Love Remains

Not Even After A Hundred Years
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“Hyung, is she the one you’ve been telling us about?” Taemin opened his mouth as soon he knew he couldn’t keep silent for long. “Is she the girl you fell in love with one hundred years ago?”

                Kris was seething silently, glaring at the direction Sooyoung and her friends had disappeared to. Kai and Yuri were on either side of him, trying to calm him down. As a vampire, all emotions are heightened and he definitely didn’t like the heightened feelings of shock, anger, despair and jealousy rushing through his body.

“Who the hell does he think he is, threatening me like that?” He snarled, remembering Changmin’s warning. If you can’t love her, I will. “She loves me, damn it.”

Kai put a hand on his chest, restraining him. “Hyung, calm down. Please.”

Heechul rolled his eyes. “She’s not gonna love you now especially how you treated her.”

“Hyung, you don’t know a single thing.” Kris was at his face in a split second, glaring at him. But his expression changed as if someone had a switch inside him and he moved to where Yuri stood; an apologetic look on his face. “I’m so sorry.”

She shook his head, smiling at him; albeit a sad one. “It’s okay, Kris. I’ve known all this time that you haven’t forgotten about her. Now that she’s one of us… You were never mine to begin with.”

He cupped her face in his hand, gently drawing her near to drop a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you.”

“What are you going to do now, oppa?” Jessica asked, still in the midst of calming a ticked off Heechul down. “Why did you even do that to her? She looked so… broken.”

“I got scared when I realized that she’s like us… that she’s someone who walks in the night.” Kris sighed, unceremoniously throwing himself to the ground. “I thought that she died and that I could move on from her and everything I felt for her. But she’s alive… and a vampire. I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t know what to do.”

“I’m not trying to piss you off or anything but hyung… Heechul oppa was right.” Amber made a face when Kris glared and Heechul let out a triumphant snort. “She’s surely hur. She spent all these years trying to look for you and you just pushed her away. Not to mention that Changmin guy looks damn serious about what he said.”

“I’m going to get her back.” Kris said with all conviction, staring up at the dark sky. “If I have to spend the rest of eternity, I will.”

Krystal sighed. “How are you going to start, oppa? She might not want to even talk to you ever again.”

Jessica nodded in agreement with her sister. “Worse comes to worst, she might not even care if those friends of hers kill you.”

“I’m going to find a way. I just hope that the fact that I still love her and a promise of forever will be enough.”


“Don’t you think it’s about time for us to move someplace else?”

Boa blinked in surprise; her entire coven currently gathered around the dining table in their home. “Why?”

“I don’t want to give people here a chance to discover something. It’s better safe than sorry.” Sooyoung spoke firmly but her eyes betrayed her. “Besides, we no longer have a reason to stay here.”

Yunho pursed his lips into a thin line, knowing exactly what her main reason was. “Where do you want to go?”

“France would be nice. We have tried it there. I know it’s sunny there and all but our pendants will keep us safe…” She trailed off, the pendant around her neck. “We could go to Greece or maybe one of those small countries in the Pacific.”

A ghost of a frown appeared on Changmin’s handsome pale face before turning his attention to Jaejoong. “Hyung, what do you think?”

He had opened his mouth to say something but a flicker of intuition crossed his face and he was soon on his feet. “Someone’s outside.”

                The entire coven was on their feet as well in a second; all of them following Jaejoong’s lead through the house and out into the back porch. A gasp escaped Sooyoung’s lips; the tall brunette vampire freezing in her place as soon as she caught sight of who their visitor was. Kris stood in the middle of the garden all by himself; a serious expression on his face and his attention focused solely on the girl he met for the first time one hundred years ago.

A low growl erupted from Changmin’s chest as he lunged forward; Junsu and Yoochun darting forward as well to stop him. “What are you doing here?”

He was completely unfazed by the other man’s anger as he kept his eyes on Sooyoung. “I need to talk to her.”

“Changmin, you idiot, stop it!” Yoochun hissed when the younger man struggled against his grasp.

“What makes you think she even wants to see you right now?” Yeonhee frowned heavily at the unwelcomed visitor; she and Liyin having moved to Sooyoung’s side to keep her calm and offer support.

