle of Suzy, he moved closer to her, and suzy closed her eyes, soohyun closed the gap, and their lips met; a soft and sweet kiss.


The marriage ceremonies are over. Suzy and SooHyun walk near to Suzy's dad to take his blessings. He bless them with all his heart. Suzy's father said, "I wish you both with a very happy and long life." Suzy hugs her father.


(Suzy'sFather): Take care of your wife ok? and Don't make her cry.

SooHyun: Yes, Sir. (with matching salute) I will take care of my wife, and I'll make sure Sir, she's always smiling. 

(Suzy'sFather): Good!

(Suzy'sMother): Mr. Kim Soo Hyun, please take care of my little princess. (smiled at him)

SooHyun: (nodded and smiled)


They're going out of the church, and all the people there are screaming, "Congratulations." and some are throwing flowers to them. You can see how happy are they. C:



SooHyun: (looking at her)

Suzy: Wae?

SooHyun: I love you til the rest of my life. (smiled at her)

Suzy: (blushed) I love you to infinity and beyond. (smiled at him)


Once again, together they shared one last passionate kiss. C:


Suzy POV

I want our story to start with "Once upon a time" and end with a "Happily ever after." C:




Wether we whisper or yell,

we all have A STORY TO TELL.






O We Got Married



Hi. Pororos! It's done! :) 

My First Oneshot story, hope you like this. 

Free to write comments. C:












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Saya_ELF #1
Hello authornim,

Can I translate your great fanfiction? I want to share this one in my fb or maybe blog if you allow it. Of course, I will take a credit. So, do you allow it?
kissmeandSayA #2
Chapter 1: awww I <3 HyunZy, it is soo cute <3 :3
noemilov #3
Chapter 1: so cute :3
HyunZy so cute! ^____^
Woah! Hyunzy so sweet :')
Chapter 1: oh so cute…I hope it happened in REAL…HyunZy!!!!