


“Holy .”
That wasn’t the phrase he had expected from Seunghyun when he walked through the door of the hair and make up room. Looking around, all Jiyong saw was a cordi-noona cleaning up her station. The room smelled of hair dye fumes and other products like always, but today they seemed to hang more thickly in the air.
The cordi-noona looked up, not surprised at Jiyong’s sudden entrance. She smiled shyly and pointed the bathroom door that separated the mini salon and the dressing rooms. The door was shut, but Jiyong tried to open it anyway, only to find that it was locked.
“Ji? What are you doing here?”
“Here to see if you’re done and want to go get lunch.” He’d texted the man thirty minutes ago, and in receiving no reply, he’d come in search of the man.
“Go ahead,” Seunghyun called. “I’m not going out any time soon.”
Jiyong’s eyebrows furrowed. “What? You’ve been here for two hours already. What‘s up? Did they up your hair?”
No response. “It can’t be that bad.”
Seunghyun begged to differ. “It’s pretty bad.” 
“Not as bad as my hair. Mine can’t even be called hair anymore, really. When I lay down it feels like my pillow’s turned into... Oh what is it? Are you bald? Did they shave it all off? Is it a weird color? Red, like in Tell Me Goodbye?”
The door to the bathroom swung open, surprising Jiyong enough that he took a step back to avoid getting hit. Seunghyun stood leaning against the frame, eyes half-hidden but clearly glaring.
Seunghyun’s hair was white.
Not bald. Not red. Not even blonde. 
Seunghyun watched Jiyong’s face through his now white bangs. The man was staring in shock, a similar expression he had when he had looked up from when the cordi-noona had removed the foil and lo and behold, his black hair was gone. 
Jiyong’s face twitched. He tried to control it, really he did. But the corner of his lip twitched up. It was like looking into the future… T.O.P senior!
His mask broke as he snorted, and he burst out laughing.
Seunghyun’s glare could only be described as a ‘look that could kill’, but Jiyong couldn’t contain himself.
“You look—” snort “like an—” more broken laugher, the younger man clutched his sides in pathetic attempt to restrain his amusement.
“Just say it.” Seunghyun bit out, teeth grinding.
“An ajuss—! An ajusshi!”
The older man had to clench his fists as Jiyong was thrown into another fit of giggles.
“E-excuse me.”
Seunghyun turned sharply at the young voice that interrupted him. The cordi-noona faltered, moving a step backwards at the fierce look in the much taller man’s eyes. Inwardly, Seunghyun winced. He wasn’t some sort of beast, why were people so intimidated by him?
He forced himself to close his eyes, to relax so he didn’t scare the noona anymore. Jiyong had also calmed himself somewhat; that smirk still played on his lips.
“Yes?” Seunghyun finally managed, opening his eyes again.
The woman eased at the more calm tone from him. “We still have to finish cutting, sir.”
“It’s not done yet?”
Jiyong’s grin widened at Seunghyun whining. “Don’t worry, hyung. It doesn’t look that bad. Just different.”
“Coming from someone who called me an ajusshi.”
The cordi-noona excused herself to go retrieve some supplies that she had forgotten in her car, but Seunghyun barely noticed her leave. 
“Don’t worry, Hyunnie. You’re still hot.” Jiyong had that mischievous glint in his eyes. The spark that Seunghyun instantly recognized and brought back many memories of pleasure and embarrassing times to explain himself. He never trusted that look.
He grunted, and moved to go sit back in that dreaded styling chair. He watched himself in the mirror, strands of his snow white hair morosely. It was too much of a shock; surely he’d loose fans for this . Really, why exactly did their concept call for him to have such a strange color? 
The cordi-noona would have had to walk all the way down to the parking lot if she forgot something in her car, Jiyong mused. So, it’d take a while for her to get back…
Without making a sound, Jiyong made his way over to his hyung, resting his chin Seunghyun’s shoulder. His hand came up and pulled Seunghyun’s away from his bangs. 
“It’s really not that bad,” he murmured in his ear. 
“Ji if that woman comes back in here and you’re being—” 
He cut him off with a sharp nip to his earlobe. “It’s okay.” he soothed, kissing the love bite. “The hair’s not that bad, the fans will love it. If I have to I’ll just show you that your hair doesn’t matter to me back home, eh?”
Seunghyun caught the timbre in Jiyong’s voice, just as familiar as that glint that came to his eyes. He fought his emotions, telling himself that if they were caught it would be a hell of a lot harder to explain that anything they had ever dealt with, and that cordi-noona was new and couldn’t really be trusted yet. He’d caught her sneaking a picture of him with her cell phone when he was under the hooded hair dryers. He hadn’t said anything to be polite, but if she caught Ji being frisky, who’s to say it would be seen as more than skinship.
He turned, careful not hit Jiyong in the process. His eyes dashed to the open doorway, before throwing caution to hell as he wrapped a hand around the younger man’s neck and pull him down. The kiss was quick but hard; Seunghyun nipped Ji’s lower lip before letting him go, revenge for the one on his ear. Jiyong‘s eyes were darker, the glint gone but a whole different side was kicking in. 
“After you get me food, I get my hair cut, and you still want to look at me,” Seunghyun conditioned, watching the way Ji’s tongue ran across his lips. “Then we’ll see.”
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mikadosm #1
Chapter 1: I never thought that Seunghyun could be an adjust. I rather think he's extremely hot with them. Nice story!
Chapter 1: Love this <3
Awesome fic!!!:D
GD always knows how to make TOP feel better xD
stupidpliaar #8
Ohhhh geez why'd that have to be a oneshot??? TT^TT<br />
NU, i loved it. so effing much. god so hot and cute. <br />
I happen to love his hair tho xD and i think it's silver o-O idk, could be white<br />
Sequel time? :D<br />
Lol, well anyways. Just saying good job<3