“Everything’s between her and myself.” Kris replied as politely as possible, not wanting to anger the rest of the coven the way Changmin already was.

“You can’t just hurt her the way you did and expect her to be willing to talk to you!” Liyin exclaimed; her eyes wide.

He shook his head. “I came here to make up for what I did.”

Changmin made another move towards the other vampire; Junsu moving to press his hands against his chest and pushed him backwards. “Calm down, Min… Don’t do anything you’ll regret later on.”

“How did you even find us?” Taeyeon asked, wary of the possible things that could happen.

“If you found me, it isn’t possible for me to find you.” Kris answered simply.

“You made yourself clear already, Wu Fan or Kris or whoever the hell you are.” Sooyoung finally spoke, clearly fed up with the argument in front of her. “There’s nothing else you have to say so please go. We’re trying to discuss where we’re going to move and you’re interrupting.”

His eyes went wide. “Where are you going?”

The tall brunette vampire scowled at him. “Why do you care all of a sudden? You don’t have to know. I thought you didn’t even know just who the hell I am.”

He kept his stance firm even with the knowledge that the entire coven could kill him if they wanted to. “I just want to talk to you, Soo. That’s all I’m asking for.”

“Whatever it is you need to say to her, you can say it in front of us.” Changmin growled; his eyes narrowing and his canines sliding into place.

Sooyoung sighed; the internal war she was having with herself reflecting on her a beautiful face. A few seconds passed and she turned towards Yunho. “Oppa, take Changmin oppa inside. I don’t want him to snap. I’m sure he’ll go hard on himself if he does something stupid.”

“Smart thinking.” Yunho mumbled himself before he moved to help Junsu and Yoochun haul Changmin back to the house, scowling when Changmin snapped his teeth at him. “Yah, Shim!”

“Oppa, stop… Calm down.” Sooyoung moved to where Changmin was and caressed his face. “I’ll just go give him what he wants and hopefully I can end this. I’ll be okay so don’t worry too much about me. Okay, oppa? I’ll be fine. Go inside and wait for me, alright?”

He nodded, allowing himself to come down even more when she dropped a kiss on his cheek before shrugging the older men off of him; Kris glaring at the sight.

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Chapter 3: call me bias but i like the changsoo's end better??? lol but no, the sookris one is sweeter because YEAH I BELIEVE IN LOVE AND LOVE REMAINS EVEN AFTER A HUNDRED YEARS.
but yeah i'm so biased and i want sooyoung to be with changmin... lol ok ignore my self rambling.
either way, both are beautiful ;~~~~~~;
Chapter 3: The two are happy ending;-;
OMO this is freaking good
the diction you chose oh my God I love this!
Chapter 3: I'm annoying I know, but your fanfics are the best. Changmin's end was very good but then again Kris' love was there before him. ;; omg why are you so good unnie. ;;
Chapter 3: Junsu is forever loved LoL but i love endings that i dont know which one's my favourite~ maybe.. just maybe its ChangSoo.. yeah i'm being bias like that ^^v
Chapter 3: HAHAHA! Cute Junsu XD
But really, I don't know what's wrong with me...
Instead of feeling happy for the happy endings I feel sad for the other guy. huhuhu :(
And yea, I thought the first one was gonna end up SooKris and this one as ChangSoo.... HAHAHA meeeh, at least they were all happy on either of the endings~ wooo!~ :D
And I saw Fany's and Teuk's name~

I could totally imagine the fighting scene Soo had with Yuri. Legit plot. Have this made in a TV series and i'll be the number one fan, no doubt.
Chapter 3: I love SooKris' ending more HAHAHA though I love ChangSoo's ending too XD I can't choose >< but I'll go to SooKris HAHAHA
Chapter 1: KYAAAAAH!! OH MY GOD! I CAN LITERALLY IMAGINE THIS! Kris Oppa being vampire.. I'll volunteer myself to be his prey! WAHAHAHAHA His character really suit to him :) and Sooyoungie became a vampire too <3 SooKris <3
Chapter 1: KYAAAAAH!! OH MY GOD! I CAN LITERALLY IMAGINE THIS! Kris Oppa being vampire.. I'll volunteer myself to be his prey! WAHAHAHAHA His character really suit to him :) and Sooyoungie became a vampire too <3 SooKris <3