I love you. Never forget that...

One Shot... TWIST


"That was...AWES-MAZING!!" Miki clapped after watching them perform one of their songs.
"Whoa!! Get back guys!! We have a sasaeng fan in our midst!!" Yongguk stopped the others from getting any closer.
"Ah! You caught me! I was gonna follow you all home tonight!!" Miki snapped her fingers like she was disappointed. "Especially Yongguk... I already know where he lives, so I can draw on his face tonight!" She rubbed her hands like a villain.
"That's cause you're my sis!" Yongguk head locked her and messed up her hair.
"Yah! Hyung!! Don't do that to my girlfriend!!" Jongup shouted while wiping the sweat off his body.
"Hehehe...soon to be more~!" Yongguk said in sing song while pursing his lips.
"Huh?" Miki asked, trying to get out his grip. Yongguk changed from a headlock to a hug.
"Give oppa a kiss before you leave me forever!!" Yongguk tried to kiss her. Miki, trying to escape, put her hand on his face and attempted to push him away.
"Ew! Brother cooties!!" She screamed. "Jongup!! Help!!"
In a split second, he was beside the two.
"Hyung!! What are you doing?!" He yelled, trying to pry Yongguk off Miki.
"I want to kiss her on the forehead before she becomes someone's wife!" Yongguk exclaimed.
"Huh? Wife? Why are you talking about that?" Miki stopped struggling.
"HYUNG!!" Jongup finally pushed him off and tackled him to the ground.  
"When are you gonna do it?" Yongguk asked, wrestling Jongup.
"Shut up!!"
"Well, hurry up and-"
"SHUT UP!!" Jongup pinned Yongguk to the floor. "I'll ask when the time is right!!" He whispered.
"What are they talking about?" Miki asked the four other boys standing beside her.
"Marriage." Zelo replied bluntly.
"But about who?"
The four remained quiet, but Himchan was looking her in the eyes, and then Miki started to smile like an idiot.
"You're getting married!! Oh my goodness!! Congrats!!" Miki jumped up and down and bear hugged Himchan. "I knew you and Amber were perfect together!!" She squealed.
"Miki, I'm not-" Himchan stopped talking when he looked down to find Jongup clutching his ankle and shaking his head. "Not sure what the theme should be! I might come to you if I don't find anything by the end of the month..."
"Ok! I'll be here for you! Fighting!" She put her fist up. Hr stomach growled, and the room was quiet.
"Everybody run!! We have an earthquake!!" Yongguk yelled.
"Oh!" Miki sat on him and hit him repeatedly with a water bottle.
After the big fight (Yongguk ended up escaping and running out the door), they all walked to a nearby restaurant. On the way there, they passed a kids park. Miki stared longingly as they passed the park. Jongup, knowing her personality, grabbed her hand and ran to the park with her. He waved to Yongguk not to wait up.
"Now...there's one swing intact, and two of us. Someone will have to push the other!" Jongup smiled while telling Miki and holding her hand so she didn't run to take it.
"Pwetty pwease?!" Miki put on her doe eyes. Jongup had a hard time at resisting her cute side.
"Not gonna work!" His voice squeaked as he closed his eyes and tensed up. Miki sighed, but she knew she had one last side. She didn't like using it, but there wasn't really another way.
"Please?" Miki closed the distance between their bodies and placed her head on his chest (she can't reach his neck). Her hand slide up his neck and to his cheek. She sighed a second time. She's not going to seduce him to get the swing. She moved away from him and put a hand on her hip.
Jongup, who was enjoying it, wore a disappointed look when she pulled away, but hid it quickly before she saw.
"I really, really like swings!" She told him.
"I know." Jongup simply said as he got closer to the swing. Miki was smiling, but soon lost it when her boyfriend sat on the swing. "Give me a push, please!" He smiled like an idiot.
Miki rolled her eyes and surrendered. She started to push him on the swing. She really couldn't stay mad at him, no matter how hard she tried.
"Are you mad?" He asked while swinging towards him.
