What Am I?



It Hurt! It Hurt! It Hurt!
Kyuhyuns body screamed at him as he strained to perfect his dance moves. The studio was empty apart from the constantly looping music and the sound of his breath. 
Although he was considered well again after his car accident a few years ago he found himself in pain whenever he worked too hard. This however was a good thing to him, it meant he new when he was working hard and when he was slacking off. 
A loud sound caught his attention and he realized his phone was ringing. The small object hummed along playing "Sorry Sorry" on the bench in the back of the room. Kyuhyun ignored it frowning, he was too busy to speak with the other members right now. Besides if they new he was dancing through his break time between schedules they would probably lecture him.
Kyuhyun didn't see the point in that, he needed to be better and the only way he could be better was to work.
Sweat traveled down his face as he forced himself on through the dance, the moves seemed to blur themselves together and he no longer was as focused on them anymore. Every now and then he forgot why he was even there. 
Again his phone sounded, he wasn't sure how long it had been going off but he decided it must have been important. Kyuhyun knelt down with a painful sigh and answered the phone before it could ring again. 
"Hello?" He sighed down the phone
"Kyuhyun! Why haven't you been answering your phone!" Heechuls voice just about shattered Kyuhyuns eardrums. He had to pull the phone away for a moment and surprisingly he was able to still hear Heechuls angry tone. 
"Hyung, do you mind" Kyuhyun muttered 
"YES I DO MIND W-" Heechul began but the sound of the phone being tossed about cut off his sentence. Suddenly a softer voice was on the other end. 
"Kyuhyun, where are you?" Leeteuk asked Don't tell him the truth! Kyuhyun thought. 
"Oh, i'm...Wait! Why is it so important? Did something happen?" 
"Manager Hyung wants to talk to you, we have been trying to get hold of you for hours" Leeteuk sighed, his tone was soft but he was obviously stressed out. 
"Sorry hyung, where are you?" Kyuhyun asked
"I'm about to leave for Kiss the radio" Leeteuk answered, he sounded like he was moving around the dorm in a rush. 
"So the manager wants to see just me?" 
"Thats right, hes at the SM building waiting for you in the lobby" Leeteuk answered 
"O-ok ill be right there, thanks hyung" Kyuhyun quickly ended the call. 
He threw his phone, water bottle and a towel in his bag before throwing it over his shoulder and rushing out of the studio. He must have looked like he was a master power walker or something. 
He wasn't simply worried about being late, although he was unfortunately. Instead he was worried about the reason the manager was demanding to see him at all. Normally he was never called for a meeting without the other members. 
What does he want? Kyuhyun couldn't help but wonder as he finally arrived at the SM building. 
He was greeted by a very angry manager, his sharp eyes glaring at him and his arms folded. Without a word Kyuhyun got the idea something was wrong. 
"Sorry i'm late manag-" Kyuhyun began but was cut off. 
"Not here, lets go to my office" The manager turned away and began leading Kyuhyun out of public view to speak to him privately. This did nothing by scare Kyuhyun even more.
"Now Kyuhyun.....Take a seat" The manager pointed to a seat in his office, the older man sat at his desk while Kyuhyun took a seat in front of him. 
"What is all this about?" Kyuhyun was unable to help asking, his foot tapped lightly nervously.
"You should know" The manager snapped "You must have seen the uproar online"
"Uproar?" Kyuhyun asked 
"The fans are unhappy and so am I" The manager narrowed his eyes "Your slacking Kyuhyun, your exhausted on shows or what little shows you have should I say. Your singing isn't up to scratch like Yesung and Ryeowooks and finally your dance moves are sloppy" The man went on scolding Kyuhyun getting more angry as he went on. Kyuhyun stayed silent taking everything thrown at him. 
I'm sorry Kyuhyun thought I know i'm terrible 
"We could throw you into the back again but what good would that do if your singing ability is terrible" The manager snapped, Kyuhyun winced at the comment "Work harder! Or get out!"
Kyuhyun bowed with a nod and without a word left the fuming manager. 
Normally the members would return to the dorm, discuss a solution and if needed cry. Kyuhyun however was different, he didn't want to cry in front of his hyungs. They were people he deeply cared about, what good would crying on them do? It would make them worry. 
Kyuhyun instead went to a bar instead, he wasn't the type to drink beer or soju. He didn't usually go to a bar either, instead he would stay at the dorm and drink wine late at night. However Kyuhyuns heart was hurting and he new if he saw one of the members, tears would follow. 
Most of the singers night was spent sitting alone in the corner of the bar, watching strangers come and go. He continually drank wine, any kind it didn't matter to him anymore. 
He waved his hand for another bottle but it was refused. The man shook his head at Kyuhyun before pointing to the clock.
