With the Wind

With the Wind

With the Wind
by me, (eseul!) ^__^ 

Pink petals fluttered down dancing against the blue sky. It’s been a long time since I’ve lay like this just letting the sun kiss my cheeks.

My days have been nothing but memorizing formulas and theories this past week because of midterms. I’ve over estimated myself and took over five courses and decided to work a weekend part time job. I originally signed up for an additional yoga class, but decided to drop it in the first week.

I sighed; I really didn’t want to go to work. There was this one really annoying girl who does everything at the rate of a snail. Of course in the end, I’m usually the one who has to help her finish.

“Jiyoung, give her a hand, won’t you?” My boss would say while snapping her peppermint gum.

Setting up the floor took so much work. I had enough of stamping price tags and dressing up plastic mannequins the size of a stripper poles. I’ve pricked myself more than a dozen times adjusting the size of baggy T-shirts with safety pins.

I didn’t understand why she needed twenty mannequins in the microscopic store either.

I reached to catch a petal but they all glided through my fingers.

No petals fought against the wind and simple lets fate take its course. Eventually, the petal will fall until it wilts to nothing but dirt.

I gripped my notebook full of confusing notes and violently tore it apart. I don’t want to be the same. I don’t want to be a lawyer. I don’t want to be a white collar office lady. I don’t want to be the obedient house wife. I don’t want to live in a crammed apartment building with fifty other students using a community bath.

“You’re not allowed to sit on the grass,” the college security came glaring before I could make a bigger mess.

I tsked and got up while stuffing my messed up notebook into my bag. I sighed, ‘what are you doing Kang Jiyoung? Shooting a movie?’

Now I need to rewrite my notes all over again.

“Jiyoung! I saw you shred your notebook just then. Silly girl,” Lee Kikwang, plopped something onto my hand.

“What’s this notebook for?” I asked flipping it open.

“I don’t need it. The store had a buy one get one free,” he winked.

“But it’s a diary… the size and pages are all wrong…. I can’t survive a semester with this,” I complained but I didn’t return it and stuck it in my bag.

I felt something heavy fall on my shoulder, “Hi Jiyoung.”

It was Dongwoon. They were in lots of my classes since we had the same major.

I brushed his arm off my shoulder and smiled. Actually, I had a bit of a crush on him since the beginning of the semester but since my schedule was so hectic and I didn’t want to fall behind in my studies, I dared not try and take this relationship past the friendship stage.

“Hi.” I said meekly.

“I saw you shredding your notebook, that’s brilliant. Let me see.” Dongwoon teased amused by my actions.

I sighed and took it out. It was half torn and half crumpled. Maybe I can just try to straighten out the edges and tape it back together.

“You crazy woman,” He commented handing me the notebook back.

“What?!” I hit his arm.

“I’ll let you borrow this if you buy me dinner, ” Dongwoon waved a usb flash drive in front of me.

“I take all my notes on the computer. I don’t want to brag, but I always get better grades than you.” He smirked.

I snatched it and gave him a sweet smile.

“Thanks so much, love you lots! How about unagi?” I rubbed my stomach. All the cramming and studying made me hungry.

“Loser pays the bill,” Kikwang suddenly cut in and everyone responded with a rock, paper, or scissor. It somehow became a Friday tradition amongst the three of us.

“Damn it,” Dongwoon glared at Kikwang.

Kikwang and I high fived, “Dongwoon, I’ve been tutoring you all this time. If someone needs to be buying lunch, it’s you. You owe me.”

Kikwang smiled smugly sticking his tongue out.

“Fine fine.” Dongwoon yawned. His eyes teared and he began to massage his own shoulder.

“I’ve been crouched over a desk for too long,” He groaned.

I hopped over to his side and gave him a light massage with my hands.

“Yeah, it’s pretty knotted.” I said while noticing his height.

I was tall, but he was comfortably taller. It seemed like such a perfect shoulder to lean against while watching a movie together.

Kikwang hopped over next to me and joined me by lightly drumming on his back.

“Jiyoung, my back is sore too.” Kikwang complained while pretending a limp.

I slapped his back with all of my strength, “Yeah right. You’re healthier than a horse Kikwang.”

Kikwang winced but just smiled.

“I think I’m a masochist, that felt nice.” Kikwang teased me.

“!” I slapped him harder, but he just smiled brightly like a crazy person.

“Dongwoon save me!” I complained.

“Jiyoung, you don’t need to do much. Just stare down at him.” Dongwoon laughed while propping his arm ontop of Kikwang’s head.

“He’s actually a few centimeters shorter because he stuffs things into his shoes to look taller,” Dongwoon taunted feeling sweet revenge from the early rock, paper, and scissor game.

“Boys boys, stop fighting over me. I’m too popular,” I flipped my hair jokingly.

“Ah, that reminds me. Tada!” Dongwoon flashed his ring finger at us.

A ring.

Something heavy thumped at my chest. I gripped my hand and inhaled deeply.

“Dongwoon, I’m in love with you!” I shouted. I said it in a panic and on a sudden burst that I immediately began to regret it.

Kikwang smiled.

“Jiyoung…” He said.

But I had my eyes closed tightly. How were they staring at me? We were such great friends, I ruined everything… didn’t I?

I felt someone take my hand and put something in it. It felt like a ring.

“Jiyoung open your eyes.” Kikwang said with his arm around my shoulder.

“Is he gone?” I asked.

“Silly girl,” Kikwang flicked my forehead lightly with his finger.

“ow,” I mumbled.

Kikwang flashed his hand in front of my eyes. It was the same ring Dongwoon had. My jaws dropped.

“You guys were gay?” I felt my eyes beginning to sting.

Dongwoon face palmed himself.

“Crazy girl, look at what I put in your hand.” Dongwoon tsked.

I looked down, it was the same exact ring as they had on.

“Wh-what’s this?” I asked crying now.

“It was a friendship ring,” Kikwang complained taking his off.

“But I guess I’d be the annoying third wheeler in this situation,” Kikwang sighed.

“Friendship ring?” I asked confused.

I felt my cheeks and ears burning, perhaps my whole face was tomato red. I covered my face and darted the opposite direction as them, but something pulled me back.

It was Kikwang.

“I love you too. Since awhile ago.” Dongwoon said.

“Finally. It has been driving me crazy being in the middle of you guys.” Kikwang complained.

I looked confused at Kikwang.


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Chapter 1: Hahaha this is so awesome!
LMFAOOO!!! Here you go!!! <333 Maybe you can post this LOOOL!

Letterofspring #3
Chapter 1: fluffy and sweet! more JingWoon or maybe KiYoung.. <3 <3

OR JunYoung (Junhyung + Jiyoung )
NarKara #4
Chapter 1: Hello. I just made an account here. Good stuff ^^
KYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You already have a reader/commenter!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Haha oh poor dense Jiyoung...KIKWANG GO AMDFIGHT, CHARGEEEEE!
This was pretty good ^_^ also welcome to AFF!