"Why would I be?" She replied, giving him a big push (sadly, her weak self wouldn't have done much).
"I stole your swing."
"I wouldn't be mad."
Jongup got off the swing and let Miki sit. Her happy face made his heart melt. He started pushing her. His strength made her go high, making Miki quite happy.
"Yongguk used to push me on the swing when we were younger. One time, he pushed me and let go too soon. I fell and scraped my knees..."
"No matter what, I will never let you go..." Jongup stopped the swing and kneeled in front of her so they were eye to eye. "I love you with all my heart!" He moved some of her hair out from her face.
"I love you, too!" Jongup leaned and kissed her.
He knows how fragile she is, and so, he is extremely gentle with her. Since the very start, when they were both eighteen, their kisses have been gentle and light. He wasn't too happy, but he knew Miki, and he knew she wasn't used to it, and she would want to take everything slowly. For the past three years, they have not shared one passionate kiss (like in the movies), but Jongup doesn't really mind, as long as his only love is okay.
He held the kiss, wanting to push for more, but kept back. He felt the world start to fall. Literally.
"Ow!!" They both exclaimed when Miki fell off the swing and Jongup came tumbling after her.
"That was painful..." He muttered. He looked at Miki, who was completely red in the face. He was confused, until he realized what was going. 
Jongup was laying flat on Miki's body.
"Are you ok?" He asked, scrambling of her and helping her up.
"Ow...yeah. The fall wasn't that bad. It was a body falling on me that hurt..."
Jongup's expression saddened. He tries not to hurt her, and yet, he ends up doing just that.
"Don't worry. It wasn't all that bad! It was actually quite warm and comfortable..." She mumbled that last part, but Jongup heard it loud and clear, and that put a smile on his face.
"Come on!" He took her hand and started walking the direction of the restaurant.
Miki pecked him on the lips and ran ahead, dragging him along. They found the other members and sat with them.
"Hey guys!!" Miki smiled as she took her seat. Yongguk, along with the rest, was smiling like a huge idiot and staring at the two.
"Sooooo! What's new?" Youngjae asked, resting his head on his hands.
"Um...I fell." Miki answered. She looked at Yongguk, who was still smiling, but he wasn't blinking and he was staring at Jongup. Jongup was staring back at him, but with a don't-you-dare face.
"You fell? Noona, did Jongup hyung at least stop you from falling, like in the movies?" Zelo asked, sending a death glare towards her boyfriend.
"No. He actually fell on me!"
All the other guys snapped their heads to glare at Jongup, who was still having the staring contest with Yongguk.
"Anyway... Which would you prefer, cheesy lovey dovey situations, or not." Daehyun asked Miki.
"Um...I have always wanted the cheese movie situations because I thought they were so romantic, but I prefer original situations. Why?"
"No particular reason..." He smiled and nodded.
Jongup nodded back, thanking him. That night, they ate and drank. The guys all drank wine while Miki drank soda.
"You sure? Why not have some?" Zelo offered her a glass of red wine, obviously drunk.
"She doesn't like alcohol, stupid! She doesn't even like the smell!" Jongup pushed the glass out of the way, also drunk. "Sorry..." He looked at Miki, knowing that she really doesn't like alcohol.
"It's fine." She smiled and ran her hand through his hair.
When they finished, they payed and left the restaurant.
"Are you guys gonna be ok? Do I need to call a cab?" Miki asked, trying to keep Yongguk standing.
"Yeah." Answered Youngjae.
"Of course!" Answered Zelo.
"No problem!" Answered Jongup.
"Does y lady want to come home with us?" Daehyun asked. Jongup stomped on his foot.
"I'm calling a cab..." Miki called the taxi and payed him in advance. She took Yongguk home and tucked him in bed.
If only Jongup knew that would be the last time he saw Miki as a free person, he would have said more to her.
All of them got a call from Yongguk to come over quickly. They rushed over only to find the house torn apart. 
"Guys!" Daehyun called out to them.