"You have already had too much sir, besides we are closing soon" The man explained folding his arms. Kyuhyun hadn't realized before but the bar was empty apart from his shaky figure. 
"I...Uh...ermmm" Kyuhyun muttered obviously drunk, he pulled himself upwards grasping the table as if his life depended on it. 
"Do you have someone to pick you up?" The man asked "Your from Super Junior right?"
"Yeah" Kyuhyun started chuckling to himself "Or am I? I don't know anymore" He went on laughing to himself. A sad looked dawned on the mans face and he took out his phone to make a call. Kyuhyun was obviously too drunk after all. 
A few moments later the man handed the phone to Kyuhyun. The singer slowly put the phone to his ear. 
"Hi" Kyuhyun said way too excited to hear his hyung. 
"Kyu?" Sungmins voice was desperate.
"Oh! Minnie!" Kyuhyun said again in a cute voice before laughing at himself. 
"Kyu are you drunk?" Sungmin asked in a gentle voice 
"You should SERIOUSLY try the wine down here, its FanTAStical" Kyuhyun laughed 
"Ok, your definitely drunk" Sungmin muttered "Im going to come and get you" 
"Nawwww your no Fun minnie!" Kyuhyun pouted
"By the sounds of things ill have to move fast" Sungmin sighed with that the boy ended the call. 
By the time Sungmin arrived at the bar Kyuhyun had destroyed everything he was able to get his hands on. He was seated in the corner laughing to himself with the bartender standing on guard.
"I'm sorry if he was any trouble" Sungmin bowed to the man before taking hold of Kyuhyuns arm. 
"FINALLY! miiiinnnniiiie you should SERIOUSLY try the wine here, HEY! wine guy give him a glass" Kyuhyun waved at the poor bartender as he was dragged by Sungmin. 
"No Kyu its time to go home ok?" Sungmin said putting an arm around Kyuhyuns waist the his arm over his own shoulder when he started to wobble. 
"Nawww Fine...." Kyuhyun mummbled as they left the bar, Sungmin walked Kyuhyun to the van and helped inside before following. The two sat together in the car, Sungmin unfortunately having to restrain him every time he wanted to leap out of the vehicle through the window. 
The two finally got back to the dorm and by that time Kyuhyun found his body started shaking and the wine begging to escape his body. He ran/Stumbled awkwardly to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet witch turned out to be the sink. 
Sungmin followed him steadily moving him to the toilet before he knelt beside him. He rubbed his back, making slow circles to try and comfort the other. 
"What happened Kyu?" Sungmin asked biting his bottom lip in worry, Kyuhyun slumped back and leaned against the wall. Sungmin sat directly in front of him staring at the weak and pale looking member. 
"What am I anymore" Kyuhyun muttered in a deathly tone.
"What do you mean Kyu?" Sungmin asked 
"I entered Super Junior as a singer, its funny how I've brought nothing to this group" Kyuhyun laughed at himself again "Only Anti-fans and worry"
"Thats not true Kyu! Who said that to you?" Sungmin asked Kyuhyun didn't reply "Was it the talk with the manager? did he say that?" Sungmin went on asking. 
"He didn't have to....i already new i was a waste of space" Kyuhyun whispered smiling weakly at the bathroom ceiling. 
Sungmin shook his head grabbing Kyuhyuns hand and holding it tightly before he spoke.
"Kyuhyun your definitely not a waste of space! Your amazing! Your voice, your looks everything about you is amazing!" Sungmins eyes watered as he spoke "Your someone despite being younger then me, that I look up to" Kyuhyun felt tears breaking through his mask and falling down his cheeks. 
"I worked so hard minnie.....All that time alone, working......" Kyuhyun muttered as tears streamed down his face, gathering at his chin and then simply falling away. 
Sungmin suddenly pulled him into a warm hug, it was so tight it would have felt uncomfortable to the usual person but to Kyuhyun it was the best hug of his life. It was warm and meaningful he felt life enter him through his hyung. 
"Stop working by yourself then pabo" Sungmin muttered with a smile as a single tear escaped his own eye. 
"Who you calling idiot" Kyuhyun snapped back with a smile as well, tears still falling from his eyes. They weren't of sadness however but of happiness. It felt good to let out his emotions that he held for so long. 
"Lets get you to bed ok? We can talk about everything else tomorrow" Sungmin helped him up and walked him to their room. Sungmin lay him down in his bed pulling the covers up so only Kyuhyuns head showed. 
"Thank you Sungmin" Kyuhyun muttered wiping a few more stray tears. 
"I see your not as drunk anymore" Sungmin smiled "otherwise it would probably be Thankiiiiiiiezzzz Minnie!!!!" He acted like Kyuhyun had earlier. 
"When would i ever say that" Kyuhyun pouted with a grin. 
"Get some sleep magnae" Sungmin walked toward the light switch gazing back at the bed for a few moments. Kyuhyun had already passed out a smile still on his face. 
"Your welcome Kyu" 

Here it is :D a rather long chapter :) I hope you enjoy drunkKyu XD now that this one is finished im moving onto the next angst ^-^ enjoy

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Chapter 2: Cutie drunkkyu.....
yuki-girl #2
Chapter 2: Drunk kyu is funny
anticipating :)