It begins





Kyuhyun had lived.....
He had lived through the hatred of other members to the point they grew to like him.
He had lived through hatred from fans telling him he was never going to be a member.
He had lived a car accident that threatened to kill him.
Yes it was easy to say Kyuhyun was a strong person, some might say a fighter. But every warrior has a heart, every warrior has a shield that threatens to break. Kyuhyun followed a special set of rules when it came to his emotions. 
Shedding tears was out of the question for him, in his mind he thought he had no right to. He was the magnae that would stay silent no matter how it hurt. Of course making fun of the members was something he naturally did, but in bad situations he would shut away his tears and suffer on the inside. 
This was just what Kyuhyun did.......This was his way, there wasn't anything wrong with keeping the burden of himself from the other members. 
"Kyuhyun!" A sharp poke jolted the man from his sleep. 
"mmff" Kyuhyun mumbled
"Kyuuuuuuuu!" Three more pokes and a whiny voice made it impossible for the magnae to ignore. He opened his eyes looking up to see Ryeowook preparing to nudge him again. 
"What is it?" Kyuhyun asked "It cant be morning already"
"Sorry to disappoint you but..." Ryeowook pointed to the small clock beside the bed. 
"6am....." Kyuhyun groaned 
"Hurry up" Ryeowook clapped his hands as he walked out the door "I made breakfast"
Kyuhyun simply rolled his eyes and pushed himself up wincing. His whole body ached and he wished he could just fall back into his bed and stay there for the rest of the day. However Ryeowook would probably rush into the room with Leeteuk, and knowing Leeteuk he would bring a bottle of water. Kyuhyun shuddered at the thought of the last time he hadn't listened to the leader, he ended up with almost half a bottle of water poured over his head. 
With one more final sigh he got out of bed and made his way slowly out of his room and toward the bathroom. He took a quick shower before getting changed. By the time he was done everyone was awake and at the table eating breakfast. 
Kyuhyun slumped down in an empty seat and Ryeowook spooned food into his plate. The food was like a mountain on his plate and he was unable to suppress a sigh. 
"Eat up Kyu!" Ryeowook smiled brightly 
"Not hungry..." Kyuhyun answered 
"Whats up magnae? Your so listless these days" Kangin asked giving him a nudge, the other members turned their attention to him questioningly. Leeteuk who was on the other side of Kyuhyun put his hand on his shoulder in a comforting way before speaking.
"Did you not sleep well?" Leeteuk asked, Kyuhyun bit his lip and pulled away from the leaders hand. Leeteuk seemed taken aback and went on to question himself "Kyuhyun? Did i do something wrong?" He asked. 
"Its fine Leeteuk....Just leave it" Kyuhyun muttered  forcing himself to smile. Leeteuk decided to leave it at that seeing as they had schedules to do. The members finished their breakfast before heading off to spend their spare 30 minutes or so doing whatever they needed to before leaving for the day. 
Kyuhyun was left at the table with Ryeowook who was clearing plates and glancing at him. He wasn't sure why but Ryeowook was irritating him, what was his problem? Its not like hes bothering them right? He was keeping his problems from them so they wouldn't worry. 
"Kyu" Heechul shouted from the other room, Kyuhyun abandoned his still full plate and made his way to the living room. He was greeted by Heechul, Sungmin and Kangin who were gathered around the computer. 
"What is it?" Kyuhyun asked leaning in to see what they were pointing at. It was a video of one of their music videos. Many ELF and Anti's had commented their opinions below but one stood out the most. It seemed to be repeated rather often from different people both fans and non-fans. 
"They say your dancing isn't good" Heechul laughed "See i told you"
"They say your voice is good though" Sungmin tried to ease the situation. Kyuhyun felt pain burst through his chest at the sharp words. He went on reading, his eyes never leaving the page. They didn't want him dancing, some of them didn't want up front at all even in his singing parts. It hurt to see his hard work tossed aside. 
"Don't worry, its just their opinions now" Kangin shrugged 
"No...Its good, I guess i just need to work harder" Kyuhyun muttered dragging himself away from the computer and grabbing his bag that sat ready beside the door. Without a goodbye as he usually did, Kyuhyun left the dorm. 
When the other members realized he was gone they were baffled. What had gotten into their magnae?
Kyuhyun sat in the car a frown creeping in on his lips, he was tired and in pain but he could tell noone. If anything he thought he wasnt working enough, he needed to work even more on his dancing and his singing to him still needed so much work. Kyuhyun wanted to perfect them, he needed to be strong so that his hyungs wouldnt worry. He had no time to rest, he had no time to cry.
crying was for the weak......

I know its a rather short start but this may only be 2 chapters :3 anyways i hope you enjoy it and ill get the next one out soon :) 


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Chapter 2: Cutie drunkkyu.....
yuki-girl #2
Chapter 2: Drunk kyu is funny
anticipating :)