There, sitting by the wall, was Yongguk. In his right shoulder, was a bullet and his left hand had his cellphone. He was still awake, but in tons of pain.
The guys gently moved him to the couch while Jongup did a quick search of the house, but he came back empty handed.
"Where's Miki?" He asked frantically. Yongguk's tears started to fall.
"They came. They came for me, but they took her!" He cried.
Jongup, in a fit of rage, flipped the nearby coffee table.
They decided to watch the security footage.
Yongguk was talking on the phone near the stairs when Miki come onto the scene. Miki walked up to him and felt his forehead. She was mad and started flailing her hands around wildly. Yongguk didn't look too happy, but he got off the phone and was about to follow him out when someone knocked down their front door and barged right in, wearing all black. The one at the front pulled out a hand gun and shot Yongguk in the shoulder. Miki made sure he didn't fall.
Since they were close to the kitchen, she was able to drag him in. The screen only showed five more people all in black enter the house. Yongguk went to the kitchen's security footage.
Yongguk was on the floor, desperately trying to stand up, while Miki stood between him and the first person with the gun. The person told her to move, but she wouldn't. He held the gun against her face, but she still wouldn't budge. The person put his gun away and stood quite close to her.
Jongup clenched his fists as he watched while the person s his arms around Miki's waist and pulled her closer. All the while, Miki's expression remained cold. The person moved some of her hair from her face. Jongup was about to go ballistic, when he noticed Miki's hand reach into the persons pocket. Suddenly, she had his gun pointed to his head, but what she failed to notice, was that he had a second gun and was pointing it at Yongguk. For a moment, her concentration wavered, and the person took advantage of that. He punched her hard in the stomach, causing her to cough up blood and fall unconscious into his arms. He bent down to Yongguk and said something before slinging Miki over his shoulders and walking away. Yongguk stopped the video.
Everyone remained silent.
One day later, someone dropped a USB stick on Yongguk's front porch. Yongguk noticed it when he was on his way to Jongup's house to discuss their ways of getting Miki back.
"Jongup, I need your laptop." Yongguk said as he entered the room filled with the rest of the guys. He put the USB in one of the ports and pressed play.
"B.A.P! Haven't seen you in a long time!" Said the person on camera. 
"KRIS!!" Yongguk shouted, slamming his fist on the desk.
"Anyway, we followed you and that pretty little thing home! What luck! We only wanted make a demand! But it seems I came back with something to play with!" He moved from in front of the camera to someone sitting in a chair with their head hanging, hiding their face. "Honey, you're on camera!" Kris whispered to the person. He gently put his hand under their chin and lifted it up.
At that moment, each one of the B.A.P members wanted to brutally murder him. Covered in bruises, was Miki. Her lips was bleeding and you could tell she was half conscious.
"There we go! Show everyone your pretty face! Or, what's left of it...Tao! I told you not to be so rough!!"
"She was struggling too much!!" Someone off screen yelled.
"AISH! Anyway, we need money, but we can't do it! Get 10 million dollars in cash, and I won't kill her!" Kris held his gun to Miki's head. "Hurry, before I decided to keep her, and the money!" Kris put his face against her hair and took a long whiff. The video ended.
Yongguk wanted to throw the laptop, but Zelo stopped him.
"Hyung, the video isn't finished yet!" He pointed to the screen.
The video camera was turned back on. This time, Miki was standing up in front of the camera, away from the chair.
"I really hope they don't delete this." She sniffled wiping away her tears. "I want you to hear my message... Don't come for me. I don't want you to live the lives of criminals anymore. We already got you out of this situation before. We got your names cleared. Don't go back for one person. Yongguk, you were the best brother anyone could ever have! I love you with all my heart, and will love you 'til I die. Youngjae, Daehyun, Zelo, Himchan. You guys were the best friends a weird, childish tomboy could ever have! Keep smiling. And Himchan, treat Amber with respect!" She pointed to the camera and furrowed her eyebrows. "Jongup...my first and only love. You have respected me as an individual for these years we've been together. I know you've been holding back, for me, and that one of the reasons I love you with all my heart. If we ever got married and had children, I'd have wanted my first girl to be Ayame and the boy to be Eli. We could've lived in a big house, away from my creepy brother. Just the two of us." Tears flowed down the side of her face. "Live a normal life, ok? These are my last words. This...is goodbye!!" She showed the camera her gun. She placed it beside her head and waved to the camera before turning it off.
