

A series of bad decisions made by both Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin will come back to bite them when they send their children to the same summer camp for two months. This summer will be their most memorable in years. 


*Warning: Very brief mention of mpreg. However, for the sake of the story, we shall not question the magical man womb. :)


*Semi Hiatus* 


Sungmin and Kyuhyun had a whirlwind romance. They had met on a trip to Japan, both of them going to experience the sights, sounds, and culture of the Japanese isles. It was on the shores of Okinawa that the two met. They spent the remainder of their month-long adventure together, exploring the seaside; and, after spending an obscene amount of time locked in either of their hotel rooms, the two returned to their homeland of Korea. 

Once home, an unexpected visit to the doctors told them that they would be expecting a child. Kyuhyun’s mother was scandalized by the turn of events and did her very best to input herself in their lives and drive the couple apart. 
Nine months after they met, Sungmin gave birth to two healthy baby boys - identical twins with Sungmin’s bright eyes and Kyuhyun’s nose. 
With the arrival of the boys, Kyuhyun’s mother’s persistence proved to be too much for the young parents. After a monumental argument between the Cho family matriarch and Sungmin, Sungmin declared he could no longer live with the woman and either Kyuhyun left with him and the children, or he stayed with his overbearing mother. 
Even though it broke his heart to watch Sungmin gather his belongings and pack up the boys necessities, filial son that he was, Kyuhyun chose to stay by his mother’s side. 
It was when Sungmin was at the door, shoulders shaking as he tried not to cry and carrying both his sons in their carseats, that Kyuhyun stopped him. 
“You can’t take them.”
“Excuse me?”
“They’re my sons too. You can’t take them from me. I won’t let you.”
“Do you think I’d actually leave without my children? They’re mine.”
“They’re ours!”
“And you already made your decision. We’re leaving.”
“Let me keep one! Let me keep one of our sons with me, or... or I’ll sue you for custody of both of them.”
“You can’t be serious!” Kyuhyun's stony expression answered the question. One of the boys had cried and Sungmin found himself looking down at his sons, so small and innocent; they’d never understand how much his heart was breaking. “Kyuhyun... you can’t do this.”
“But I will, Sungmin. You’re not taking both of my sons.” Kyuhyun was behind him, already grasping the handle of the carseat in Sungmin’s left hand, the one with the little boy who was still sleeping soundly.
“Junghwan,” Sungmin gasped, trying to tug the carrier away from Kyuhyun. “Kyuhyun, no...”
Kyuhyun gently pulled the seat away from a trembling Sungmin. 
“Kyuhyun, stop this nonsense already. Just let him and his children go already. This is ridiculous!”
“Mother, please,” Kyuhyun replied, tight lipped, signalling for his watching mother to stay out of the situation she had created. He looked at the sleeping Junghwan and then at his twin, and finally, at Sungmin. “You may tell him goodbye and then be on your way.”
Tears rolling down his reddened cheeks, Sungmin wanted to fight for his child yet the thought of losing both of his precious children was unbearable. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Junghwan’s forehead. “I love you so much. I promise you, I’ll fix this.”
Kyuhyun pulled away from the second carrier where he had been bidding goodbye to his other son, his lips down turned in his sadness. “I’m sorry it has to be this way, Sungmin.”
Sungmin shook his head, tearing his gaze away from Junghwan. “No, you’re not. It wouldn’t be this way if you really were.”

A/N: I was watching the original Parent Trap (if you didn't already figure out that's what this is), and just wanted to have some fun with KyuMin. I know it seems really serious now but it won't be. This is not an angst fic. :)
I'm editing chapters because I realized (in rereading to remember the story OTL) that I'm really lazy and there are a horrible number of mistakes. My bad.


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I miss this TT^TT
daisykyu #2
Chapter 10: authornim... still on hiatus? ^^ update juseyo ~~
I hope you could still update this :( :)
Chapter 10: Hi! I really love this story! It was great! It's been almost a year... I really hope you could update this, please? :)
Chapter 10: this story..... I caught myself tearing up more than once. this story somehow is so sad even though I laughed and smiled a lot because of the kids, ahra, eunhae and sungmin's kind heart.... I just....it's really moving.
god....i see myself sobbing really hard when the revelations and confrontation is going to happen between the parted family.

thank you so much for sharing this story!
daisykyu #6
Chapter 10: authornim.. update pleaseee :)
i just found this..^_^
hope to read more soon author-nim., :D

i wanna see how sandeul would be., :D
TaiShanNiangNiang #8
Chapter 10: That lunch will be interesting for sure! Happy you updated :) Really like reading each boy's reaction to how the other lives.
Chapter 10: Aww look at Junghwan being a weirdo kekekee. Ahra is the best aunt ever.
Come on, Kyuhyun, fix this, okay?!
Chapter 10: K why is it duck for president XDD IVE seen that in other Fanfics :PPP