Chapter 1

Please Don't Hate Me

Yonghwa stared at you in disbelief. Slowly reaching his hand out to you, you took a step back.

"We're done," You said. 

Picking up your suitcase, you turned around and left the apartment. Yonghwa watched as the door clicked and the hallway was inevitably silent. It had been so all of a sudden. He had arrived home and found you waiting in the hallway with your suitcase. Dead silence filled the hallway as he had stepped into the home you shared and found you waiting.

"Wha....what happened...." Yonghwa whispered as he slumped against the wall.

Tears started to well up in his eyes as he slowly slide down to a sitting position. He couldn't think of anything wrong he had done. What had he done? Was it that he went out to much? Was it that he was no longer home as much as he used to be because of promotions? Did he spend too much time with the guys? Or was it something you had done?

What did you do that caused you to leave? Was it a family problem? A better job? Did you....Did you find someone else? Did his absences cause you to find someone else's company? Anger burst in Yonghwa as he pushed the coat rack next to him and shouted in frustration as tears finally began to trail down his cheeks.

Standing alone in the elevator, you brought your hand up to your mouth as a sob escaped from your lips. Tears began to flow as you clenched your eyes shut. Regret washed over you in that instant. You had just left the man you loved. Yet, you knew this had to be done. You needed to let him free. He was about to hit the peak of his career and you weren't going to hold him back.

You also had a feeling he wasn't as happy as he used to be with you. He seemed to brighten up when approached by beautiful celebrity females. Even though your love for him had never wavered, you thought perhaps his had. The man you loved wasn't as he used to be. So you found it time for you to take your leave and just go your own way. The faster you had left, the easier it was for you to walk away without shedding a tear in front of him.

The elevator dinged and you quickly wiped your eyes. Grabbing your luggage and looking up you smiled sadly. A tall blonde man stood in front of the elevator with open arms. Slowly walking over to him, you wrapped your arms around him.

"Hyukjae oppa," You sobbed.

"Aish you...How many times have I told you to call me Eunhyuk?" He muttered as he soothed your hair.

"I did it oppa...I let him go," You sobbed into his shirt.

You heard him shush you as he led you out of the building and into a taxi.

Walking down the crowded streets of Hongdae at night was exciting. After returning back to Seoul after your departure to the US, you decided it was a good idea to go have some fun with  a few old friends. Strolling with a few friends, both Korean and American, you all decided to have fun and enjoy the nightlife. One of your friends had suggested a popular club right smack middle of Hongdae. Being reluctant and unwilling at first, they soon convinced you to go even though you were suffering from jet lag. The fourteen hour flight had been unkind to you. 

After arriving to the chic club and easily getting due to some hook ups, you were immediately shocked to see how amazing the interior was. The entire place looked like it had been designed by the same people who worked for five star hotels. There was a main floor with the dance floor and a large balcony where it seemed to be the VIP section. The bar was almost to your direct left, so all of you headed there. Taking a seat you looked up at what the club had to offer off of their drink menu.

"What can I get the pretty lady?" The bartender asked as he slid up in front of you.

You smiled and shook your head.

"Don't you guys have anything that's not so strong?" You laughed.

"I have the perfect thing for you," he said as he ducked under the bar for a second.

He came back with a few bottles of mysterious looking liquid. After quickly taking them and shaking them up in a martini shaker, he handed you the drink in four shot glasses.

"What's this?" You asked.

"Try it."

You picked up the first one and sniffed it. It smelled just like lemonade. You quickly took the shot and swallowed it. The taste exploded in your mouth and a cool chill ran down your throat and into your stomach.

"Is this just juice? Or does it have something else in it?" You asked.

The bartender chuckled and quickly moved on to attend to your friend. You soon took a liking to the shots and ordered a second batch. That second batch soon turned into your third. Halfway into your third batch, a stranger had dragged you out onto the dance floor. You found the music a lot better than it had been when you first came in and the people a lot more attractive. Was it just you or was it the alcohol?

A guy came up behind you and danced with you as another came in front of you and swayed with you to the beat of the song. Not knowing what was happening and your better judgement impaired, you chose to dance along with them.

Halfway into the song, a chill ran through your body. Something felt odd. You felt as if someone was watching you. The two guys we watching you, but not with a stare that would cause this feeling. Your instincts told you to look up and up to the balcony. A tall dark haired figure watched from above with a drink in their hand.

Straining your eyes against the bright flashing lights of the dance floor you stared straight at them. They slowly leaned against the rail and you could start to make out features. A straight perfect nose, plump finely shaped lips, and cold brown eyes that seemed to glare at you, watched from above the balcony.

"Yonghwa....." You whispered as you stopped dancing.

Yonghwa finally agreed to come with the rest of the group to the club. Having them continuously praise it actually made him curious. So here he was, vodka in hand, watching people on the dance floor after detaching himself from his group. It was packed and the music was loud. People mingled with one another as they grinded on each other. One small group of dancers caught his attention. 

Two guys on each side of a girl dancing with her. She seemed a bit out of it, perhaps due to alcohol. Walking a bit closer to he rail, he watched her. Her body moved to the beat of the music as she soon felt him staring at her. She looked around. Curiosity getting to the better of him, Yonghwa slowly leaned of the rail. This girl looked so familiar, yet she didn't quite look like who he thought she was. She immediately looked up at him and stopped dancing.

Her lips moved and formed a word, yet he would have never been able to hear it over the noise. He moved away from the rail and back inside the main VIP section. He found Jungshin and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yo," Jungshin said a bit slurred.

"Let's go home. I'm not in the mood for this anymore," Yonghwa muttered.


"Because that  is here," Yonghwa spat in disgust.

Aaaand that's it for chapter one. This story is dedicated to my friend Emmely.


This was supposed to be a one shot, but then I realized that I really wanted to go in depth and into more detail on this rather than have it rushed. So see you until next time!

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Kierstin17 #1
Can't wait until the next chapter! ^^
Chapter 1: I knew this was going to be good ^^ I can't wait to read more!!! I love your writing style
You must update this!!!!! You absolutely must!!!!!