Everyone was crying. Jongup was bawling his eyes out and throwing things in a fit of rage. The camera turned back on.
"Yo! Your girl isn't dead yet!" Kris showed the camera the same gun and showed them once again a tied up Miki. She had fresh blood falling down the side of her face, but she was alive. "Hurry up! Her time is almost over!" And the camera turned off again.
That night, B.A.P just sat around, thinking of ideas. Then, they thought of the best plan.
Three days later...
B.A.P made their way down into an abandoned subway station. There, Kris and some other guys were there waiting.
"Where's Miki?" Yongguk asked with a poker face.
"Miki... What a cute name! Your girl is right here..." Kris held Miki up by the back of her neck. 
It took all of Yongguk's and Jongup's strength not to run and kill them all.
"Here's the money..." Yongguk dropped the case beside his feet. One of Kris's guys went over to pick it up. He looked inside and nodded to Kris.
"It pains me to let her go..." Kris smiled and pushed Miki towards B.A.P.
She couldn't help but wear a smile as she limped her way over. She was within arms reach, when Kris pulled out his gun and shot her in the chest.
B.A.P stood wide eyed and in shock as Miki fell to the ground, dead. B.A.P went crazy and started firing at the other side.
After an exchange of gunfire, B.A.P joined Miki in the afterlife and Kris walked away with a smile on his face and money in his hand.
Wait, scratch that. I hate sad endings. Especially when my bias is one of the characters!!
"It pains me to let her go..." Kris smiled and pushed Miki towards B.A.P.
She couldn't help but wear a smile as she limped her way over. She walked into Yongguk's outstretched arms. He held her before looking at Kris and smiled. He pressed a button on his belt, and SWAT closed in from either side. They capture Kris's group and escorted B.A.P to Yongguk's home.
Yongguk took Miki in his arms and took her to her room. As he was leaving her bedroom, he put a hand on Jongup's shoulder.
"Be with her..." He whispered as he walked away.
Jongup took her desk chair and sat beside her bed. All through the night and 'til noon the next day, he remained by her side.
It took Miki a week to fully recover to the point where she was her old self. It brought relief to everyone in B.A.P.
"Jongup... Can you please take a walk with me?" Miki asked timidly. For the entire time she was recovering, he wouldn't talk to her, but he still took care of her.
Jongup stood up, grabbed his jacket, and walked outside with her. He followed him to a nearby park and Miki took a seat on the swing. Jongup gently pushed her from behind. A tear rolled down her face.
"What did I do wrong?" She sobbed, desperately trying to wipe away the tear.
"You believed I would give up on finding you, just because you told me to. You tried to kill yourself, because you thought I could live a normal life if you died." Jongup forced the swing to stop. "I don't think you believe I love you!!" He clenched the chains until his knuckles became white.
"That's not true...I'm sorry..." Miki cried. She stood up and stopped herself from crying. She turned to face Jongup. "I don't mean to be a burden..." She bowed 90 degrees.
Jongup couldn't take it anymore. He stood her up, and hugged her with all his might.
"I love you so much. I can never stay mad at you. Stay by my side...forever..." He whispered in her ear.
"Promise me, that you'll never let go..." She sobbed.
"I promise..."
"I don't want you to hold back any more..." She whispered and pulled away from the hug. She kissed him on the lips.
Jongup, free to do whatever, pushed harder. They shared their first passionate kiss.
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kathleen011898 #1
I'm crying right now.. ;u; such an amazing story~ you've done a great job author-nim! \^o^/ <3
Chapter 1: I love this story so much! This is fantastic! Especially the part you associated One shot with the rest of the story! Really really awesome <3